Historical place in skateboaeding , should be perserved due to its cultural value.(Stockholm, 2019-09-25)
This place is an iconic destination for skateboarders from all over the world. It is a jewel that should be cherished(Sydney, 2019-09-25)
I am signing cause the stalin plaza is a famous skatespot and so many people around the world are traveling there to met others.(Berlin, 2019-09-25)
This is a unique and culturally important location an meeting place for skateboarders around the world.(Malmö, 2019-09-25)
I LOVE STALIN I started skating there It was my escape from bs.(Prague, 2019-09-25)
I‘ve been there last weekend and was shooked because the plaza was closed. It was one of the things which i looked the most forward to see in Prague. It made me very sad! I just heard good of it and hope it will stay there.(Schorndorf, 2019-09-25)
To save stalin plaza.(Wieliczka, 2019-09-25)
One of the most iconic and important places to the skateboarding culture!Good luck 🍀!!!
(Eilat, 2019-09-25)
I'm signing because I have travelled from England to skate at stalin plaza. It is like a skateboarding mecca. People all over the world know about this place, and is one of few natural and world famous skate spots left that you can skate.(London, 2019-09-25)
The stalin plaza must stay! Skateboarding is forever!(Salzburg, 2019-09-25)
Becouse its our favorite skating place!!!!!!(Praha, 2019-09-25)
This is a very important place for the subculture skateboarding.(Rostock, 2019-09-25)
Skateboarding is art, not sport. Help save an art form that celebrates freedom and individualistic expression in a public sphere; we need such exposure to modalities of outlet in society, as it counters conformity and repression, endemic in so called liberal democracy.(Bremerton, 2019-09-25)
Stalin musí zůstat, protože Skate a zábava!(Praha, 2019-09-25)
Stalin Plaza Is a skateboard icon that must be saved!(Lozzo Atestino, 2019-09-25)
Kdyz se neco vytvori prirozenou cestou tak by se to něelo bourat.(Kodaň, 2019-09-25)
Skateboarding is not a crime, stalinplatzIs an historic spot.
Safe stalin
(Barcelona, 2019-09-25)
❤️(Praha, 2019-09-25)
Cultural places for Social gatherings Need to be funded, not destroyed.(Vienna, 2019-09-25)
This is the famous spot and should be kept.(New Taipei, 2019-09-25)
Stalin Plaza is a landmark in the skateboarding culture, a reference in the world that attracts many people of all kinds to Prague. Not every city has the fortune of having a place like that. It will keep bringing people and quality tourism to the city. It's a heritage for many generations. Thank you(BARCELONA, 2019-09-25)
Because stalin plaza is a place of cultural diversity and exchange.(Potsdam, 2019-09-25)
Iconic spot, people travel across the globe to skate this spot(Skövde, 2019-09-25)
Build your shitty malls somewhere else(Helsinki, 2019-09-25)
Stalin Plaza is an iconic place for skateboarders around Europe and the world. Im living in Cologne and the council shut down a comparible place here. It had a negative effect for the skate scene, less skaters visited Cologne. A new Skatepark that was built instead of the Place isnt the same. Skatebording Comes from the streets and is creative. Its Not possible to give these people an constructed place and say them to stay there. Creativity is Not stopable(Cologne, 2019-09-25)
This is one of the most famous european skateboarding spots! It gathers skaters from all over the world.(Poznań, 2019-09-25)
I whant to skate and film videos at one of the best skate plazas in this world!!!(Skopje, 2019-09-25)
This spot is legendary and needs to be kept!(Melbourne, 2019-09-25)
Magic urban spot. Skateboarding makes this place even more active and impressive!#savestalin
(Dresden, 2019-09-25)
i would like to support Prague skaters(Saint-Petersburg, 2019-09-25)
Best ******* place in the world!!!(Helsinki, 2019-09-25)
Its a classic skate spot. Rich in history and culture(Stockholm, 2019-09-25)
I love this skatespot! Save it! I come here almost every year!(Moscow, 2019-09-25)
Best spot ever!SAVE STALIN PLAZA!!!
