Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

Quoted post



2014-05-09 18:59

As a teacher/lecturer myself I feel very strong about this, and she may have turned QK around, but she took the money and not only £7K, much more.

She told the year 11's before she left that the media was distorting what she owned up to. She said that in regards to the furniture she claimed as expenses, she had bought furniture for her house but it wasnt adequate so she swapped it with the school's furniture! COME ON!!!!!!! one student called her a liar to her face!

Parents need to see that what she did is wrong, and the fact that she admtted to it just says it all. Why the hell would you use school money to fund your party?

She also spoke to the Prom comittee for this year, which my daughter is part of, and she was shocked to learn that the comittee (5 year 11 girls) were organising it all by themselves with no adult involvement. The first thing she asked was how were they handling the money and then she went on to say that from now on she and the school would organise it. WHy? it has always been the year 11 prom comittee who has been organising it, and it always ran smoothly, why would she change it? why would she make the decisions of where and how much???

Makes you wonder....



#105 Re:

2014-06-03 14:53:19

#5: NL -

Hello, I'ma journalist and I'm really interested in your comments. Could you contact me on 0203 6152396. We can speak off the record if you prefer.