On Monday May 16, 21 year old Tye Anders was terrorized by several cops at his home after he allegedly made a stop sign run. Instead of arresting him peacefully, the cops held him under gunpoint and arrested him viciously while his 90 year old grandmother fell onto Anders in order to protect him. The Anders family watched and screamed in horror as their family members were terrorized by police which resulted in Tye being taken away and charged with "evading arrest" as well, which is a blatant lie as he did nothing but cooperate when they asked him to and only stopped at his house since he had not a clue why he was being arrested. Tye Anders at such a young age has become another victim of the rampant disease in this world known as racism, and while he is been thankfully alive, the faith in Midland, Texas' justice system is undeniably dead.

Tensions flared further when Chief Herman himself talked snidely about being much more aggressive to Tye and his family if it had been him at the scene, saying that he would have dragged Tye out of his car and forcefully arrested him further, showing that the bigger evil is running the department itself. It's time for a change, it's time for black people of Midland to get the justice they deserve, and at the very least we as righteous people can start by kicking these unruly and unjust bigots out of their positions. We need to show the city of Midland, Texas and the world that all lives cannot matter until black lives do.

If this petition garners at least 200-300 signs, I will send this petition to MPD to show them how many people demand a change, because once enough voices are heard, it will be hard for them to persevere under such circumstances which could garner them a life-time of embarrassment and disgust, which wouldn't fare well for their business and hopes to keep the peace. WE THE PEOPLE must demand their serve to our community AS POLICE HAVE ONCE PROMISED AND HAVE FAILED TO DELIVER, and that they help rise against this injustice by firing Chief Herman and pressing charges against those who acted rashly at the scene of Tye Anders arrest!

Their blood is our blood, we must remember this!

- Reaping Grim

Reaping Grim Anonymous    Contact the author of the petition

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