#EndSARS #StopPoliceBuratality




shelby glover (denver, 2020-12-06)


Black lives matter even if they aren't american.

Naley Dyck (Montezuma, 2020-12-06)


No justice no peace

Julia Farmer (Beaverton, 2020-12-07)


I’m signing to help make a change

Victoria Williams (Columbia, 2020-12-07)



Brie Aregoe (Manhattan, 2020-12-07)


Every life matters and it’s not fair that people have to go through shit when they did nothing

Haya Alhai (Abudhabi, 2020-12-09)


This is just sad, inhumane, and repulsive. People are loosing their lives left and right. And all for what? This has to change. #ENDSARS

Heaven Richardson (Atlanta, Ga, 2020-12-09)


Because this needs to stop, I hate the fact that my own people are killing each other. And for what?
******* bullshit.

Sayy Razi (Saint louis, 2020-12-09)


I’m signing being I want to fight for my brothers and sister who are getting killed and kidnapped. I will do everything in my power to fight for freedom.

Raegan Carr (Chicago, 2020-12-10)


We deserve a fair election. Fraud is unacceptable

Lottie Eastwood (Mount Lookout, 2020-12-11)


I’m singing because I’m a Muslim and we deserve freedom

Delylah Alkhalil (Ottawa, 2020-12-12)


i want to

yasmina ok (Pitesti, 2020-12-14)


I want People especially BIPOC to not be killed by the police. I tired of people thinking it’s ok to kill someone cause you feel “threatened “ as a cop. It’s disgusting and needs to end.

Devona Jones (Fremont, 2020-12-14)


Innocent people are being killed in concentration camps in China and this must stop

Katie Kavanagh (London, 2020-12-14)


I'm signing because the harm SARS has done to my brother and sisters is unforgivable. This is a historical tragedy and I'm waking up day after day hearing african people crying out to have the world help. I refuse to turn my back on my own kind.

Ariana Cowans (Memphis, 2020-12-15)

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