School closing for Orthodox Good Friday

Every year, Orthodox Christians across the world observe Good Friday and Easter. Since these days are the most sacred of the year for Orthodox parishioners but not recognized by our schools, our children are forced to miss important school work and exams in order to practice their faith.


The Orthodox Christian community consists of several denominations, including the Syrians, Copts, Greeks, Russians and Ukrainians. Ontario boasts one of the largest Orthodox communities in Canada and Orthodox residents are a large part of this province incredible diversity.


At this time it would appear that the Board of Education has recognized and accommodated several religious holidays belonging to multiple cultural and religious minorities. However, Orthodox Christian holidays have been overlooked and neglected despite our large and growing population.


Since the demographics have evolved substantially over the years, we are kindly asking that Orthodox Christians be afforded the same religious accommodations as other groups of faith. 

Thank you.

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