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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition PROTECT TUNSTALL COMMUNITY.
Guest |
#202 Re: COMMENTS2014-02-18 20:35 |
Guest |
#203 re 2012014-02-18 22:58 I have sat down twice today and written support for the teacher that has been insulted on this site. I wish I had had the courage to press the 'comment' button. Congratulations to 'Protect Tunstall. |
please reconsider |
#204 Re: COMMENTS2014-02-19 00:02#201: PROTECT TUNSTALL - COMMENTS I would refer you to comment
I am not sure that people signing this petition understand that your description is wrong and misleading. In your efforts to "save the school" you are effectively damaging it. Official word has been gained from KCC that should the relocation/expansion not take place, the school will NOT stay as it is now. It will be reduced to half form entry at the best, lose resources, funding and potentially (down the road) close as all children get relocated to other schools. If you truly want to see the school continue and thrive, then please consider "a vote for this petition, is a vote for no school for your children". |
Jim Carey (not really!) |
#205 Re: re 2012014-02-19 00:03It's all anonymous, so courage isn't needed. If you feel the need to encourage someone please do... |
Guest |
#206 Re: Re: COMMENTS2014-02-19 09:14#204: please reconsider - Re: COMMENTS Ok not a problem, lets take a green field and build a school so simple isnt it!. In the meantime you have forgotton that the majority of the people in Tunstall Road did not move to a rural area to have a large school built opposite and then be facing a hideous car park, and have the noise of 420 children day in day out. Why shouldnt these people have a say in what happens around them.The Increase in traffic over a period of time will be unbearable for these people along with those in Ruins Barn who have to put up continually with the extra flow going to and from the Science Park (and this will increase again shortly). Please have a thought for others as it seems that all I have heard from the School side so far is I want I want. Well you might not get! |
Guest |
#207 Re 2062014-02-19 09:25Of course you can have a say - that is what this is all about. Traffic is a concern for some undoubtably . The highways will take everyone's concerns into account and will approve planning if they feel it is safe. I can't see many people coming along ruins barn road for the school however. Let us also remember that this land belongs to KCC and has been designated use for education so anyone buying a house in the locality would have been told this Before purchasing. If the build doesn't go ahead, I wonder if KCC will keep the land??? We all have different views but need to work out a solution that is best for all and that includes traffic concerns. |
Guest |
#208 Re: Re 2062014-02-19 09:51Unfortunately the"fact" about being told that the land is designated for education will only come up if you ask for a specific search and most people do not do this search. Also again when many of the people in Tunstall Road bought the houses it was not designated for anything except for farming. Again just becuase KCC own the land does not mean they can steamroller other peoples views and opinions. With regards to Ruins Barn I have not mentioned that anyone will be driving down it to go to the school, however with increased tarffic coming up woodstock for the science park and now perhaps the school, cromers corner will become congested and I have no doubt so will the entrance to the school which again will have an impact on cromers corner junction so you will not only be affecting local residents but now science park employee's. Having read many of the comments and heard that a lot of this is being blamed on local people (some opposite the current school) and the parish council do you not think that if this school gets built the opposition will get worse as it will ultimately effect more people than the current school does. As a Church school where has the vicar been in all this, surely it would have been good for him to visit all the local people along with perhaps a mailer from the current school detailing it's plans and maybe organising an open day for locals to see what the village school was actually like, you may well have gained a few more supporters. This would have been the curteous way to act. |
per aspera ad astra! |
#209 Collaboration rather than conflict?2014-02-19 12:18I have often heard and seen individuals from refering to "sides", "camps", "opposition", and even "the enemy". These individuals represent opinions that both disagree and agree with the school proposal. When things are thought of in these terms it is very likely to introduce a mentality of trying to "beat them" ... whoever "them" is. |
long term resident and ex pupil of school Guest |
