
/ #165 Re:

2014-05-14 08:02

#163: -

Jo Shuter had the habit of hugging the students and telling them that they were gorgeous and beautiful.

She also said to the girls that they didnt need makeup to look beautiful, yet she caked herself in fake tan to cover her flaws.

Working side by side with her is just creepy, specially for a student and the fact that she picked one out of many is just weird.

All the kids that left school last year, or who are leaving this year it is not down to HER! did she study for you? did she sit in lessons? did she help you revise? NO! she may have egged you on with speeches of how important it is to revise  and get good marks, but if she needed to do that and you were listening to her obvioulsy your parents then weren't doing a good job, or bless their hearts, they were telling you to study but coming from them you heard it as nag nag nag! Which is wrong because all they want is your well being.

If you feel sorry for her go and console her. I honestly believe in karma. She did wrong it came back and hit her in the face. For her to appeal now she will need a lot of money.

By using her as a role model you are just patting her on the head for what she did, I am sure your parents are beyyer role models than her. Look closer to home for inspiration rather than looking at her.

As for the parents against her that are boasting here, well sweet is the taste of victory. As parents we also have our young side, it is not fun having to be mature all the time!

Maybe you are too old for your age, lighten up and enjoy life before too late!