Postpone, instead of digitalise the 2020 End of Year Degree Show

Due to the current climate surrounding corona virus, Leeds Arts University have cancelled a physical Degree Show, and decided to replace that with a Digitalised archival version. This has caused many students a lot of grief and dissappointment, when the expectation of the degree is for it to culminate in an end of year degree show. This petition is a polite collection of the signatures of those who would appreciate a reschedule of the exhibition as opposed to a digitalisation. Digitalising many peoples practices ( primarily sculptural, installation, and immersive artists work) would degrade the quality of their work and the experience achieved from the work. Not having a degree show would take away from the full experience and motivation of the work.

Some statements from Fine Art course members from the 23rd of March 2020:

"If the final show is digitalised it’s completely erasing my entire practice, none of my work can be captured by camera to be uploaded for a digital show, it’s all conceptual experience based installation"

"Yeah it's upsetting it's been cancelled as opposed to rescheduled to a later date!"

"I genuinely think if we get no degree show we should all collectively push for compensation, it's a major part of doing a fine art degree when we are meant to do networking and by missing out on that we are at a disadvantage to every other fine art year"

"It should 100 percent be postponed and not cancelled"

"It's a part of doing the degree and what we paid for and if the institution isn't supplying it then we shouldnt be oayingvthem as much as we are"


As student rep this petition was made on behalf of Fine Art course members.

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