ЦМБ_нощ_добраviber_image_2025-02-16_14-08-24-241.jpgResidents and guests of the city of Sofia, of Bulgaria, of Europe, of the world,  Help us to reopen the Central Mineral Bath of Sofia as MINERAL BATH!  Every day, over 1,000,000 liters of hot HEALING mineral water sinks into the city's sewers, WITHOUT giving to people its healing and purifying power for the body and soul.  In Bulgaria, going to the bathhouse is a thousand-year-old tradition; the capital was founded around the mineral water, which is also depicted on its coat of arms.  The bathhouse in its current form, with mirrored male and female sections, was opened on May 13, 1913. In 1986, it was closed for renovation. During the transition it was looted. Along with the absorption of European funds, in 2015 it was renovated and partially opened as

….Regional History Museum-Sofia. The sun, air and water are the birthright of every human being, given to us to use and protect, not to waste and destroy. Emergency repairs are underway on the northern wing of the bathhouse, which is also in danger of becoming part of the museum.  By signing this petition, as a citizen of the world and Bulgaria, I express my will and desire for the Central Mineral Bath to be a BATH.

We call on the Sofia Municipality to find or build a suitable building for the Sofia Museum and to immediately initiate a procedure for an international architectural competition for a project for the restoration of the Central Mineral Bath as a BATH. Let the water enter its temple and let the bath be a bath!

By signing, I agree that Vanya Kashlakeva can see all the information I provide on this form. For more information on the topics, see the FBpage of Българска Асоциация за Термално Наследство. also www.thermalassociation.bg

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