(Szczecin, 2019-09-25)
I love stalin mrdat kolobezky(Praha, 2019-09-25)
for da culture(Praha, 2019-09-25)
I want save an amazing skateboarding spot that I intend on going to .(Cardiff, 2019-09-25)
I’m signing because Stalin plaza is a polite place young people(Praha, 2019-09-25)
Skate is life(Nitra, 2019-09-25)
This place should remain the same(Craiova, 2019-09-25)
I want to skate this place one day soon!!(Wellington, 2019-09-25)
SAFE THE SPOT!!(Neuss, 2019-09-25)
I will skate that spot(Corbolone, 2019-09-25)
I do skate(Jelenia Góra, 2019-09-25)
Cause it’s the most special place for me in Prague(Almaty, 2019-09-25)
Stalin Plaza is one of the best Skate Spots in Europe! We try to visit Prague every year mostly because of the plaza. Besides Skateboarding its a very nice sign of prague, our Friends who dont skate loved it too. I think a renewed Plaza would steal its particularity.(Potsdam, 2019-09-25)
Its historical place!(Warsaw, 2019-09-25)
love skate and public spaces(Madrid, 2019-09-25)
Its one of the best spot in this world(Biel/Bienne, 2019-09-25)
I’m signing this petition because last summer i had the best time skating there at stalin plaza the surrounding people were open minded and kind and super sick at skating.(Budapest, 2019-09-25)
To save one of the worlds best skate spots.(Stockholm, 2019-09-25)
I visit Prague several times a year solely because of Stalin Plaza because it's an iconic spot for skateboarding and has an amazing view over Prague. It's an important destination for every skateboarder.(Helsinki, 2019-09-25)
La culture du skate est primordiale(MARSEILLE, 2019-09-25)
Skateboarding should stay limitless(Hamburg, 2019-09-25)
lots of people loves this legendary place,me especially and I would like to visit it over and over(Saint Petersburg, 2019-09-25)
I don't wonna see regress of sk8boarding culture(Самара, 2019-09-25)
I like Stalin plaza.(Praha 6, 2019-09-25)
I've been skating for all my life. My local spot is like my second home, and I'd have killed everybody, if they had destroyed it(Moscow, 2019-09-25)
Save stalin plaza(Santiago, 2019-09-25)
Stalin Plaza is one of the most amazing places to hang out.(Prague, 2019-09-25)
It’s a dream spot(West Tisbury, 2019-09-25)
Mam to rada(Stará Lysá, 2019-09-25)
Chci, aby byl ma stalinu zachován momentální způsob využití prostoru tj. skateboarding(Praha, 2019-09-25)
Its ******* dumb(Ludvika, 2019-09-25)
Protože toto místo je nenahraditelné.(Zahrádky, 2019-09-25)
i want to save stalin plaza(Selby, 2019-09-25)
We need stalin(Jawor, 2019-09-25)
Stalin je místo kam se rada chodila scházet s kamarády a je to jedno z nejhezčích míst kde trávit volný čas už od dob, co tam chodila i moje mamka. Neměňme to.(Praha, 2019-09-25)
Protože si myslím, ze když se tam postaví muzeum tak se to zničí a udělá se z toho zase Skate spot.(Praha, 2019-09-25)
Im signing because this spot is legendary! im 33, never been there but i hope that one day i'll be able to skate this place.I also sign because in my opinion we are a big family and thats just the game to support other country or skater to kept the good places and spot alive!
(Nimes, 2019-09-25)
This place is legendary. The best place for skateboarding in europe.(Zvolen, 2019-09-25)
Because this place got some history (stalin's line for meat, home of skateboarding) Also there cultural stuff going on there (Young musicians playing there, either it is a dj or band). And if you build museum there, non of these stuff wont be there anymore. Im not talking about lobbyism and developism being the main reason to build something there, its just not ethical to ,,destroy'' some cultural place just for a money.(Hradecká 100, 2019-09-25)
Because i support skaters !(Sofia, 2019-09-25)
It´s the most important skate spot in our country and because it should be here forever.(Prague, 2019-09-25)
I want save Stalin plaza(Halenkovice, 2019-09-25)
One of my favourite places to visit during summer, I’ve had some of the best times of my life at Stalin Plaza!(Oxford, 2019-09-25)
This is a legendary place where generations of skateboarders used to skate and it is generally the beat plaza for skateboarding in Europe!(Sofia, 2019-09-25)
Protože je to fav místo na skate a přijít o něj nikdo nechce. A okrem toho nikdo nechce mít na krku Stalin felas(Řevnice, 2019-09-25)