Naming a street after Robert Earl Davis Jr. (Also Known As) DJ Screw

This petition that we are trying to get a street names after Dj Screw.

Dj Screw is a Legend in the City of Houston and all over the world. We need  signatures to get this to petition to pass from the City of Houston to have this street name for Mr.Robert Earl Davis Jr.


DJ Screw (Robert Earl Davis Jr) was an innovative spirit who created a whole new Genre of music on the Houston scene and across the globe known as Chopped & Screwed music in the early 90's.  This was a new culture of music introduced to the hip hop world that had never been done before by anyone else on the music scene and got its start right here in Houston, TX.  Many local rap artists became known in the music industry by being on his infamous mix tapes such as Enjoli, Sherro, Yungstar, Lil Keke, Big Moe, Big  Pokey, ESG, Big Hawk, Lil Flip, Fat Pat, Lil Flip, and more. His slowed down screwed up style helped to put Houston on the map in the music industry and left many fans with the legacy of his slowed down music style that would be passed on from generation to generation. Many well known rappers in our city today can tell you about what this legendary genius has done to influence music culture as we know it today such as Beyonce, Trae tha Truth, Paul Wall, Bun B, and Zero. Everyone who is the who's who of music here in Houston knows this name.  It's time for this city to give him recognition for creating a genre of music that is known around the world and not only in this city. Because of this, many new music artists can still dream big today.  Today his music Genre is still well known in the industry today. I am proposing that the street where his (original or current location) record shop  is located be named Robert Earl Davis Jr or DJ Screw blvd or a proclamation be drawn up to dedicate a specific day here in Houston as  Robert Earl Davis Jr or DJ Screw Day for the contributions that this legend has made to the Houston music  industry.download_(4)3.jpeg

Mr.Dot&Ms.Shay of The Tower Radio Show    Contact the author of the petition

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