Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

Quoted post



2014-05-10 10:24

Natacha you made your views very clear at the introductory meeting by constantly heckling and interrupting Ms Shuter. You are clearly at odds with the direction the school HAS to take as a result of the rapid change in the diversity of the local demographic.
Why did you keep your children there if you were not happy? I certainly would not have.
Of course you are entitled to disagree with the parents who support her but we outnumber you many times over. More than 80% are in favour of her remaining.
And we are not blind fools as you suggest. You are not the only one with a good education and a high achieving career



#26 Re:

2014-05-10 14:50:12

#22: -

Well, I made my views clear to her as well, when I had a meeting with her. The fact that I am highly educated has nothing to do with it.  I express my views as a teacher and as a person who has good ethical standards. Something thay in my view Ms Shuter lacks. And yes I interrupted her several times during the meeting because she was saying one thing and I knew she would go the other way.

80% of the parents are happy with her, but what would be of the world if we didn's have an opposition?