Declare the WEF and all Associates an International Terrorist Organization



The first step to freedom is to take back responsibility and authority over the self.

Fritz Freud (washington dc, 2022-06-07)


They need to be held accountable

Chet Victor (Lynnwood, 2022-06-07)


I will not go along with anything you people don't go along with. Cannot take away my god given rights.

Debrah Ball (Bullhead City, 2022-06-08)


I don't fancy chewing crickets bought with govt issued coupons.

Jeff Rhodes (London, 2022-06-08)


The WEF must disbanded and all involved brought to justice, of course this would mean the prosecution of most people working in the medical profession. I can dream can't I?

Mike Menezes (Simi Valley, 2022-06-08)


Navy veteran I fight for USA ONLY.

Paige Moore (North Apollo, 2022-06-08)


People want to be free. We do not want to live under tyrants.
We will not let the one world rule happen.

Brenda Van Meter (Menifee, 2022-06-09)


The WEF is Satan incarnate!

Joe Gee (London, 2022-06-09)


We urgently need to bring the WEF/NWO down.

Roger Beddoe (Blackpool, 2022-06-09)


The WEF members in my own town are being called out and questioned, and I would like all the WEF members to be classified as bioterrorists.

Jacquelyn Sauriol (Portland, 2022-06-09)


Because the WEF is a terrorist organization. That simple.

Joseph Merritt (Bullhead city, 2022-06-09)


Crimes against humanity

Shawn Halverson (Calgary, 2022-06-09)


This has been an ongoing fight for me since several years. Period.

Samuel Inayat-Chisti (Berlin, 2022-06-10)


I read 'The Great Reset'. The forced industrial revolution is a farce designed to leave us cold, more broke, and powerless than we ever were.

Sylvia Szambaris (Canteall, 2022-06-10)


The undemocratic WEF Elite are totalitarian control freaks who have global-ambitions of an awful kind

Spence Clarke (London, 2022-06-11)


America will not give up it’s sovereignty to anyone. Ever. Period end of story.

Rick Falls (Tracy City TN, 2022-06-12)


Iv had cancer before now im afraid after 4 covid vaccine
This is extremely bad why were we not warned I would never ever of had it

Maria Riley (Lincoln, 2022-06-12)


I believe each country, province and individual has freedom to operate and decide without the intervention and pressure from a world government.

Erica Reid (Waterloo, 2022-06-12)


I believe: that politicians can and must be held accountable for their actions by the people.
All politicians have the mandate to work on behalf of the people for the people and in the interest of the people. They serve the people.
This is the foundation of any Democratic Society.

Shaiorle Henchall (Calgary, 2022-06-12)


It’s the right thing to do.

Jed Hughes (Totnes, 2022-06-12)


The WEF is evil and demonstrates evil intent on the people. Also anyone associated with such a fares of an organization

Cynthia Phelps (Las Vegas, 2022-06-13)


The public didn't vote for these oppressors, they are making their own rules so need to be stopped.

Kamii Neko (Queenstown, 2022-06-15)


Technocracy equals tyranny
These ‘people’ wants to control every aspect of your life, the ones that are not depopulated that is.

janet angelhammar (Gothenburg, 2022-06-15)


I'm signing this petition, because it is time to stand up against all those individuals who have been stripped by all human feelings and morality and placed to all strategically important positions today, as mere pawns.

I am signing this petition, because it is time to stand up against all those servants of the 'elite' who are mentally ill and who want to rule the world by terrorizing the people by imposing financial and economic fear on them and conduct medical experiments on the people without their given consent.

I'm signing this petition, because I believe this is the last bastion of civilized protest against the tyranny of the few over the rest of us.

Bud Santer (Miami, 2022-06-20)


I'm fed up with bureaucrats thinking it's okay to run my life and attempt to control my medical decisions.

Steven Rann (Perth, 2022-06-20)


The total abandonment and destruction of freedoms under the guise of a "better future" is opposite to liberty. The actions of the WEF and its proponents are nothing short of insanity.

John Stoker (Nyora, 2022-06-20)


The WEF is committing criminal acts against citizens of all nations. THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS! Find them, lock them up, never let them out!!

Jesse Glessner (Hartford City, 2022-06-21)


I want this corrupt organization to stop dictating our future lives in Canada and around the world.

Paddie Smith (Sunderland, 2022-06-22)


I'm signing becuase the WEF is an unelected body that has undue, unwarranted and uncessary influence over nation states throughout the world and it's presence needs to be removed from our lives.

Camilla Church (Bernay, 2022-06-23)


I am against tyranny those people.

Cezary Kasenberg (Wrocław, 2022-06-23)


The purpose of this elite organization is to control all of human, plant and animal life under one global hierarchy, which is against national constitutions and human rights.

John Day (Austin, 2022-06-23)


WEF and WHO are not elected and have no business

Rhonda Haywood (Amarillo, 2022-06-24)



Laurens Sipahelut (Tangerang, 2022-06-24)


Because it is a right thing to do!

Marta Staszak (Mooloolaba, 2022-06-24)


I'VE completely had it with the fukin' blighteem/ccp/puppets/regime and the cong grass that has morphed into a hybrid/oligarchy/parlimentary/dick/tatorship!

