Petition against irrelevant fine amount collection by the Vels University,Pallavaram.

Hon'Chief Minister sir !🙏


We,the students pursuing our degree at VELS UNIVERSITY, Pallavaram Chennai.


During this pandemic we re facing a huge trouble in paying our college fee.


Inspite of these tough situations they didint give any excuse or reduction in the fee amount.Even we paid penalty for both semester and exam fee.


And every year we are paying maintenance fee,insurance fee,cultural fee without even going to the college for the past 1.5 years.


Now they re even asking for additional 550 /- as Breakage fee before collecting our TC and Marksheets(for final year students).

Some departments are collecting 1100/- as 500/- for University breakage fine and 550/- for department brekage fine.


Its very challenging for us to pay fine amounts in this pandemic situations even after paying the whole college fee without any reduction.


Sir,Kindly consider this issue and do the needful.

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