International representation in CMR



I have wholeheartedly signed this petition because it defends a fundamental and essential right that an anti-democratic and harmful decision has unjustly taken away. This decision strongly goes against the principles of inclusivity and respect for diversity that we must work to protect in these difficult and uncertain times.

Josinaldo Menezes (Maastricht, 2025-01-30)


Taal moet geen barrière zijn

Romy de Waal (Maastricht, 2025-01-30)


Discrimination against international Students and Lecturers should be allowed at our university.
Of in het Nederlands als dat toch de voorkeur heeft: geen discriminatie tegen internationale studenten en docenten zou mogen worden toegestaan op Zuyd

Lucy Van der Goot (Maastricht, 2025-01-30)


Ik ben DIEP teleurgesteld en zelfs woedend over dit besluit. Dit besluit is niet alleen discriminerend het is borderline autoritarisme, iets dat absoluut geen plaats heeft op een academisch instituut in onze democratische samenleving.

David Eroglu (Maastricht, 2025-01-30)


I stand against any form of othering and believe that everyone has a right to not be excluded on the basis of language, race and economic background

Joshuah De Oliveira (Maastricht, 2025-01-30)


This is discrimination! Outright.

Connlaodh McDonagh (Downpatrick, 2025-01-30)


I'm an international student and it's already enough limitations for us.

Kira Dralyuk (Maastricht, 2025-01-30)


Globalisering, multiculturalisme en meertaligheid zijn de essentie van onze faculteit en wat er onderwezen wordt!

Rick Korsten (Maastricht, 2025-01-31)


Multicultural and multilingual representation in such a board, ESPECIALLY when the representatives have been formally voted and democratically selected is incredibly important. I have always seen zuyd as an organization and a faculty that has a focus on the future. The removal of student representatives in this board shows that the international students of the hogeschool is simply not welcome in important conversations simply for not having the ability to speak dutch. That is not very hospitable for the students in the schools, and sends a very strong and negative message. As an international studnet myslef i must say that i was shocked to recieve this email. with all my heart i hope to both get an update and/or a proper reasoning to why this action has been made and at the VERY least that it is reversed........

Martha Elise Årdal (Maastricht, 2025-02-01)


Ik vind dat als ze zich konden aanmelden, dit ook moet worden geborgd bij de uitslag

vincent perriens (maastricht, 2025-02-01)


ik ben er niet mee eens dat er mensen die democratisch uitgekozen werden met onze stemmen zomaar eruit worden gegooid.

Fatah Dzhamaldinov (Hauset, 2025-02-01)


I think diversity is important and also think its good for our culture that exchange students/international students have a chance at ZUYD

Tycho Lankreijer (Simpelveld, 2025-02-01)


I am signing this petition because English, as the unifying language of our international university, ensures that we can all communicate and collaborate as a student body. Globally, international universities rely on English in committees to guarantee inclusive representation for all students—and rightfully so. Creating barriers with languages undermines this principle and detracts from the enriching experience of diverse perspectives. Removing Vito and Giuseppe from the CMR simply because they don’t speak Dutch contradicts the school’s commitment to inclusion and equality.

Ananya Ortiz (MAASTRICHT, 2025-02-01)


I sign because this is an international school. How dare you.

Cecile Paardekooper (Middelburg, 2025-02-01)


For representation of Internationals in the cmr

August Wallgren (Maastricht, 2025-02-01)


I believe that the CMR should also offer international students and lecturers the opportunity to participate and share their ideas and concerns.

Roos Gerbers (Maastricht, 2025-02-01)


I care

Pelle Pepels (Munstergeleen, 2025-02-01)


Ik onderteken

Thijs Kleijn (Nuenen, 2025-02-01)


Ook internationale studenten verdienen mee te kunnen doen aan de CMR wanneer ze eerlijk verkozen worden tot deze raad. Ze buiten sluiten puur en alleen omdat ze geen nederlands spreken kan niet, al helemaal niet wanneer praktisch elke Nederlander prima Engels spreekt.

International students deserve to participate fully in the CMR when they have been fairly elected to it. Excluding them purely because they don't speak dutch is unfair, especially when practically every dutch person is perfectly capable of speaking decent English.

daan bronzwaer (Maastricht, 2025-02-01)


Go students!

Vince van de Poel (Sittard, 2025-02-01)


It is against Zuyd’s promise ‘we are there for you’ to exclude international students from taking their right to participate. Even the lack of effort to seek for ways to solve the challenge makes one ashamed of Zuyd. In my opinion the CMR loses its ligitimacy if it maintains its refusal to accept the presence of these two elected students.

Ankie Hoefnagels (Maastricht, 2025-02-02)


Ik onderteken omdat ik achter de internationale studenten (en medewerkers) in questie sta.

rosa lardenoije (heerlen, 2025-02-04)


I'm signing because I am in favour of an open inclusie CMR

Aad Vijverberg (Maastricht, 2025-02-10)


We all have equal rights!

Marcus De Vries (Heerlen, 2025-02-10)


Ik onderteken, omdat ik als lid van de CMR tot die groep van leden van de CMR behoor (student- en medewerkers geleding) die ook tot de slotsom gekomen zijn dat een goed en onafhankelijk onderzoek helderheid moet verschaffen over de gang van zaken rond de verkiezing, met de juiste consequenties verbonden aan de uitkomst. De inclusiviteit van Zuyd staat ook voor ons op het spel.

Marjan Melkert (Maastricht, 2025-02-10)


Zuyd is een hogeschool voor iedereen!

Yvonne Slots (Baexem, 2025-02-10)