Crush the Quarry Featherston - Stop the Rock Crushing Onsite!
Don't ruin our beautiful town!Joanna Baldwin (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I live on this road and would highly prefer there not be a rock crushing plant just down the road. Horrible noise, vibration, and dust will be Generated. The affects to the nearby residents are not cool, there are families and animals that don’t deserve this or want it. Find a quarry somewhere else that won’t affect so many people please. PEACEKane Poletti (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I live 47.8 meters away from the quarry. And I care about my property value, animals my wife’s home business and being able to enjoy the outdoors.Matt Otter (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I do not want a quarry in Featherston or onsite crushing because of the damage it does to our fantastic town. The health issues are numerous, the impact to the environment, and more.Sharon Garrett (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I am directly impacted by this consent.I do not want to have my quality of life, property value, environment and general wellbeing diminished by this quarry. I bought this property for the location and peace and quiet, I did not buy next to an existing quarry, or with any knowledge of any possible quarry. Why should this operation be allowed so close to town and so close to our homes.
Nicole Robinson (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I’m signing because my family has respiratory problems already and I’m worried about how the dust etc will affect their health. Noise and environmental pollution is also a major concern.Jessica Larking (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
Of lack of consultation. The safety aspects of large trucks frequently driving a narrow road which already has too much traffic. The road itself is narrow and not suited to the innurable campervan that go up to especially in summer.But most importantly where is this on this spacial plan? Our council needs to do better than approve so many adhoc developments without a real it housing subdivisions or light industry.
Robyn Moran (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
This industry should not be in our town, there are plenty of Rick's and rivers in NZ where this could be managed without affecting our town, our air and our river. Please make the sensible chouceDianna Wallis (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I am against the extra dust, noise and heavy traffic that a quarry would bring, and also against the WRC's complete lack of communication and consultation.Annelise Schroeder (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I’m signing because I wish to maintain clean air in Featherston.Christine ODowd (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
Concerns on the environmental impacts, traffic levels and noise created by this.Mark Travis (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
This should not go ahead as it's too close to farms and homes. Featherston is trying to grow as a destination- this will totally ruin any chance of that.Jackie Forbes (Carterton, 2020-11-04)
I want fresh air to breathe.Charlotte Rickit (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I do not want a quarry, i live on this road and the road is not wide enough. It is a very busy unsealed road.Kirsten Ball (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
This seems to have started with no knowledge or open discussion with the locals or the local District Council. That in itself is wrong and underhand. This needs to be out in the open and extensive reports available for the public to read on the environmental damage and what the impact on our beautiful town it is going to have. There are huge restrictions on everyone else in the South Wairarapa when it comes to building a home or setting up a small business in town. So how can this go ahead without full South Wairarapa Council Consent and public discussion and public approval forst. There is something wrong here and whose pockets are being lined, because it certainly wont be our town that is going to benefit anything out of this other than destroying a beautiful area in New Zealand. We live here in the country because we want clean air, beautiful unscarred land, access to the beautiful swimming hole just down the road from this. Time for action and time to stop this happening here. MUCH MORE INFORMATION NEEDED and something needs to be put in place so these sorts of things cant just happen .Jill Dunscombe (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
I'm signing because of the direct impact on me and my family who live in Underhill Road. I am TOTALLY opposed to this.David Coates (Featherston, 2020-11-04)
My in-laws live in Featherston, literally 50m from the quarry... And because I have a degree in Biology/Ecology I know of the long term affects of such things so I strongly object the development!Nick Orlov-Otter (Windsor, 2020-11-04)
Increased trucks down the road. Silicate to air is dangerous close to residences -- google "Fair Go Quarries" and watch the nightmare report.Jack Sheppard (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
I don’t want a rock crushing operation down our street !!!Shawney Giles (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
No one consulted and this was approved without public involvement, I presume this does not follow the 800 page Resource Mnagement Act. In regards to Health and Safety requirements, what about long term environmental impacts? Has local Iwi/ Maori been consulted, is significance of the river and land for them. Environmental study??? Bee Populations Eeling groups. Native bird groups. Are all issues to be considered and what about tourism?Charles Otter (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
My friends live near Featherston and I value their right to clean air, water and the natural peace and beauty of the area.Rachel Silvestri (Qingdao, 2020-11-05)
My close friend lives very close to this site and it will have major impacts on his state of livingZach Daniel (Wellington, 2020-11-05)
I’m signing because I care about the environment & local people’s well being.jennie mcshane (Cullompton, 2020-11-05)
Because it’s to close to houses, creating silica hazardsJesse Odlum (5018, 2020-11-05)
Family Live close and will be advEtsely affected.Christine Mason (Upper Hutt, 2020-11-05)
I want Featherston to be the best place to raise my young whānau. I also feel that those who make decisions on our behalf need to holistically consider what is best for the ongoing improvement of our town.Underhill Road is one of Featherston's 'beauty spots'. It is an area enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.
