Quoted post


#113 Re: Re: Is it just me ?

2014-05-12 20:52

#45: - Re: Is it just me ?

When Ms Shuter started at the school, she had meetings with the parents. I attended the meeting for year 10 pupils.  There was a parent who, on several occasions, voiced her opinion while the rest of us were intent on hearing what Ms Shuter had to say. This parent was highly irritating and made it blatantly obvious that she wasn't too keen on our new Head, stating that she had moved into the area in order that her child could attend a Jewish school, that she, herself, was a teacher, she was concerned about this, that and the other - with no mention of our childrens general education. Somewhat important for our children, i would say.

NB I thought that teachers would have more respect, and hear someone out first.This is what i have taught my children and expect teachers to do the same. Maybe this teacher needs to go back to basics.

Please correct me if i am wrong, but i am 99% sure i am not, that the parent heading the petition for Jo Shuter not to return is this same person.

Another point - why even mention that Ms Shuter's husband isn't Jewish? Does not show you in a very positive light, and our Jewish children are not 'suffering'! What a totally ridiculous comment to make. This does smack of something, but its certainly not what you are suggesting.





#115 Re: Re: Re: Is it just me ?

2014-05-12 21:39:27

#113: - Re: Re: Is it just me ?

No it is not me, heading the petition Keep Shuter out.

And as for the interruption, I knew she would not answer all questions and I wanted to get my point across as I knew she was  trying to gain the sympathy of all parents by portraying herself as this flawless woman who would not alter the school's ethos in anyway, which once she got full status as head she did. Most parents were there listening to a bunch of fairytales and seeing her as the saviour of the school.

As for respect, I respect my students very much and not only hear them but support them very much, even to the point of helping them find an internship. As for not mentioning the childrens education, my kids have been performing well at KS, as all kids, my kids have subjects that they are weaker, but still get by. As for the level of education the teachers with whom I have spoken to were always nice and honest in regards to my kids and I am the type of parent that I do not think that the sun shines out of my kids, I see them with their flaws as well and when they do wrong they deal with the consequences and believe me I have taught them that for every action there is a consequence and the few times they did something wrong in primary and secondary school I told the teachers that they had my consent to punish them accordingly. In my opinion it does not depend only on the teachers to teach the students, the students need to be opened to learning as well, and many students find  going to school a burden rather than a place where they can enhance their knowledge and skills. Many students do not respect the teachers, answer back and are rude. Students like this will always exist, no matter how strict the school is.

As for Shuter having a non jewish husband, that is her choice, but as head of a Jewish school you would expect the Head to have some knowledge and participate decently in the Jewish festivities, and she made that clear in the first meeting with the year 11's that it wasn't the case.

Unfortunately it is not me leading the Petition for her to stay out, I do participate in the debates.

Sorry if I upset you by not being the one who began the petition...