In Support of Academic Freedom of Expression and Critical Thought
I have had a complete gutsful of cowards threatening women's jobs for defending their own sex. Holly Lawford Smith ask for stories from women, this is very common place, women have often recorded their own experiences through history. What these university people are saying is, I have free speech and can express my own experiences, but others whom I disagree with can't ..please read up on Mussolini, fascist dictator Italy WW2Delia Morris (New Zealand, 2021-03-01)
No woman should be silenced for expressing her views, above all when she is speaking in defence of women’s rights & children’s health. No University worth its salt would stand for women being bullied and no platformed or removed for thinking & speaking. A University is a place for respectful debate, not shouting down others with whom you disagree & bullying or threatening. This is a disgrace and the world is watching.Leon Donnelly (Folkestone, 2021-03-01)
Freedom of expression is vital to maintaining democracy. Universities should promote political debate, and not silence it. This attack on Holly-Lawford Smith is totalitarian bullying. It's an attack not only on one woman, but on the ability of all women to defend our sex-based rights.Maureen O'Hara (London, 2021-03-01)
Diversity and difference is great but we have to actually acknowledge difference! How can we give the correct support and opportunities to particular groups, if we merge everybody together and pretend we're all the same. We're not. We have different needs and want and need different types of support depending on the group.Dee Adams (Plymouth, 2021-03-01)
Gender Ideology and queer theory, like all other ideologies, ought to be discussed and debated openly. The silencing of feminists on issues that concern the female sex under the guise of gender ideology and queer theory is the new misogyny.Lilian Gonzalez (coburg, 2021-03-02)
I am signing because I stand with women across the Earth. We know that women’s hard fought rights are being eroded. We know that women are silenced for speaking the simple truth of biological reality.Annie Gwillym Walker (Newport, 2021-03-02)
I am a retired academic and this needs to stop.Marcella McClure (Salinas, 2021-03-02)
women's rights are endangered by trans ideology.Diane Perry (Portland, 2021-03-02)
I believe in this causeCaroline Buckingham (Birkdale, 2021-03-02)
Women deserve space away from menJacquelynne Cheeks (Fort Worth, 2021-03-02)
Men are destroying women's rights and this is unacceptable!Stacey O'Brien (Ipswich, 2021-03-02)
I’m signing because I’m disgusted at the silencing of gender critical feminists around the world and I don’t want it to spread hereAndrya Hart (Lismore, 2021-03-02)
I believe in Accademic Freedom of expression and Critical ThoughtGlenda Lucas (PICNIC BAY, 2021-03-02)
It is not hateful for women to discuss our legal rights and realities and issues that affect these. We need academics to be able to properly research and discuss our human rights that are being negatively impacted.Dawn Goddard (Sunshine Coast, 2021-03-02)
It’s a disgrace on many levelsGrace Stevenson (North maleny, 2021-03-02)
I stand for freedom of speech and the right to dissent.Jane Irving (Brighton, 2021-03-02)
women must be allowed to speak even if another group doesn't want them toElizabeth Walker (Pocklington, 2021-03-02)
Free speech and women rights are absolutely paramount to a free democratic societyFrank Rose (Brisbane, 2021-03-02)
Women and girls deserve their sex based rights. Gender ideology is dangerous and predatory.Mon Maree (Perth, 2021-03-02)
People should be able to disagree peacefully, and women should be able to voice their concerns when their rights are at stake without being shut down by rabble rousers.Ann Beirne (MORISSET, 2021-03-02)
We should all be able to critique the policy and legislative changes that are impacting women and girls without fear or favour.Sally Cusack (Byron bay, 2021-03-02)
I’m signing because the statements made by the VC and the Dean of Arts in response to feminists on campus have massive and likely unconsidered implications for all academics. Last year, the VC called the statement that biological sex can’t be changed “hate speech.” Given that as far as I’m aware science has not yet enabled us to modify our DNA as existing humans already alive, this statement seems true to me. But if it is hate to say so, what does that mean for teaching??? Similarly, the Dean of Arts stated publicly in response to Hollys work that academic freedom has limits. He is implying that feminist academics do not have the right to raise questions as to the policy implications of self-ID laws on women’s rights. That is deeply concerning to me.Sara Meger (Northcote, 2021-03-02)
Freedom of speech is a block upon which our values were moulded, regardless of your role in the world, this right should be taken away.Dan Allen (Clare, QLD, 2021-03-02)
The treatment of Holly by the trans 'activists' is horrendous. women's stories are not hate speech, and their experiences deserve to be heard as much as anyone's.Amanda Mckenzie (Melbourne, 2021-03-02)
I'm signing because I'm horrified at the hounding of Holly Lawford-Smith, a lesbian who has high-lighted the attacks on women, lesbians, young lesbians and parents, and the way their rights have been removed by trans ideology.Elaine Hutton (Bristol, 2021-03-02)
Gender identity is not real and cannot be the basis for coherent law and policy.People need the freedom to debate, challenge and explore the massive social consequences arising from this nebulous concept undermining the material reality of sex.
