Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!


/ #20

2014-05-10 06:06

Well said #72. She won one award which certainly shall be taken away.
How many people have own awards and continue doing good? Many.
But Shuter won the award and she believed to be invincible. Greed went to her head.
She was on a very good salary £170K per year. Many families live with less and have 2
Parents working. Pure greed. I totally agree that she is ruining the Jewish community. She shows no pleasure in the festivals and oversees assemblies.
For those parents who support her I believe that these do not have a strong Jewish identity.
Yes you will say that there are less Jews in the school nowadays, but nonetheless the fact that other kids from different religions were coming to the school
and adhering to the curriculum, was opening their horizons and showing them that the Jewish people are not as bad as some other religions or races portray us to be.
There are many Muslims who come to the school and integrate well. This just goes to show the world that there is no need for racism or prejudice.
Haven't we as Jews been targeted enough? The fact that despite being a Jewish school we are opened to other religions shows that we are accepting of other cultures, races, identities, religions.
It is a message that we are sending out saying we are all the same. Even though we are minority in the school it is and always been a Jewish school and those who are not Jewish come to the school because obviously their parents believe it to be good enough for their kids and do not mind the fact that is a Jewish school.
Now by Shuter taking away the Jewish ethos of the school she is not only targeting our community but she is killing the chance of showing people that we are not as bad as they portray us in the news, books...