Allowing a quarry to operate in this area, with little positive outcomes for the town, demonstrates how little GW officials consider what is best for those of us who live in Featherston.
Instead, Featherston is being used to solve a shortage of building materials due to restrictions being placed on removing stones from other rivers in the region.
I would like to know how on earth the model being used in Featherston (removing stones from dirt) is anymore sustainable than other methods.
Please don't use our town for this quarry.
Catherine Holley (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
I have whanau literally right next to where this is startingJake Bailes (Lower hutt, 2020-11-05)
I’m a regular visitor to this part Featherston and a frequent user of the Tauherenikau nearby. I'm appalled to hear this site was somehow approved for quarrying and particularly on-site crushing. The noise, the health risks associated with dust and silica, and the heavy trucks will put an end to the many visitors who, like me, are drawn to this specific area for its beauty and fresh air and enjoy contributing to its local economy.John Searle (Wellington, 2020-11-05)
I am against the proposal of a rock crushers being established on Underhill Road Featherston because the scale of the operation will inevitably lead to greatly increased heavy trucks on a country road that is used daily by walkers, runners and cyclists. It will also create constant noise and dust levels during hours of operation.With Government funding being secured for the bridge across the Tauherenikau River for the extension of recognised NZ cycleways quarry activity / rock crushing / truck movements will be a totally diametrically opposed activity.
John Casey (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
Because I’m supporting the communityCraig Riddell (Wellington, 2020-11-05)
we dont need this in featherston theres plenty of quarrys in the area nowrex margetts (featherston, 2020-11-05)
While we appreciate that the evaluation on the rock crushing is to measure noise levels (who decides what is “okay”?), this is a side issue to the very proposition of a quarry in our community with its accompanying, many sided inevitable disruptions. More specifically, to have done so without sufficient notice to the community is deeply disturbing.I am signing this petition to voice my vehement interest that this quarry has no business in being so close to our township or using publicly, daily use access roads.
Natasha Kewene-Hite (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
I live in a rural area and am aware of the impact quarrying has on the environment. This quarrying will happen on an ancient river bed and will be 4m deep across many acres, creating a flood risk as no restoration is required and water flow will proceed into a wetland restoration project, jeopardizing the success of this project.Lisa Hayes (Roto-orangi Cambridge, 2020-11-05)
I'm signing because this has not gone through proper consultation channels, and those affected deserve a right to be heard. (And once they are heard, the consent application could never be approved given cultural, environmental, health factors!)Nik Rilkoff (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
When were locals consulted on something that will effect the town in such a negative way.Graeme Bakes (Featherston, 2020-11-05)
Too close to town and no consultation.Jim Curry (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
Don't want a quarry with all the implications for both health and businessesJulie McPhee (FEATHERSTON, 2020-11-06)
This will destroy an amazing camp site and local area!Jes Bland (Wellington, 2020-11-06)
I’m concerned with the lack of consultation, the introduction of an industrial activity which is going to negatively impact our living environment.Not happy!!!
Karen Mikaera (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
This quarry operation will seriously impact the quality of life for and the property values for adjoining Featherston homeowners. The quarry haulage operation will impact local road safety and traffic flow.Nancy Beavan (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
Featherston is a beautiful little town in a pivotal point of its development. New businesses are opening up, young families are moving in. This quarry will not contribute positively to Featherston's development as the negative environmental impact it will bring will make the town less attractive, keep land value low and hinder the positive growth that has already begun. The heavy traffic and pollution will also negatively affect the family-friendly clean environment of this first town in the Wairarapa.Ceara Lile (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
Trucks are going via Underhill Road, where a sports field is and the cycle trails are also out there. An accident waiting to happen plus house prices in a beautiful area of Featherston will drop. I hear it’s a Greytown resident who owns the Quarry please take your quarry to Greytown.Nifo ILI (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
I believe this will be detramental to our town.Wayne Birch (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
