Quoted post

Transient like cement

#220 Re: re201 and 203

2014-02-20 08:03

#219: - re201 and 203

Most parents don't actually "just move on",most send other siblings to the school and as such as invested for a greater number of years.  Personally our first child has completed 7 years at the school, 2nd child has 1.5 years to go, and our 3rd child would hopefully go to the school in future years.  Should our 3rd child go to Tunstall that would be a total innings of about 16 years.... most people move house a few times in that timescale so some parents are quite invested over a long period of time.



#222 Re: Re: re201 and 203

2014-02-20 08:53:05

#220: Transient like cement - Re: re201 and 203

Another cemented local here. We have been here many years and never really known the school was there, we have always thought what a great area to live, peace, fields to walk in and actually at one point we did think that we might aspire to a large house in Tunstall road. Hey ho not any more if this goes ahead they will look out onto a concrete jungle, a permantly lit building, no hedgerows for protection (only some pretty trees that the illustrations in the recent newsletter show- that take 30 years to grow) blocked roads twice a day and as another has posted 400 odd children coming to and from twice a day.And lets not forget that the school does not just come to life at 8.30 but earlier, then there is the after school clubs. I keep hearing about the school having C ofE ethics but it is very apparent that no Christianity is being shown at all to people in Tunstall Road and Ruins Barn Road who will be sacrificing everything they have worked for to look out onto a giant shed and school car park. No expansion in housing has yet taken place in the vicinity (except Doves Croft) for many years and I understand the need for more schools but Tunstall Road is not the correct place. I have great sympathy for the stress that the people in the above mentioned roads must be currently suffering. Choosing a school for your children is not stress but a choice. The people in the local roads are not getting a choice at all.