Keep Kempsey, Kempsey!
Our beautiful village community is at riskANGELA PARKER (2025-02-07)
I love Kempsey, it’s a village which is surrounded by beautiful countryside. We do not want to be a suburb. We want to stay as a lovely village.I grew up here, so did my daughter and so will her daughter. We love it as the village it is.
Vicky Symmonds (2025-02-07)
Villages are distinct from towns and cities and their unique style and character is worth preserving. Not just for the residents but also for the visitors. This historic village will be forever lost if it becomes a suburb.Neil Duffy (2025-02-07)
I want Kempsey to remain a village. I want to preserve the countryside between Worcester and Kempsey for the environmental and health and wellbeing benefits it brings. Kempsey has already grown hugely in size since I moved here some 27 years ago. Enough is enough. The infrastructure of the area will not support further development.Denise Tyler (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is just perfect as a village!Ann Dodd (2025-02-07)
I want to keep Kempsey’s village identity.I moved here because it was a village on the outskirts of Worcester not another suburb of Worcester.
Richard Williams (2025-02-07)
I live nearby and strongly believe Kempsey must stay a village!Jill Eccleston (2025-02-07)
I love living in a village that is outside of Worcester. I love our community and it was promised that a significant gap would be kept between Kempsey and Worcester.Simon Jobson (2025-02-07)
I love living in a village. Plus it was promised in the last south Worcestershire development please that a significant gap would be kept between Kempsey and WorcesterKeep our village a village
Helen Grayer (2025-02-07)
I grew up in kempsey it’s my family home , grandparents and great grandparents all were brought up in the village, I made records in the recording studio, sand in the church choir , been in several groups St John’s cadets, brownies, guides , path finders, kempsey school orchestra , got married at st Mary’s, loved ones in the church yard. Remember growing up with the lawns swimming pool, Clarke shop, post office 2 shops, 5 pubs, butchers, bakery, hair dressers,doctors, dentist, 2 schools , village hall, youth club ,carol singing around the village and a lovely vicarage ,Aston coaches, walks down by the river and around the village, and lots moreLynette Anfield (2025-02-07)
I want to keep kempsey a villageKatie Baker (2025-02-07)
I've lived here for 30 years and seen the village expand massively without the infrastructure to support the new population.Shirley Vincent (2025-02-07)
I want to preserve Kempsey’s identity and don’t want it to become part of WorcesterHelen Emerick (2025-02-07)
Kempsey has grown and accommodated much development over the past 32 years I have lived here. We are proud to be a village and SEPARATE from Worcester. The fields, the wildlife all help for mental health and we do not want to become a suburb of Worcester.The infrastructure in Kempsey is bursting, schools, doctors, all full and I am unable to find a dentist, more houses will just exasperate an already perilous situation.
The A38 is the main route when the M5 is closed, more houses would also just add to clogging up a main route that at times is near impossible to cross.
Kempsey likes being the village it is!
Kristine Price (2025-02-07)
I moved to Kempsey because it was a village with a green barrier around itThomas Bridges (2025-02-07)
I lived in kempsey for 62 years,its had massive development over last 5 years. Its being distroyed by greedy property companies and Malvern Hills District Council who seem set on granting every planning application for kempsey. Time to stand up the developers.Adrian Bourne (2025-02-07)
There has been enough building in WorcestershireLisa Jackson (2025-02-07)
Enough is enough, local school can’t fit many more pupils in, doctors is the same.Janet Wiggins (2025-02-07)
I live in the village and the village life is special - we are a community who know and greet each other daily, we support each other’s business endeavours and we thrive in our collective village spiritSarah Gooding (2025-02-07)
I live on the outskirts of the village of Kempsey and my kids went to Kempsey village school. Keeping villages alive and separate from cities is vital for the individual character of places. There is plenty of brown field sites to infill which have the infrastructure already to support a larger population. No more expansion south of the link road!Ellen Woodley (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is an independent village which has always been a sought after area to live. We do not want to be any closer to the city than we already are. Stop building on our beautiful countryside!Susannah Barnes (2025-02-07)
I’ve lived in Kempsey for 40 years and enough is enough with all the new houses being built, it’s big enough, it’s already lost the essence it once had, drains can’t cope, school won’t cope, please stop!!!Kim Foster (2025-02-07)
There has already been significant development and it is crucial that Kempsey remains a village with a real community spirit.Mark Mullinger (2025-02-07)
We like Kempsey as it is, just close enough to the City if we need it! Which is not very often!We are originally from Birmingham, moved to Cornwall for 20+ years and moved back to be closer to our family and love the country atmosphere.
John Thomlinson (2025-02-07)
We want to keep kempsey has a village it is such a lovely village aswellSheryle Jarvis (2025-02-07)
Born and bred Kempsey!Paul Evans (2025-02-07)
I moved into the village in 1967, seen many changes, but it's still a village!I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Keep it a village!!!Marilyn Parton (2025-02-07)
I want to keep Kempsey Kempsey. A rural village that is separate to Worcester.Jody Marshall (2025-02-07)
i am signing this as kempsey should be kept as it is and remain as it is and keep it own identity and its own community feelgraham henry price (2025-02-07)
I moved from a very large city to live here in a more countryfied area. Not to actually be in another large city.Kempsey has been a village for hundreds of years and there is no reason for that status to alter now. It's, a lovely place to live. Use the brown field sites first, of which there are many, as the city centres are dying. Help them grow again not kill our country habitats.
