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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition KEEP MS JO SHUTER AT KING SOLOMON.
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#1012014-05-11 15:19I and many others who have children that have left KS have followed this story with much interest. Both my sons left last year. KS started off as a pretty good school but it has declined over the years and I think this is due in most part to demographics which in turn led to a loss of Jewish identity for the school because, really, how can a school be termed 'Jewish' when Jewish pupils are in the minority? I think Mr Lewis and the teaching staff tried their best in difficult circumstances to keep Judiasm alive and my eldest son left with some decent qualifications and most importantly, decency, values and respect. I understand that most parents who have supported this petition want (quite rightly) their children to get a good education and go to university. I (and many others) who have read the posts on here see that a lot of parents see Ms Shuter as (for want of a better word) a 'saviour' of the school and are willing to overlook her 'shortcomings'. I believe that decency, justice, principles, morals and, most importantly, values have fallen by the wayside - these should be more important than just a good education. I think that Ms Shuter's 'misappropriation of funds' are a good example of what is wrong with much in Britain today - greed and lack of principles. The mentality of 'I am worth it' and 'I'll take what I want (and I want it now)' and never mind the consequences. I am sure that many parents think that Ms Shuter has done a good job so far - and that is your perogative. But please remember she is a HEAD teacher. These teachers lead by example. I went to JFS - if the Head Mistress at the time had committed the crime (and it is a crime) of stealing, she would have been (quite rightly) run out of school and very possibly gone to times (and values) have changed. |
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#102 Re:2014-05-11 18:19Mazal tov! very well said!!! |
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#103 Re: Re:2014-05-11 21:09This is exactly what we talked about last night and I can't say that you are wrong. It would indeed have been far more admirable to admit she infact stole funds and was wrong. I am not sure that many parents know of this speech given to year 11 children, I for one did not, it smacks of inappropriate behaviour and it should not really be for our children to have to carry that burden? The board of governors have a serious amount to answer for. Where is the respect for parents of the school children keeping us all in the dark once this story broke in the national news? Deciding to offer the position and ending Ms Shuters trial period before the ruling regarding her innocence or guilt was decided. I am a parent who signed a petition to keep Ms Shuter, a decision based on some changes made so far that have substantially improved my daughters learning environment. HOWEVER my daughters well being is paramount to me and that said the school had become a dangerous environment at times with woeful discipline and some students being allowed to seriously disrupt lessons and even exams before Ms Shuters appointment. My daughters feelings aside for one moment I have always tried to instil a strong moral code with her and I do not think as this rests Ms Shuter is any kind of moral example but it's where we go from here. Once Ms Shuter is allowed to speak on this matter, to the parents, NOT year 11 ' s can she progress further by saying I have absolutely done wrong, and now I will put things right. Because there is no excuse to be made but i believe people can learn from wrong doing and move forward. I do very much agree with the statements made about the parent governors as right now they seem to be a law unto themselves and in my opinion they are answerable for landing KS and our children in this dreadful mess. |
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#1042014-05-12 10:18Jo shuter is the best we have ever had. It would be ashame to loss her regardless what's happened. I'm sure she has learnt her lesson and to give her another opportunity to make king Solomon school the best. Without jo shuter this will not happen. |
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#105 Comment from Supply teacher at Jo's old school2014-05-12 10:35COMMENT BELOW WAS WRITTEN BY A SUPPLY TEACHER AT Jo Shuters old school I imagine that the charges levelled at her are certainly the result of mistakes on her part, but I'm sure this was a far wider and more complex situation than meets the eye - no doubt a lack of systems and support, coupled with long-standing change-resistant critics. I'm baffled as to how the situation got so out of hand and it's a great shame in light of the enormous triumphs of Shuter. I was a short-term supply teacher at QK who taught at that school a few months before and after Shuter was employed as Head. I found it a very challenging place to work as the school was in serious disarray in terms of student expectations, discipline and performance. To achieve far more than a slight improvement to the place, and to in fact raise it to an outstanding level, is of the utmost credit to her. To have been willing to take on that challenge is also to her credit, I'm sure that for the same salary, and with far more trappings, she could have nestled into a cushy school somewhere, without the enormous stress and struggle of working to improve QK. I have enjoyed hearing about the amazing improvements to QK over the years, under the leadership of Shuter, and I hope that she will remain in educational leadership and continue to raise standards for teachers, students and parents; if not at King Solomon then another school lucky enough to have her. |
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#1062014-05-12 10:54#105 Pointless statement as she was only a short term supply teacher. She couldn't have gaged it all in such a short time. Jo Shuter is not irreplaceable people get a grip. She's only been with KS for 7 months and hasn't shown nothing more then stopping mobile phones and festivals. There are lots of schools without Jo Shuter that are coping fine. Would it really matter if KS had a head that wasn't Jewish, clearly not as some of you Jewish parents aren't bothered about that side of things. In fact if we did get a non Jewish head, this person might respect our religion more then Jo Shuter and follow through with JS and celebrate our festivals. |