#2102014-02-19 12:25The location is not suitable for building a school. The narrow winding road is already very dangerous route for the existing use of cars and pedestrians. With increased traffic at morning and afternoon school hours this problem would be exacerbated. The suggestion that the land could be used for 'education' purposes would probably have referred to the fact that the Kent Farm Institute had those fields for 'education in agriculture' before the move to Hadlow College. |
Guest |
#2112014-02-19 12:33#209 That is the most sensible comment I have read throughout this whole thread. Thank you for your input. I think we could all learn a thing or two from your wise words :-) #206 Have you ever heard children on a playground "day in day out?" I assure you their "noise" is that of laughter. It really is a truly lovely sound, after all they are children, not elephants! Just something to think about. Thanks again #209 |
Guest |
#212 Re:2014-02-19 13:42 |
Guest |
#213 Re:2014-02-19 13:45Actually would prefer Elephants!! |
Guest |
#214 Re:2014-02-19 18:44#210: long term resident and ex pupil of school - The 'Educational' reference is specific to the purpose that KCC purchased the land. |
seriously? |
#215 meh2014-02-19 18:45And that would be why no-one is taking you seriously. |
my, you're a grumpy one |
#216 Re: Re: Re: COMMENTS2014-02-19 18:50I really hope, just for your sake, that the school isn't built there. Then maybe KCC will sell the land to tesco's and you can happily have a Tesco Express across the road! You will stil be able to moan AND you will have milk on tap. Win Win situation really. |
Guest |
#2172014-02-19 22:24I would like to ask, why was this the only site that KCC considered using? I appreciate that it's KCC owned, but isn't Grade 2 Agricultural Land protected The original options were all non starters, and as far as I am aware, KCC Highways have never submitted an opinion or report confirming that they support this location. The plans show 3 accesses into the site, two pedestrian, and one vehicular. There are no foot ways (in my day they were called footpaths) on the proposed school site, so parents & children will have to cross this busy road, unless they are driven in! which they claim they don't want. It's said that 119 car park spaces will be sufficient, only 73 of these for drop offs leaving, 39 for staff, and 7 covering disabled etc. now this is for 2FE, The existing 1FE has 32 staff and parents have access to the. Village Hall Car Park, 56 spaces I think, so could someone explain how this is going to be better because I would really like to understand I would also like to throw into the mix, this new school. 21st Century building that parents are supporting, and I understand their reasons! Truly I do Why is there no changing rooms, or showers, and I only counted 24 ish toilets These are infants, and one assumes, still learning control. I also liked the statement, Natural Ventilation. Do you think that means when it's hot they open a window, and when it's cold, they close it. Wow, things have certainly moved on since I went to school!!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#218 #2172014-02-19 23:0924 toilets will be a vast improvement on the current facilities.:3 girls cubicles and 2 boys cubicles indoors and one of each outside! |
Guest |
#219 re201 and 2032014-02-20 00:55POINT 1 I would like to support the teacher who has been treated so badly by a few of supporters of this new inappropriately positioned school. This teacher works at a school that has 42% of it's children on the SEN audit. 12.5% on SA+ ( the higher level of intervention) 29.5% on SA as well as 15.2% of 'English not as first language'. CAN YOU IMAGINE !! Now Tunstall is a different case - 4.3% on SA+ and7.1% on SA. A total of a mere 12%. Also 9% on 'English not as first language'. If a previous comment is correct and their OFSTED ratings are the same then I suggest the teachers at this school are doing a very good job and perhaps would not want these 'children and grandchildren' ! POINT 2 I was advised to look on 'Tunstall mum' facebook. I have never been on Facebook before. No interest in it at all, having seen the site my opinion is still the same. One comment was made by a ' Roger Truelove' ( Oxford University ( oh dear me!) ) He said that he was going to have a debate with Lee. His final comment was ' the clash of the Titans'. What an ego!! It is obviously a game to him, a sparring match. What arrogance when people are genuinely worried about the situation. There is a particular legend that springs to mind in this instance. It's the story of a youth named Narcissus. He comes to a very sad end. A very apt story when talking about education because quite a lot of year 5 and 6 children will know this tale. POINT 3 RE 209 When talking of collaboration, winners and losers etc., it has to be said that a good percentage of parents are transient and will have little to do with the area when their offspring have gone on to pastures new. We the locals will still be here. Perhaps if Boris wants to build his airport at the bottom of their gardens I will vote YES. |