Martina Wilson (Tyrone, 2021-03-02)
Stop this misogyny. Just stop it. Let us speak and defend what rights and protections we have, and quit reversing the dynamic to claim that defending ourselves is somehow an attack. This is abusive behaviour known as DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender). It’s psychologically manipulative, cruel, and unjust. Pretending it’s not doesn’t alter that. Pretending humans can change sex doesn’t make it true.Marla Murphy (Melbourne, 2021-03-02)
If we can’t define women we can't fight sex based oppression. Who does that benefit? Feminists recognise gender ideology as inherently sexist, and along with violence it represents one of patriarchy's most effective tools of our oppression. The costumes may have changed but the stench of misogyny is unmistakeable.Julie Moore (Diamond Creek, 2021-03-02)
Academic rigour and freedom of expression is so important across the board.Lynne Parker (Monmouth, 2021-03-02)
Women’s sex based rights need protecting. Freedom to speak about matters that impact women’s rights and wellbeing is essential.Jenny Campbell (Melbourne, 2021-03-02)
Women have worked too hard and for too long to be heard just to be silenced now on account on non-issues.Anda Constantin (Faro, 2021-03-02)
Safe spaces are important for me & my young daughter.Melinda Lenane (Newborough Victoria, 2021-03-02)
No one should be silenced for acknowledging reality and wanting to have a respectful discussion.Claire Harris (Melbourne, 2021-03-02)
Democratic right of freedom of speech,, thought and discussion/debate is now deemed 'transphobic' and as usual the violent women hating men are targeting women! Male terrorism against women is now widely portrayed as 'heretical' and the aim of these violent women hating males is to silence all women!When will the men in political/academic power speak up and hold these violent women hating males to account?
Jennifer Drew (London, 2021-03-02)
Freedom of Speech, Thought and Expression is paramount in modern democratic society. The moment that bodies (usually unelected but sometimes even those elected) start to "cancel" thoughts/speech/meetings/expression on a whim is the moment that society turns down the road to Authoritarianism. We have seen that in various societies. It is not pretty, it is not democratic. NO ONE has the right to stop others from speaking out. Everyone has a right to challenge others - that way we get debate and critical thinking. Threats against people are not freedom of speech. They are totalitarian and authoritarian.Ioan Wade (London, 2021-03-02)
It is appalling that in 2021 women are being denied freedom of speech and thought, and have abuse and threats hurled at them for daring to disagree with men that want to pretend they are women.This violence towards women, and controlling all aspects of their lives, must stop
sue mcleod (Ferntree gully, 2021-03-02)
Lesbians are same-sex attracted adult human females and should be allowed to talk about and organize around issues that concern them, without having to pay lip service to men claiming to be women.Julia Bretschneider (Frankfurt, 2021-03-02)
I support of the principle of academic freedom, as well as the democratic right of women to advocate for their own collective interestsMichael Biggs (Oxford, 2021-03-02)
Women’s rights and gender are a non negotiable sovereign right of biologically born females.Jane Janowski (Perth, 2021-03-02)
Sex is a protected characteristic under the law. Gender identity is a belief or a feeling. It can not be defined and should not be protected. It is being used as a weapon to suppress women. What is happening to Professor Lawford-Smith is an example of what is wrong this belief and the system it derives from - transgenderism.Isabella Stevenson (Dargaville, 2021-03-02)
Critical thinking is the core of learning in the academy and must be defended. As a lesbian academic and lifelong feminist activist I stand with those who defend women's sex based rights.margaret page (Bristol, 2021-03-02)
No ideology, no movement should have this much power and influence. It is sinister, it does NOTHING for individuals who genuinely struggle with their sexed bodies in our sexist world; it exclusively protects men who act out their sexual fetishes and bad players who take advantage of the complete absence of safeguarding. The fact that schools and universities now actively undermine free discourse on drastic societal shifts is extremely alarming.Adina Kindler (Waterford, 2021-03-02)
The world is going mad!John Coventry (Alfredton, 2021-03-02)
As a person with academic education myself want to support Dr.Lawfort-Smith, to be free to express founded critique of transgenderism without being harrassed, threatened or excluded from her work.Elisabeth Jolly (Jörlanda, 2021-03-02)
