Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!.



2014-05-09 17:50




2014-05-09 17:59

Stop this pathetic point scoring



2014-05-09 18:30

I agree 100% we need to teach our children that there are consequences for your actions and provide them with good role models in order to raise law abiding citizens let's all stick together as a community and we will find a new and better head for king solomon.


2014-05-09 18:59

As a teacher/lecturer myself I feel very strong about this, and she may have turned QK around, but she took the money and not only £7K, much more.

She told the year 11's before she left that the media was distorting what she owned up to. She said that in regards to the furniture she claimed as expenses, she had bought furniture for her house but it wasnt adequate so she swapped it with the school's furniture! COME ON!!!!!!! one student called her a liar to her face!

Parents need to see that what she did is wrong, and the fact that she admtted to it just says it all. Why the hell would you use school money to fund your party?

She also spoke to the Prom comittee for this year, which my daughter is part of, and she was shocked to learn that the comittee (5 year 11 girls) were organising it all by themselves with no adult involvement. The first thing she asked was how were they handling the money and then she went on to say that from now on she and the school would organise it. WHy? it has always been the year 11 prom comittee who has been organising it, and it always ran smoothly, why would she change it? why would she make the decisions of where and how much???

Makes you wonder....



2014-05-09 19:00

How dare you quote Jewish ethos! In the Torah it states that we should forgive, you need to do some reading



2014-05-09 19:07

It also says thou shalt not steal!!!


2014-05-09 19:10

So if the torah says we should forgive, how come Hashem did not allow the Jews that worshiped the golden calf in the desert, while Moses was up on mount Sinai, to go into the promised land? They made a mistake, shouldn't they have been forgiven? Same situation as Shuter isnt it???


#9 Re:

2014-05-09 19:11

#3: -

I can do the Job as head!



2014-05-09 19:20

Year 11 prom money was sorted by a helpful parent!No member of the school had anything do do with it!!!


2014-05-09 19:28

Yes, i know. She was great and very helpful, but Ms Shuter said that the following year she and the school would organise it. Which makes you wonder.



2014-05-09 19:35

Petitioners, if you feel that strongly why didn't you start the petition in September? Or remove your children? You are jumping on the media bandwagon and I know from experience the press always distort and exaggerate the facts.. It is your duty to teach your children morals.
It is Jo Shuter's duty to ensure they pass their exams, achieve their full potential and get a university place.



2014-05-09 19:38

KS has a business manager who handles all the finances and was there under Mr Lewis. There is no need for Ms Shuter to get involved in and financial activity. We parents should not have any concerns about that



2014-05-09 19:40

Clearly this is turning into a witch hunt for one specific person who seems to have commented a lot of times on here!!!



2014-05-09 19:56

The Torah’s idea of teshuvah (“return”) is not just the undoing or correcting of a past error. Rather, teshuvah is about transforming the past. It means reaching back to change the significance and the consequences of what happened, so that the end result is better than what would have been had it not occurred.



2014-05-09 21:16

The fact that many of her supporters are prepared to oversee what she has done is extremely worrying. My child is due to begin 6th form at KS next September, but she has told me today that with this scandal she is not sure if she would like to go there anymore.
Since she was appointed head I began worrying. I went to all meetings and I was one of the few parent to defy her. When she began talking about photography, drama, philosophy lessons for the 6th form I asked her where would she get the money to fund these courses. Her answer was that these courses didnt need a lot of money to be created. I as a lecturer of 7 different business courses, know for a fact that it is utter rubbish and I told her so.
Not long after I had another meeting for my other child's gcse choice of courses, and wasn't I amazed to find out that Jewish studies was to become a core subject and a non obligatory GCSE. All the JS teachers were extremely worried and I spoke to each of them. Now why would she turn JS into a core subject? Easy.... this way she would be able to get rid of JS teachers and fund her other courses. Now isn't that killing the ethos of the school?

Now if people think that JS should be a core subject why is it that you have your child in a Jewish school?



