Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-20 15:28

I always protest against to ban Bhagwad-gita.



2011-12-20 15:31

#5504: -  

 zdes zameshano  i fsb i kgb no  malo ostalos  zdohnite vseravno  .2012  dlya vsex  god  duhovnogo  u4utelya




2011-12-20 15:32

Bhagavad Gita is the most the most important scriptures. Its is the divine voice of the God. One can be spiritually benefited by mediating and contemplating on the Gita. It is bebefiticial for all socities of today.



2011-12-20 15:39

the bhagavad-gita has changed my life in many ways... has helped me cope with my current challenging condition, has enlightened me about humanity and living a life of significance... yet I am not a Hindu, I am a catholic...lets have an open mind to see, hear, feel,know and taste the goodness it can bring to life



2011-12-20 15:41

Better court consult experts before finalize



2011-12-20 15:43

Суды служат не народу России а её врагам. Решения таких "судей" не законна!

#5532 Respect every religion which preaches humanity

2011-12-20 15:43

The great teachings of love and eternal truths which is most essential in human evolution and ascension should be respected and practiced. Every religiona and great books always taught that, the language of god is always unconditional love towards whole universe. Every religion has great advice, the interpreters are requested not to distort the truth and teach the huminity about intolernce and hatredness which is the path you are showing the human distruction. Kindly stop all this and humanity and love should prvail all above.



2011-12-20 15:44

Bhagavad-Gita stands for the truth for whole of the Man kind.



2011-12-20 15:45

For example here is the Vedic set of rules for war termed Dharma Yuddha -

Fighting must begin no earlier than sunrise and end exactly at sunset.

Multiple warriors may not attack a single warrior.

Two warriors may “duel”, or engage in prolonged personal combat, only if they carry the same weapons and they are on the same mount (no mount, a horse, an elephant, or a chariot).

No warrior may kill or injure a warrior who has surrendered.

One who surrenders becomes a prisoner of war and will then be subject to the protections of a prisoner of war.

No warrior may kill or injure an unarmed warrior.

No warrior may kill or injure an unconscious warrior.

No warrior may kill or injure a person or animal not taking part in the war.

No warrior may kill or injure a warrior whose back is turned away.

No warrior may attack a woman.

No warrior may strike an animal not considered a direct threat.

The rules specific to each weapon must be followed. For example, it is prohibited to strike below the waist in mace warfare.

Warriors may not engage in any “unfair” warfare.



2011-12-20 15:45

Why dont we start to ban humans again ?



2011-12-20 15:47

I support the movement against ban of Bhagavad Gita in Russia.



2011-12-20 15:49



2011-12-20 15:50

Большего безумия трудно придумать.



2011-12-20 15:51

This is rude to say "My Way or No Way" and this what this ban is



2011-12-20 15:52

Sripad Aindra Dasa addressing Russian devotees


2011-12-20 15:53

This is rude and totally unjustify to say " My Way or No way" and that is what is this ban

#5542 Shrimad Bhagwat Gita

2011-12-20 15:57

With a spineless government in India, anybody can bully us, even such small countries as Bangladesh Pakistan...
Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was India's Ambassador in USSR and had lectured about Bhagwad-Gita even to Stalin.
This is a move by some ignorant and un-educated bunch of people who do not want to see peace and happiness on earth.
Such action is bound to fail. But we do not have to sit idle. Public opinion around the world should be mobilised against it.



2011-12-20 15:58

Bhagavad gita is the book which proclaims peace.



2011-12-20 15:59

Srimad BhagwatGita is a sacret text and should not be banned.



2011-12-20 16:02

Please do not ban



2011-12-20 16:03

Bhagavadgita is the scripture of the human-kind not only of Hindus.



2011-12-20 16:04

Дешёвый пиар Томского прокурора?



2011-12-20 16:05

Hare Krishna,,!! why is it that the song of god(THE BHAGAVAD- GEETA) have to ban,, it is not right they can't do that!!!. BHAGAVAD GEETA is saviour for all of us.come on people of the world we have to do somthing about this!!!!! Hare krishna Hare krishna krishna krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!! chant an we will save it!!!



2011-12-20 16:05

Vikram Ji, You have taken a very holy and good task at hand.God bless you!



2011-12-20 16:08

As Russians are all my Brothers and sisters. for the sack of goodness to my Brothers pl dont ban the Holy book Bhagawath geetha.It will take time to understand the indepth meaning of geetha. It has to be understood
only through bonafied teacher(Prabupatha).