
/ #219 re201 and 203

2014-02-20 00:55

I would like to support the teacher who has been treated so badly by a few of supporters of this new inappropriately positioned school. This teacher works at a school that has 42% of it's children on the SEN audit. 12.5% on SA+ ( the higher level of intervention) 29.5% on SA as well as 15.2% of 'English not as first language'. CAN YOU IMAGINE !! Now Tunstall is a different case - 4.3% on SA+ and7.1% on SA. A total of a mere 12%. Also 9% on 'English not as first language'. If a previous comment is correct and their OFSTED ratings are the same then I suggest the teachers at this school are doing a very good job and perhaps would not want these 'children and grandchildren' !
I was advised to look on 'Tunstall mum' facebook. I have never been on Facebook before. No interest in it at all, having seen the site my opinion is still the same. One comment was made by a ' Roger Truelove' ( Oxford University ( oh dear me!) ) He said that he was going to have a debate with Lee. His final comment was ' the clash of the Titans'. What an ego!! It is obviously a game to him, a sparring match. What arrogance when people are genuinely worried about the situation. There is a particular legend that springs to mind in this instance. It's the story of a youth named Narcissus. He comes to a very sad end. A very apt story when talking about education because quite a lot of year 5 and 6 children will know this tale.
POINT 3 RE 209
When talking of collaboration, winners and losers etc., it has to be said that a good percentage of parents are transient and will have little to do with the area when their offspring have gone on to pastures new. We the locals will still be here.
Perhaps if Boris wants to build his airport at the bottom of their gardens I will vote YES.