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#107 Re:2014-05-12 12:09I like it when people write things and use common sense. People are portraying Shuter as the only hope for KS. There are many more people in th UK in need of a job and capable of doing it. She is not the saviour, why are people turning her into the victim. I quite agree that a supply teacher will only have little knowledge of what was going on. I myself have worked for many years as a bi-lingual assistant in schools, including Pimlico secondary school and St Georges Secondary school in maida vale and have seen bad and threatening behaviour from students. Nontheless, Westminster would send us on courses such as Pastoral care, counselling, support in mathematics and so on to be able to understand better the childre, which to me made a whole difference when working with the students who didnt master the English language. I have seen students threatening students, teachers, and even me, but this never stopped me from dedicating myself to my profession, on the contrary it made me more determined to want to help the students, in comparison to what I have seen in these schools, one where the head master was killed by a student, the only time I ever heard of anything so bad was now with the Spanish teacher who was killed in Leeds. Yes KS has had their fair share of bullies, but nothing that Mr Lewis, Rabbi Bruce, Ms Shutz, Ms Carmel Brown, Mr Atkins, Schneider couldnt deal with. A school will always have the good, the bad, the naughty, the bullies, the nerds, the populars, the invisible kids. Tell one school that there isnt a child like that? Even at QK do you all actually believe that all students are saints? All students are A* students? Come on. Many times Shuter would praise the A* STUDENTS, neglecting the other ones, and this information came from students. The fact that she spoke to the year 11 to explain herself, and came up with the most stupid excuses is completely WRONG. People need to be punished for their mistakes, even if they may have done good things to cover up the bad. |
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#1082014-05-12 12:21 |
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#109 teach your children morals2014-05-12 15:39Why are comments against Miss S being deleted? We live in a democracy. Face the truth. Stop signing tbe petition if your kids do not attend ks. The governors who appointed her should resign. Finally our kids want to respect hierarchy and learn values. They will have no respect for a Head who has committed a crime. There are other head teachers to take over. |
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#1102014-05-12 16:08A good Head Teacher unites a school - all I see here is division. By all means forgive Ms one is perfect, we all make mistakes. I forgive her......but it still doesn't mean I think she should be Head of KS. As stated above there are many other good teachers who could be Head. In fact she could redeem herself and earn mine and many others respect by doing what is in the best interest of the school - resign........ |
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#111 In case we need an idea, I am up for it..2014-05-12 17:35Now what do we think about this? Who is up for it? According to data in the Times, more free schools set up by parent, teacher or community groups have achieved good Ofsted ratings than those established by existing academy chains or that converted from independent schools… Figures from the New Schools Network show new starters, founded from scratch by groups with no previous experience of managing schools, have been awarded more good and outstanding reports than “establishment” schools. Schools set up by parents have done particularly well, while several of those converting from independent schools have been found to require improvement. Experts suggested that the ‘new entrant’ types of schools were more likely to adopt an innovative approach, while others said their success may be down to middle-class parents skewing their intake. The breakdown of Ofsted reports will be given to the Commons’ education select committee tomorrow at a special session on free schools… Of the new entrant schools, more than three-fifths were rated good, and nearly three-quarters were good or outstanding. Of the establishment schools, 45 per cent were found to be good, and 65 per cent good or outstanding. While more of the establishment schools received outstanding ratings (one in five), they were also more likely to be found to require improvement – 30 per cent compared with 15 per cent of the new entrants. However, fewer of them were rated inadequate. Poor schools set up by community, faith or parent groups included Al-Madinah School in Derby, which was branded “dysfunctional” by Ofsted, and Kings Science Academy in Bradford. But independent schools have not fared well under the free school system. While two of those that converted from fee-charging to free schools were rated good, three were found to require improvement. And of the three free schools established and sponsored by independent schools, one was rated good, and two were said to require improvement. Some independent schools have blamed their poor ratings on the requirement to provide new and different data under the state system… |
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#1122014-05-12 17:39Well said 109 and 110. Although the fact that she took her time to admit the error of her ways makes it more difficult for me to forgive. I particularly was never her fan from the start, I always felt there was the side that she portrayed and wanted people to think it was authentic and her true colours,which is let's see how much I can get away with. Well I believe that what goes around comes around.... Now let us wait for the decision .... |
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#113 Re: Re: Is it just me ?2014-05-12 20:52When Ms Shuter started at the school, she had meetings with the parents. I attended the meeting for year 10 pupils. There was a parent who, on several occasions, voiced her opinion while the rest of us were intent on hearing what Ms Shuter had to say. This parent was highly irritating and made it blatantly obvious that she wasn't too keen on our new Head, stating that she had moved into the area in order that her child could attend a Jewish school, that she, herself, was a teacher, she was concerned about this, that and the other - with no mention of our childrens general education. Somewhat important for our children, i would say. NB I thought that teachers would have more respect, and hear someone out first.This is what i have taught my children and expect teachers to do the same. Maybe this teacher needs to go back to basics. Please correct me if i am wrong, but i am 99% sure i am not, that the parent heading the petition for Jo Shuter not to return is this same person. Another point - why even mention that Ms Shuter's husband isn't Jewish? Does not show you in a very positive light, and our Jewish children are not 'suffering'! What a totally ridiculous comment to make. This does smack of something, but its certainly not what you are suggesting.
