Permission to operate Salon @ 50% capacity in West Bengal during restrictions of COVID19

Subject: Representation to save livelihoods of more than 10 lakh skilled employees of the State of West Bengal working in Salons, Spas, Barber Shops, Beauty Parlours, Hair & Skin Clinics by allowing to operate with 50% occupancy with strict compliance to Safety and Health Guidelines.

Salon industry overview:

  • Operating through Large & Small Enterprises, Micro and Ancillary services.
  • Employs 10 lakh professionals from lower socio-economic and educational backgrounds.  Industry comprising of 60% women employees.
  • Industry is under deep distress due to effects of previous years’ multiple lockdowns of establishments with ZERO Revenue.
  •  Mostly small entrepreneur led with low income and no ability to sustain without regular revenue.

We the members of Salon industry play a very integral part in developing skilled labour for our State imparting technical education to young talents, creating job opportunities, encourages and supports development of many entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs who make up almost 50% of the salon owner base.

 In the wake of COVID-19 outbreak, for last 2 years, the salon industry has been operating with strict adherence to Health & Safety Guidelines issued by the govt of India across the State ensuring the safety of employees and common public. The organized salon industry has been in compliance with GST payments even during non-profit times.

Owing to the sudden restrictions announced by the State govt due to Omicron outbreak to close operations of Salons, Spas, Barber Shops, Beauty Parlours, Hair & Skin Clinics from Monday, 3rd January 2022, will cause heavy financial burden and greatly affect the livelihood of employees on a day-to-day basis.

We hereby request you to kindly consider permitting enterprises to operate with 50% capacity. We assure all employees adhere with compliance of Health & Safety Guidelines issued by Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council (B&WSSC).

While we deeply appreciate the genuine intent and measures taken by the Government to support the people, we earnestly request above appeal be considered for better sustainment of the industry.

On behalf of the Salon Community.   

Archana Mishra- Secretary W.B. Salon association    Contact the author of the petition

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