Virginia Hall (2025-02-07)
Love living in a village dontvqant to be part of worcesterSusan cullis (2025-02-07)
I chose to live in a village that I grew up in, that my family live in. Where there is community spirit, people help each other out. We protect out green spaces, nature and environment. We don't want to be an extension of worcester!Stacey-Jane Manton (2025-02-07)
I do not want any more houses etc in or near the village. We’ve had more than our fair share over recent years.Philip Yeates (2025-02-07)
It is vital for Kempsey to remain physically independent from the city of Worcester. It’s ancient history has to be protected.Roland Alcock (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is a lovely village and would not like it joined up to St Peter’s with loads of houses.Kerry Jones (2025-02-07)
I believe Kempsey should stay separate from the rest of Worcester so it is not spoilt by being joined to the rest of Worcester and ruining our way of life. I have lived here for over 40 years and came here because I wanted the village way of life.Chris Holmes (2025-02-07)
I want to preserve the village identity of Kempsey and not become part of WorcesterSarah Dent (2025-02-07)
I moved to Kempsey because I wanted to live in a wonderful rural village, with fields to explore on my doorstep and a fabulous local community. Leave our village alone now. We’ve had enough.Julie Bond (2025-02-07)
Kempsey should remain a village.Gareth Jameson (2025-02-07)
I was brought up here, and moved back 5 years ago. Kempsey needs to keep its own identity, or it will become a suburb of Worcester, which will be a a negative result. The village would lose its identity, and just become part of the city, without the amenities.Neville Wadley (2025-02-07)
I live in Kempsey and want to keep it a village.Lee Howell (2025-02-07)
I don’t want Kempsey to become any bigger, the infrastructure cannot support further growth and we need to maintain the gap between Kempsey and WorcesterBelinda Shelton (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is a village which should remain separate from Worcester city. We need green spaces for our mental health and for wildlife to flourish.Helen Cottrill (2025-02-07)
I live in Kempsey and the village is fast outgrowing its services and the village expanse is up to the boundary. If building continues to encroach from Worcester then the distinctive nature of the village which has existed since pre medieval times and was an important feature in history especially Church history will be diluted.Denise White (2025-02-07)
I agreeGemma Whyte (2025-02-07)
I live in Kempsey and want it to remain a village.Laura Gorman (2025-02-07)
I'm signing because Kempsey should remain a distinct village and not be engulfed by Worcester's expansion.Mr Nigel Taylor (2025-02-07)
We haven’t got the amenities for more houses and the wildlife have no where to go and we’re over populated as it is and it’s just going to get worse. We haven’t got a decent bus service eitherJodie O'Sullivan (2025-02-07)
I decided to live in Kempsey for the village life. I don't the village to turn into another ghost town/suburb.Christian Biberson (2025-02-07)
I’m signing this petition because the village of Kempsey is already under-provided for the amount of residents, by way doctors, dentists, social facilities, & schools. It cannot sustain any more housing. Additionally, the dishonesty and lack of accountability provided by previous developers is already impacting hugely on residents. Enough is enough.Karen Green (2025-02-07)
We have had enough houses built in the village over the last few years and it's not the village I first knew almost 50 years ago, so I certainly don't want to be a suburb of Worcester. Countryside born & bred. The thought of Kempsey being swallowed up by Worcester breaks my heart.Trudy Walker (2025-02-07)
We are losing our country side to greed and the problem is not to build more houses the problem is they need to rectify the houses they already have as well as the down trodden areas.Michael Widdowson (2025-02-07)
I live in the village and want it to stay that way I'm also on the boundary next to the open fields that everyone on and around the village enjoyDavid Hilton (2025-02-07)
Kempsey as a village needs protectingStuart Barker (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is a village , it should remain a villageSue Harris (2025-02-07)
I have lived in Kempsey all of my life,my parents do and my Grandma did. I love this village and would hate for it to be swallowed up and become a suburb of Worcester. It’s a special place with special memories. It has had its fair share of development over the last decade. Please let it remain as it is for my children’s children.Katy Woodroff (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is a beautiful village, people are proud to live here. It’s in Worcestershire, not Worcester and we want it to remain this way.Christine Cooper (2025-02-07)
I live in Kempsey, I chose to live here because it is a beautiful tranquil village. I have two children with special educational needs and two dachshunds, living here is heaven, we have access to open spaces to walk our dogs and for the children to play, get fresh air and be themselves. I chose to live here as my children wouldn’t have coped with the chaos of living in a suburban street or near the city centre. Our village is special to us and everyone that lives here, it’s full to capacity. We all chose to live here because we wanted to live in a quiet small rural village, please don’t turn it into a mini city that we don’t need or want.Rhiann Hunter (2025-02-07)
I grew up around kempsy, I have family here. Don't want it destroyed.David Hickson (2025-02-07)
I don't want this to happen to Kempsey. My husband grew up there. And I also don't want to set a precident for other small places (like Upton).Catherine Badham (2025-02-07)
Kempsey has already suffered as a result of more than its fair share of new build developments over the past several years - it is important that this does not continue, to the point that Kempsey simply becomes part off Worcester. Kempsey is a separate village & must remain so!Nichola Powell (2025-02-07)
Kempsey is an already over developed village. We were promised that the ‘gap’ between Worcester and Kempsey would be retained to preserve its separation so that it did not simply merge with Worcester - it is vital that Kempsey remains a separate village with it’s identity as such!Antony Powell (2025-02-07)
I value the significant gap above all other matters because we have worked hard to make this village a strong community where all are welcome and included..The expansion has already brought many benefits but can only work if we maintain this significant gap!Joy Clee (2025-02-07)
I want my village to stay a village and to have green space around it!!Jo Vernon (2025-02-07)
I want to keep Kempsey a village!!Claire Fallon (2025-02-07)
I live in Kempsey and want it to remain a village. I feel it is vitally important to maintain the gap between Kempsey and Worcester to maintain our village statusAnthony Mountford (2025-02-08)