Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3381

2011-12-19 06:52

Materialism (Books)
Materialism (Lectures)
Materialism (Conversations)
Materialism (Letters)
Actually, there is nothing as materialism. Materialism means forgetfulness of God, that's all
By hearing the subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam this false complexity of materialism is removed, and real peace in society begins E
Everyone wants to be puffed up before his friends and relatives. So this is materialism
In the West, the people in general there are suffering the pangs of the poisonous effects of materialism because they have cared very little for the culture of spiritual science
Is there any possible way of a balanced combination between spiritualism and materialism
Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Krsna who appeared when materialism was rampant and materialists were using the pretext of the authority of the Vedas
Materialism means forgetfulness of Krsna. Otherwise, there is no materialism; everything is spiritual
Materialism means to forget the source of all this
Materialism means to forget the source of all this. That is materialism. One who knows that the source of everything is God, for him, there is no materialism O
On the whole, I wish to present Back To Godhead purely in the line of Krishna Consciousness throughout and criticism of too much materialism, as you have written many articles already. That is very nice
One who knows the source of everything is God, for him, there is no materialism
The foolishness of gross materialism is that people think of making a permanent settlement in this world, although it is a settled fact that one has to give up everything here that has been created by valuable human energy
The history of the West beginning from the time of the Greeks and the Romans down to the modern age of atomic war, is a continuous chain of sense gratificatory materialism
We have nothing to hate from materialism because materialism is the energy of God
Worms cannot get out of stool by their own endeavor; similarly, those who are overly attached to material existence cannot get out of materialism and suddenly become Krsna conscious

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