We live at the end of Algies Road, in direct line with the Quarry. Already over the last year, we have been subject to the constant loud noises of rocks and gravel being excavated at the site. In Northwestly winds, the noise is loud and relentless when the machines are operating. We have now been informed, with no opportunity to object, that resource consent has been given by the Wellington Regional Council (for a ten year period) for a Crusher plant to operate at the site. No consultation has been offered prior to this decision or even to the original consent to excavate the gravel . We would appear to be the nearest residents to the site and object strongly to the proposal which will result in constant noise and dust (which can cause silicosis lung disease) and will definitely have a negative impact on our quality of life and cause a great deal of stress. We notice that nobody involved in this proposal lives anywhere near the site, leaving the unsuspecting residents of Underhill and Algies Road to live with the repercussions of a stone quarry in our backyard. This quarry must not be allowed go ahead!!Miriam Williams (Algies Road Featherston, 2020-11-06)
I want the children of Featherston to be breathing clean fresh air especially while playing sport at Card Reserve.Karl Cooper-Faye (Lower Hutt, 2020-11-06)
No consultation has taken placeVaughan Clarke (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
I'm concerned about the inappropriate use of land which is rapidly becoming a residential area, with consequent loss of natural beauty. The operation will pose dangers in the form of increased heavy traffic through established urban streets, and visual, noise and air pollution.Rick Drawbridge (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
I do not wish to see a quarry that does not benefit Featherston residents nor has any concerns about the health risks posed by the constant dust, noise and truck movements, to continue to go ahead with no consultation with the local residents. The road is well used by Featherston residents for river access in the summer time.Dan Neemia (Featherston, 2020-11-06)
Our property is directly affected by traffic on Underhill Road. Why was there no consultation?Peter Moore (Featherston, 2020-11-07)
I believe this activity to have a negative impact on the health and safety of the surrounding communities. My main concerns are increased noise level, air pollution caused by silicon dust and its impact on people’s health, increased heavy traffic on a road extensively used by locals and tourists, cars and push bikes alike, to get to a very popular swimming hole and forest tracks.The overall impact of the quarry and particularly the rock crushing operations will have a very negative impact on Featherston and local property prices, all for the financial gain of a very few out of town quarry owners
Marc Van de Loo (Featherston, 2020-11-07)
My friends live near this site and this will negatively effect them.Kirsty Mifsud (Aspley, 2020-11-07)
Clean fresh air for Featherston. Right down the road from the sports grounds - no thanks.Susi Cooper-Faye (Featherston, 2020-11-07)
A friend lives close to the quarry. Air pollution, noise pollution are just but a start to health related problems. Quarrying destroys landscapes. Don't do this. Keep it as it is.Susan Miller (Upper Hutt, 2020-11-07)
I am signing this because of my concern for the environment- will the company restore the whenua after the permit runs out? What are the long term impacts?Anne Hynds (Featherston, 2020-11-08)
Recently brought land here for the "lifestyle", not for heavy trucks, traffic, dust near by. I am sure there are hundreds of better suited locations with less population near by and a transport route not through a township.cameron McKenna (featherston, 2020-11-09)
As a long term resident of Underhill Rd I object to our scenic area being defiled by this operation. At the moment it is a very desirable place to live & this will decrease the value of our properties. The large trucks will create noise, dust, damage to road surfaces - who will pay to repair??? How will this affect the new, expensive Cycle Trail due to start early next year? The DOC freedom camping area at the end of Bucks Rd is very popular all year round - this increase of heavy vehicles & machinery is surely a health & safety issue.Joan Smith (Featherston, 2020-11-09)
I have previously lived near a quarry for ten years, have suffered the noise, dust and the environmental aftermath. I have also experienced rescuing people from traumatic head on collisions.I'm signing this petition for the following reasons:
.Air pollution difficulty with breathing
.Contamination of our water tanks from air pollution on the roofs.
.Noise pollution and emotional fall out.
.De-valuation of our property.
.Environmental issues including drainage of water from the site as it is surrounded by wet low lands.
.Contamination to the Tauherenikau River.
.Post quarrying issues including: dealing with the aftermath of a large 4m deep hole,How?
.Heavy traffic; access/egress; which has to pass over 1.4Km of dirt road, 1.8Km of sub-standard road, and along nearly 3Km of 50K urban streets if travelling North, or 1.7Km if traveling South; where potential conflict with the local community and oncoming traffic is 'High Risk'.
.SH2 going North from Featherston to Masterton is already under a Ministry of Transport accident review following 488 accidents including 4 fatalities and 28 serious injuries in the last ten years;
.Traveling South we have the Sub-standard (for 100K speed limit) road over the Remutaka Hill that has significant commuter traffic.
.The lack of due diligence and Duty of Care by the GWRC, that has precipitated this debacle.
without either site visit or Local Council involvement, or seemingly any forethought.