Transient like cement |
#220 Re: re201 and 2032014-02-20 08:03Most parents don't actually "just move on",most send other siblings to the school and as such as invested for a greater number of years. Personally our first child has completed 7 years at the school, 2nd child has 1.5 years to go, and our 3rd child would hopefully go to the school in future years. Should our 3rd child go to Tunstall that would be a total innings of about 16 years.... most people move house a few times in that timescale so some parents are quite invested over a long period of time. |
Frustrated "Local" |
#221 Re: re201 and 2032014-02-20 08:30Your assumption is that it is only parents who are supporting the school proposal .... there are parents who oppose the proposal, but conversely there are many "locals" like myself that support the proposal. Please do not speak on behalf of a group that you do not fully represent. If you were choosing to collaborate, perhaps you would know that! By all means do present your opinions. |
Guest |
#222 Re: Re: re201 and 2032014-02-20 08:53#220: Transient like cement - Re: re201 and 203 Another cemented local here. We have been here many years and never really known the school was there, we have always thought what a great area to live, peace, fields to walk in and actually at one point we did think that we might aspire to a large house in Tunstall road. Hey ho not any more if this goes ahead they will look out onto a concrete jungle, a permantly lit building, no hedgerows for protection (only some pretty trees that the illustrations in the recent newsletter show- that take 30 years to grow) blocked roads twice a day and as another has posted 400 odd children coming to and from twice a day.And lets not forget that the school does not just come to life at 8.30 but earlier, then there is the after school clubs. I keep hearing about the school having C ofE ethics but it is very apparent that no Christianity is being shown at all to people in Tunstall Road and Ruins Barn Road who will be sacrificing everything they have worked for to look out onto a giant shed and school car park. No expansion in housing has yet taken place in the vicinity (except Doves Croft) for many years and I understand the need for more schools but Tunstall Road is not the correct place. I have great sympathy for the stress that the people in the above mentioned roads must be currently suffering. Choosing a school for your children is not stress but a choice. The people in the local roads are not getting a choice at all. |
Guest |
#223 Re: Re: Re: Re: COMMENTS2014-02-20 09:00#216: my, you're a grumpy one - Re: Re: Re: COMMENTS stupid comment as if the school is built it will already look like MORRISONS!! If the school doesnt get built then that will be another problem for another day. |
frustratedatsnobbybigotry |
#224 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: COMMENTS2014-02-20 09:42#223: - Re: Re: Re: Re: COMMENTS Without starting a tango, my stupid comment was in reference to your much more stupid comment. This petition is populated by a group of people that have opposing views and you fail to be able to comment without referring to children as "worse than elephants"... if you truly would prefer elephants to children. I would assume that you're not one of the supporters of there being a school at all, you obviously don't like children and probably have the viewpoint that they should be seen and not heard, or if possible not even seen. The world has moved on my archaic friend, if you have issues then please submit them to the appropriate people and places... I'm sure they would love your suggestion for a zoo rather than a school... that would increase the coffers somewhat. |
tsk |
#225 Re: Re: Re: re201 and 2032014-02-20 09:49"I keep hearing about the school having C ofE ethics but it is very apparent that no Christianity is being shown at all to people in Tunstall Road and Ruins Barn Road who will be sacrificing everything they have worked for to look out onto a giant shed and school car park" And that my friends is christianity in action. Since when did christianity exist to uphold the front garden views of the few. Whilst I understand your concern, please don't bring christianity into the equation, it's simply not relevant... if you want a bibical quote to support the school being built try when Jesus said "let the children come to me". I also recall he said a few scathing things about people who consider themselves of a higher status because of their position/social standing... |
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