Stop the Child Sexual Abuse of Relationships and Sex Education

We, the undersigned,

Aware that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is promoting damaging LGBT ideologies, presenting unscientific opinions (Eg ‘Genderbread Person’, ‘Gender Unicorn’) as fact, that Third Sector sex educators and materials are going in to schools unregulated, that parents are not allowed to see their materials, that children are being allowed to ‘identify’ as the opposite sex to their harm and damage,

Consider such RSE as child sexual abuse and hereby Petition the UK Government to:

(1) Remove Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) from Primary Schools,
(2) Ensure parents have an absolute right to withdraw their children from RSE,
(3) End all government funding to third sector RSE providers,
(4) Legislate to make all RSE materials open to free and full public scrutiny,
(5) Stop persons and materials from promoting homosexual or trans ideology,
(6) Prohibit propaganda on sex and gender from masquerading as fact, and
(7) Prohibit schools and teachers from allowing ‘Social Transitioning’.

Read our article for the full story.

I agree Christian Voice may contact me to further the aims of this petition.

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