George Watterson (Featherston, 2020-11-09)
I don't want particulate reaching the town and affecting the health of young and old. Move the quarry, or crush within sealed environments that reclaim particulate.Daniel Watterson (Auckland, 2020-11-10)
I'm signing because of the traffic danger to children, pedestrians and other road users through our residential streets, past the sports field and down our mainstreet; dust pollution with regards to our water tanks; noise; devaluation of our homes; environmental impact; impact on tourismSusan Watterson (Featherston, 2020-11-10)
Our neighbours battled against a quarry years ago for all the above reasons plus excessive truck movements on a very quiet country road that wasn’t wide enoughMary Sullivan (Nelson, 2020-11-10)
I’m signing because I believe the residents in Featherstone deserve clean air.Joy Creet (Porirua, 2020-11-10)
Have experience daily of non-notified consent for Higgins asphalt plant in Palmerston North. Noise and asphalt fumes daily (and nightly) - definitely fight this or you may be like me with no peaceful back yard or garden and windows all closed at night to reduce the noise.Mary Legg (Palmerston North, 2020-11-10)
I’m signing because of the significant detrimental effect this will have on Featherston which are too numerous too list and the lack of community consultation to undertake a thorough impact asst of this prior to any consent is/was givenSonya Logan (Featherston, 2020-11-10)
Its time to give Featherston the same respect the more so called cooler towns of the Wairarapa have. Would you let a quarry be opened in Carterton for example.Mike Travis (Wellington, 2020-11-10)
Featherston is a lovely peaceful little town and this will impact it hugely for all the wrong reasons. People have the right to live with fresh air and without the danger of huge trucks going up and down narrow roadsShirley Travis (Wellington, 2020-11-10)
We don’t want the dust or the noise in our community and we can’t sustain any additional water usage.Gaill MacKenzie (Featherston, 2020-11-10)
I live in the close proximaty and will get the noise and the over use of this road that the council has decided to forget about over the years will make it unsafe for travelers and locals and it will break that nice vista at the end of the road,anthony medcraft (featherston, 2020-11-10)
theres better places for thisleroy austin (featherston, 2020-11-10)
I'm signing because our council and this community needs to decide if they want to be "Fab Feathy", attract creative business and protect our environment, or accomodate noisy and environmentally harmful operations such as this one.Astrid Nielsch (Featherston, 2020-11-11)
I'm concerned of the detriment to the land. Is this the right thing to be doing on a fault line, at the base of a hill. IS there a geological feasibility study pertaining to the area (not a financial feasibility study) that is open to the public to read to explain the knock on affects...heather murphy (featherston, 2020-11-13)
This is the wrong decision for Featherston and the Wairarapa region - this proposal puts the profits of a single company ahead of the needs and rights of the townspeople, the environment, and the local wildlife. ............................................................................................................................This plan jeopardises and diminishes the future income potential of the whole region, as the quarry is proposed next to the road that, with the construction of the Tauherenikau cycle bridge, is to become a new cycle trail, linking Featherston with Greytown in the first part of the 5 Towns plan to connect all Wairarapa towns with a cycle network. .............................................................................................................
I am deeply concerned with the road safety implications - I will soon be moving to Johnston St (adjacent to Underhill Road) with my young children, and this proposal would have quarry trucks regularly driving up and down a currently safe and quiet street and cutting off safe access to Barr Brown forest reserve. .................................................................................................................................
I also have many concerns regarding the adverse effects from noise and dust, which could affect many hundreds of local residents (including myself) and be catastrophic for the residents living nearby. In addition to this, there are serious implications for the health of the river, which is already suffering from periods of low flow. .......................................................................................................................
We are in a time of environmental and climate emergency and can no longer make short-sighted decisions that put profit first and destroy our precious environment. .......................................................................................................................
We owe it to our children and future generations to make decisions that create a better world and environment for them. If our children could have their say, what do you think they would want us to do - build another destructive industrial area or invest in beautifying and protecting the area, developing it as part of important local asset that benefits locals, the environment and visitors alike? .........................................................................................................
The choice is clear SWDC. You exist to protect our area and be a voice for the people. The people do not want this. Do your job.
Merinda Robert (Wellington, 2020-11-16)
I am worried about the impact this proposal will have on the health and safety of the Featherston community, especially its youngest members...big trucks, air pollution, noise. I am worried about the health of our waterways and the impact this will have on the environment. I am deeply concerned that we are letting an individuals profit come before what is best for the community.Timothy Robert (Wellington, 2020-11-18)
This would have devestating effects on the local environmentPenny Taylor (Wairarapa, 2020-11-19)
This site is too close to housing in Featherston. I think it is short sighted and will pollute the air and waterways around the township.Katherine Tham (Carterton, 2020-11-19)
The quarry license was granted by gwrc without any due diligence studies on the impact on the town. They saw no reason to advise those in close proximity, taking at face value the applicants assertion there would be minimal impact. Noise, dust, environmental damage, local business impact, pollution of people’s water supplies, just a few impacts, hardly minimal. Not to mention the traffic hazards.Lynne St Clair-Chapman (Wellington, 2020-11-22)
This quarry in this location is not a good idea!Janine Ogg (Masterton, 2020-11-23)