Academic freedom, freedom of political opinion, freedom of expression and the right of women and lesbians to self determination are crucial freedoms in a democratic society.Jenny Whyte (Wellington, 2021-03-02)
The only way to resolve this issue is through robust and truthful discussion. The fact that one side refuses to debate and actively silences the other makes it look very guilty indeed.Giselle Cabale (Gold Coast, 2021-03-02)
Proper discussion and research without dogma and fear of persecution is essential. Otherwise we may as well be a medieval religious caliphate.Andy Loe (Fleet, 2021-03-02)
Free speech is essential to democracyJan Thorburn (Auckland, 2021-03-02)
Genuine free speech is something we can not lose. It is become very hard to have a opinion on certain topics without someone screaming bigot incorrectlyKarin Comport (MAFFRA, VIC 3860, 2021-03-02)
I believe in academic freedomlin farley (Waynesville, 2021-03-02)
I’m signing because I believe female-bodied women’s rights should be protected. I also believe freedom of speech is paramount to a democratic society and that too many Australians are being bullied into silence under the guise of inclusivity.Deb Chan (Melbourne, 2021-03-02)
Freedom of speech must be protected.Kate Tagseth (Victoria Harbour, 2021-03-02)
Fuck off you bigoted scumbags.Fukk Terfs (Melbourne, 2021-03-02)
I believe that the campaign of persecution against Holly Lawford-Smith violates principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech that I hold to. It is a campaign built on lies, deliberate distortions and misrepresentations of Holly Lawford-Smith's views, and seeks to intimidate and silence all people who are raising legitimate questions about transgender ideology.James Robb (Auckland, 2021-03-02)
I'm signing this petition because the speed at which legislation is changing and reducing womens right is frightening!Julie Yates (O'CONNOR, 2021-03-02)
Academia has always been, and must remain a place to gather and collate data, vigorously discuss with the view to ‘best outcomes’ for all of society.It needs to be maintained as the ultimate ‘safe space’ for expression and freedom of ideas and opinions
Tanea Paterson (Dunedin, 2021-03-02)
I’m a feminist and support sex based women’s rights. I also support the rights of transgender people to freedom from discrimination and that this protection need not, must not be, accompanied by the erasure of biological sex as a protected category. Sex and gender are not the same.Sue Middleton (Hamilton, 2021-03-03)
I believe that freedom of speech is critical to our democracy because without it there is no democracy. Melbourne is my home town and I would be devastated if the University of Melbourne stooped down to the Trans Taliban demands.Jenni MacKinnon (Auckland, 2021-03-03)
Women must be free to defend their sex-based rights, by means of speech, writing, assembly, self-organizing, protest, publishing, and publicity.Jeff White (Toronto, 2021-03-03)
I'm signing because I don't accept that this site actually does promote "vilification". And I don't accept that this scholar's viewpoint should be censored by the university. As on other topics, both sides should be free to express their view, within lawful limits.Geoff Sharrock (Melbourne, 2021-03-03)
I want to preserve free speech, critical thinking and women's only spaces.Melissa Humphreys (Croydon park, 2021-03-03)
When women are being castigated as they are at the moment then collecting information to understand the size of the problem is a perfectly legitimate activity.Jan Rivers (Wellington, 2021-03-03)
Mädchen-, Frauen- und Lesbenrechte sind Menschenrechte !Martina Roß (Hildesheim, 2021-03-03)
I believe in free speech. People mistake speech they hate for Hate Speech and want to silence dissenting opinions. That’s not acceptable in a democratic society.Helen Blackmore (Karalee, 2021-03-03)
Free speech is essential and horrendous attacks on gender critical women academics are abusive.Louise Somerville (Glastonbury, 2021-03-03)
I support women who want to speak out about defending their legal sex-based protectionsJocelyn Gaskell (Morecambe, 2021-03-03)
It's easier for me to do it this way.Peter Scragg (Parrearra, 2021-03-03)
I’m horrified that a website about collecting information could be shut down A real example of a genuine attempt to have an honest debate with facts is not tolerated in the academic field.Karen Goldrick (Newcastle, 2021-03-03)
Freedom of speech matters in a free society. Censorship of thoughts, ideas, opinions, conversations and lives produces a stifled society and is the antithesis of the ideals of education where we seek to stretch and expand our thinking.Lyn Bayakly (Perth, 2021-03-03)
I am grateful to Dr Lawford-Smith for pointing out the harm that gender identity theory brings into lifes of women/girls/LGB people. Genders are sets of sexist stereotypes that we should leave behind us, not enshrine into legislation!Melina Rauch (Schneverdingen, 2021-03-03)