Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

Quoted post

Shocked and disgusted at your vitriol!


2014-05-10 12:55

If I read one more time about how highly educated you are, blah blah, I think I will throw up (I'm halfway there as you have already sickened me so much). Your vitriolic ranting has made this personal about Jo Shuter and not once have you referenced her vast achievements as a result of her fight and drive to champion her previous school. The work Jo Shuter has done at KS in her headship to date is frankly astounding and I am talking as a parent of a Year 11 pupil as well as someone who has been fortunate enough to speak with her about my initial educational concerns (all of which were alleviated then and there or shortly after).

You have no right to take the moral high ground here. This is purely about Jo Shuter's ability to perform her job and nothing to do with her finances, inside leg measurement or what she had for dinner last night. Your sheer spite and evil ranting would indicate that you should step out of your glass house before throwing stones. Lecturing on ethics is clearly a role that you should back away from very quickly. In fact I would find it immensely entertaining if one of your students could see how moral you come across outside of your lecture hall.

Please do voice your opinion (as is your right), but behave like an adult and debate your case with maturity!



#28 Re:

2014-05-10 14:53:40

#24: Shocked and disgusted at your vitriol! -

well excuse me, you are all offended with my level of education, the fact that I stated it was because as a teacher I see thing in another way.

I am sorry but could you list her achievements at KS?