2014-05-10 01:40



2014-05-10 05:45

I am behind u 100%. Unlike the petitioner to keep Shuter in here and on my petition we have
The right of an opinion. The administrator of the petition to keep shuter on is deleting all my posts. She says it has abusive language!
Come on!!! These parents are fools!



2014-05-10 05:59

Funny you should say that, she's been deleting my posts too and I haven't been abusive at all. I've just given my opinion on how I disagree what some people have said. It just goes to show the truth hurts and the other petition can't handle it!



2014-05-10 06:06

Well said #72. She won one award which certainly shall be taken away.
How many people have own awards and continue doing good? Many.
But Shuter won the award and she believed to be invincible. Greed went to her head.
She was on a very good salary £170K per year. Many families live with less and have 2
Parents working. Pure greed. I totally agree that she is ruining the Jewish community. She shows no pleasure in the festivals and oversees assemblies.
For those parents who support her I believe that these do not have a strong Jewish identity.
Yes you will say that there are less Jews in the school nowadays, but nonetheless the fact that other kids from different religions were coming to the school
and adhering to the curriculum, was opening their horizons and showing them that the Jewish people are not as bad as some other religions or races portray us to be.
There are many Muslims who come to the school and integrate well. This just goes to show the world that there is no need for racism or prejudice.
Haven't we as Jews been targeted enough? The fact that despite being a Jewish school we are opened to other religions shows that we are accepting of other cultures, races, identities, religions.
It is a message that we are sending out saying we are all the same. Even though we are minority in the school it is and always been a Jewish school and those who are not Jewish come to the school because obviously their parents believe it to be good enough for their kids and do not mind the fact that is a Jewish school.
Now by Shuter taking away the Jewish ethos of the school she is not only targeting our community but she is killing the chance of showing people that we are not as bad as they portray us in the news, books...



2014-05-10 10:07

I can't believe the other petition is removing posts saying its abusive. I happened to mention that it wasn't a big deal that she won an award over 7 years ago and hasn't won it again since. I also said that my baby's buggy won an award too shall I keep it forever and this post was removed. Clearly they can't handle the truth!



2014-05-10 10:24

Natacha you made your views very clear at the introductory meeting by constantly heckling and interrupting Ms Shuter. You are clearly at odds with the direction the school HAS to take as a result of the rapid change in the diversity of the local demographic.
Why did you keep your children there if you were not happy? I certainly would not have.
Of course you are entitled to disagree with the parents who support her but we outnumber you many times over. More than 80% are in favour of her remaining.
And we are not blind fools as you suggest. You are not the only one with a good education and a high achieving career



2014-05-10 10:37

You say 80% are in favour but I think you are wrong as I've had a number of private calls saying they agree with not wanting her back but are too scared to voice their opinions for worry that the other parents may shun them or their kids.
Shocked and disgusted at your vitriol!


2014-05-10 12:55

If I read one more time about how highly educated you are, blah blah, I think I will throw up (I'm halfway there as you have already sickened me so much). Your vitriolic ranting has made this personal about Jo Shuter and not once have you referenced her vast achievements as a result of her fight and drive to champion her previous school. The work Jo Shuter has done at KS in her headship to date is frankly astounding and I am talking as a parent of a Year 11 pupil as well as someone who has been fortunate enough to speak with her about my initial educational concerns (all of which were alleviated then and there or shortly after).

You have no right to take the moral high ground here. This is purely about Jo Shuter's ability to perform her job and nothing to do with her finances, inside leg measurement or what she had for dinner last night. Your sheer spite and evil ranting would indicate that you should step out of your glass house before throwing stones. Lecturing on ethics is clearly a role that you should back away from very quickly. In fact I would find it immensely entertaining if one of your students could see how moral you come across outside of your lecture hall.

Please do voice your opinion (as is your right), but behave like an adult and debate your case with maturity!



2014-05-10 13:18

#24 you need to calm down this is a place to voice opinions and if you don't like it rant somewhere else. You are protecting a thief who hasn't proven anything in her 7 months at KS. You're all hanging onto her award she achieved in 2007, over 7 years ago. What has she won since? NOTHING!! Did it go to her head that she thought she was entitled to school funds. Now that's shocking and disgusting!