Petition for Support of Small Business Owners and Employment Equity in Brampton

Dear Mayor Brown,

We, the undersigned residents and small business owners of Brampton, are writing to respectfully request your support in two critical areas that significantly impact our community: access to bidding opportunities for small businesses and the need for equitable employment practices within our city.

1. Access to Bidding Opportunities for Small Businesses:

Small businesses are vital to the economic health and vibrancy of Brampton. However, many local entrepreneurs face challenges in accessing city contracts due to the competitive bidding process, which often favors larger corporations. We propose the establishment of a Bidding Circle specifically for small business owners, allowing them to compete fairly for city contracts.

We believe that creating a Bidding Circle would:
Encourage Local Economic Growth: By prioritizing small businesses, we can stimulate job creation and innovation within our community.
Enhance Diversity: A dedicated bidding process would allow for a more diverse range of businesses to participate, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of Brampton.
Strengthen Community Ties: Supporting local businesses fosters a sense of community and encourages residents to invest in their own neighborhoods.

2.Employment Practices and Equity:

In addition to supporting small businesses, we urge you to address concerns regarding employment practices in Brampton. It has come to our attention that certain companies may be disproportionately hiring individuals from specific ethnic groups, which raises concerns about fairness and equity in the workplace.

We request that you:
Review Employment Practices: Conduct an investigation into the hiring practices of companies that receive city contracts to ensure they align with principles of diversity and inclusion.
Promote Equitable Hiring Policies: Encourage local businesses to adopt fair hiring practices that provide equal opportunities for all residents, regardless of their ethnic background.

By addressing these two critical issues, we can work together to create a more inclusive and prosperous Brampton for all residents. We believe that supporting small business owners and promoting equitable employment practices will lead to a stronger, more vibrant community.

Thank you for considering our petition. We look forward to your support in making Brampton a model of economic opportunity and diversity.

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