Say No to Pettywell Solar Farm, Reepham Norfolk

The proposed solar farm will be the largest in Broadland covering 185 football pitches and of a size similar to nearby Reepham AND will be on Grade 3 'Best and Most Versatile' agricultural land. It will be visually prominent over a wide surrounding rural area adjacent to the Marriotts Way public footpath, bridle path and cycleway close to Whitwell Station. A significant number of wildlife, badgers, foxes, deer and birdlife will be disturbed and displaced by the industrialisation of such a large area and as agricultural land is a finite resource, once the solar farm is established, will be lost for good for food production as it then becomes 'brownfield' land. Norfolk is already the largest producer of carbon neutral electricity due to the Offshore Windfarms' already in place and proposed and land based arrays of solar panels of such a significantly large size in this location cannot be justified on environmental grounds IMG_1945.jpeg

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