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#114 Re:2014-05-12 21:03Mr Lewis was a very nice man and a good Deputy, but being Headmaster was slightly beyond him, however good his intentions - hence OFSTED reports going downhill. Just because someone is there to speak to you, doesn't make them a good Head. I agree totally with you with regard to parent input. I also agree that KS had some good teachers. They now have quite a few more good teachers, with unqualified staff and others leaving due to Ms Shuter trying to improve on the education given to our children. A school is as good as its leadership, as is any organisation. |
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#115 Re: Re: Re: Is it just me ?2014-05-12 21:39#113: - Re: Re: Is it just me ? No it is not me, heading the petition Keep Shuter out. And as for the interruption, I knew she would not answer all questions and I wanted to get my point across as I knew she was trying to gain the sympathy of all parents by portraying herself as this flawless woman who would not alter the school's ethos in anyway, which once she got full status as head she did. Most parents were there listening to a bunch of fairytales and seeing her as the saviour of the school. As for respect, I respect my students very much and not only hear them but support them very much, even to the point of helping them find an internship. As for not mentioning the childrens education, my kids have been performing well at KS, as all kids, my kids have subjects that they are weaker, but still get by. As for the level of education the teachers with whom I have spoken to were always nice and honest in regards to my kids and I am the type of parent that I do not think that the sun shines out of my kids, I see them with their flaws as well and when they do wrong they deal with the consequences and believe me I have taught them that for every action there is a consequence and the few times they did something wrong in primary and secondary school I told the teachers that they had my consent to punish them accordingly. In my opinion it does not depend only on the teachers to teach the students, the students need to be opened to learning as well, and many students find going to school a burden rather than a place where they can enhance their knowledge and skills. Many students do not respect the teachers, answer back and are rude. Students like this will always exist, no matter how strict the school is. As for Shuter having a non jewish husband, that is her choice, but as head of a Jewish school you would expect the Head to have some knowledge and participate decently in the Jewish festivities, and she made that clear in the first meeting with the year 11's that it wasn't the case. Unfortunately it is not me leading the Petition for her to stay out, I do participate in the debates. Sorry if I upset you by not being the one who began the petition... |
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#1162014-05-12 23:14#101 with all due respect - what a load of garbage. Mr Lewis, Rabbi Bruce etc useless Ms Shuter was a modern breathe of fresh air |
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#1172014-05-13 07:47I'm a little confused. I don't understand why these Jewish parents send their kids to KS if they are not bothered about the Jewish part of it. You could send your kids to a non faith school with an excellent reputation. You obviously sent them there for a reason and the only one I can see is because it's a Jewish school. So then why would you not want it to remain Jewish and keep our community together. We should be fighting for the heart of the school to remain and celebrating together our wonderful festivals. |
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#1182014-05-13 08:46Why do you think that Jo was dumbing down the Jewishness of KS. Jacoss has a non Jewish head and a non Jewish deputy. They were employed because excellent at the job they have delegated keeping the school Jewish to a member of staff. If Jo goes Ks could do the same. |
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#119 NRe:2014-05-13 10:41No, I cannot speak for Jcoss or the staff there. But you stated "they have delegated keeping the school Jewish to a member of staff." Shuter did not do that, she was opening new courses such as photgraphy, really? Photography and to do so she needed money and the only way she could get the money was by killing the kehila department, which so far she manged to do so. I spoke to Ms Shutz and Ms Carmel Brown and they asked me to write a letter supporting the Kehila department, they were very sad and worried. The proof is that Shuter doesnt give a fiddlers fart about any of the Jewsih ethos and so much so she wore Red and green on Yom Haatzmaut, she could at least have shown a bit of respect rather than come dressed for xmas. |
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#1202014-05-13 13:20We won we won! Shuter is out!!! Bye bye!!! Good has conquered !!! She has been ban for life frm teaching. So u still find her suitable for KS? |
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#1232014-05-13 13:26Bye Bye Jo Shuter. Don't bother appealing because we don't want you!!! |
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#124 Re:2014-05-13 13:41And with all due respect to you - what a load of garbage (to use your own words). Apparently principles and values still matter.......... |
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#1252014-05-13 13:51She was found guilty! Why do you still make allowances for her. She is GUILTY! GUILTY and prohibited of teaching for life! Bye bye Shuter. |
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