Mark A Yonko Sr (Dawson, 2022-06-25)


They are an evil group try to take over the rule of countries and rule the world and make every one slaves. PLUS THEY ARE LEAD BY A NAZI THE SECOND COMING OF HITLER

Jim Morrell (Williamsburg, 2022-06-26)


The entire elite club all needed to go, get rid of the career politicians ruling over their ivory towers.

Silvana Kingsland (Mississauga, 2022-06-26)


World government and globalists are destroying everything

Toban Chell (Corner brook, 2022-06-27)


I am signing it because I believe WEF is a criminal and terrorist organization

Urszula Radlak (Mississauga, 2022-06-27)


Just because one has made a lot of money and therefore have power, and one believes one is cleverer than most others, does not mean one is intelligent or imaginative in a positive, creative sense. Nor does it mean one has empathy for life on earth...It does appear to mean that one wants more and more money and power, a sure indicator of mental illness.

Sue O'Dea (Eastbourne, 2022-06-30)


I am signing because as of late, these egregious erosion of our freedom here in Canada are solely due to the decisions being made for us by unelected bodies such as the UN, WHO, WEF, IMF, ETC.

Time to give the power back to the people.

Chris Noble (Middle Arm, 2022-07-03)


Vrijheid is een groot goed .

remco Berg (Wilp, 2022-07-11)


WEF does not represent me.

Frank Becker (Goleta, 2022-07-12)


The World Economic Forum must be brought to justice. The WEF does not rule over me or my state or my country.

Ronald Pasik (Sun City, 2022-07-14)


WEF are an evil organisation

James Malone (Brisbane, 2022-07-15)


They are pure controlling evil.
Who are they to do this.

Wendy McDaniell (White Rock, 2022-07-23)


Dictatorship and Citizens loss of Freedom and Rights

Kim Stordy (Ladysmith, 2022-07-23)



Kara Colclough (Aboyne, 2022-07-24)



Joe Worth (Far Left Blue County, 2022-08-02)


I want to see if I become a Person of interest.

Mihai Cezar Caramiha (Bucharest, 2022-08-14)


These people have no right to be able to tell us what to do and should be shut down and held accountable for what they have done

Michael Bloomfield (Safety Bay, 2022-08-16)


Nick Tyerman

Nick Tyerman (York, 2022-08-30)


The WEF and their criminal acolytes must be stopped and brought to justice for the sake of humanity going forward

Andrew Rowe (Nantwich, 2022-08-30)


Nobody is taking the risk of WEF seriously. They are an unelected terrorist organisation, purposely interfering with democratic governments worldwide by illegal sponsoring of public servants.

Errol Hayde (Calne, 2022-08-30)


We have to stop these unelected bodies from influencing and penetrating our governments. The people didn’t vote for these people to decide our future.

Veryan Feaviour (Wimborne, 2022-08-30)


The WEF are a unelected organisation which is trying to dictate their globalist ideology in controlling the government's worldwide

Mick Pittuck (South shields, 2022-08-30)


I wish to remain a free person.

James Dodd (Felixstowe, 2022-08-30)


I can’t remember anyone voting for them . Therefore why should they make my decisions .

Peter Davies (Wolverhampton, 2022-08-30)


No one voted for the WEF.

Melanie Davies (Norfolk, 2022-08-31)


I totally agree

Steven Ferrante (Croydon, 2022-08-31)


My opinion is that the WEF are a dictatorship who have no regard for people only power

Trevor White (Wolverhampton, 2022-08-31)


This is the Spectre of our reality and they must fought against no matter what.

Adrian Besozzi (Bonchurch, Ventnor, 2022-08-31)


The WEF is clearly after destroying the West

Peter Whitehouse (St Helier, 2022-08-31)


WEF ideals are wrong on all levels.

daniel pink (Bedford, 2022-08-31)


I’m signing because this unelected group of multi millionaires are unelected and are anti-human. They want to destroy our way of life.

Rob James (Newport, 2022-08-31)


WEF members should not be allowed in sovereign government positions.

Stacie Dagres (Spokane, 2022-09-01)


I strongly agree with this petition

Damien Campbell (Paignton, 2022-09-01)


I don't want to be governed by the WEF an unelected corrupt organisation

Lesley Butler (STOCKTON ON TEES, 2022-09-03)


I will NOT agree to relinquish our sovereignty to the WEF or any form of one world government!

Rosalind Stephens (Saltash, 2022-09-05)


I have grown up been taught crap 💩 by an education system designed by Elite psychopaths to make me a nodding bobble head bastard. When these Elite psycho’s had no intentions of my failing generation & our children doing well with ‘there Way’ at all. No survivor skill, depending on shops for goods. No masters in constructing. No mining knowledge. No Nature knowledge. Basically I am a ******* PLEB just how they wanted me to be
God help us shit specimens, only you could polish a 💩

Alex Leeman (Nottinghamshire, 2022-09-07)


Klaus and his WEF participants spread suprematistic, misanthropic and fascistic ideas. Trying to "penetrate" certain areas of society in order to implement the abovementioned ideas is a crime. And these crimes and these "penetrations" have to be stopped. And punished.

Rudy Walitysch (Zürich, 2022-09-09)


The World Economic Forum and all its surrogates need to be outed and completely dismantled.

Benjamin Brink (Clarksville, 2022-09-10)


The WEF is the greatest threat in history to humanity and to our freedoms. It’s twisted ideology is pure evil and they need to be stopped at any cost.

Kevin Jones (Gloucester, 2022-09-11)

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