Please fix the Karaka St and Wall St intersection

Our neighborhood safety is our responsibility and this is our way of wanting to put forward change here. 

Following a recent car crash incident at this intersection, I was alarmed at the number of Nawton residents, who have experienced accidents, near misses, and close calls at the Karaka and Wall St intersection. It is usually a quiet area, and this makes people more complacent with the road rules, thus compromising other drivers safety. 

As local residents of Nawton, we know this intersection has been a site for "avoidable" accidents for a number of years for these reasons : 

For 1) the Give way paint on the road is severly faded on the road and is not easily visible 

2) We believe a stop sign/ roundabout would work best here, & would avoid high risk collisions, like the one I experienced recently. 

3) We should reduce the potential of people being hurt at this site, especially if it can be avoided. 

We would like to see improvement at this site, to reduce the number of accidents here & to improve safety for our local residents in future. 

Lilian Brown - local Nawton resident    Contact the author of the petition

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