Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

Quoted post



2014-05-10 16:39

#30 you're welcome I was #25 I agree with everything you say. Not one post has been deleted from here however the other petition is constantly deleting posts which are not abusive as I wrote some of them and I was merely stating that we should not condone what Jo Shuter has done by rewarding her with her job. I'm also not convinced she wants the school to remain Jewish. The rumours of no Purim party less JS lessons and not doing much for Yom hatzmaut proves this. All you jewish parents that support no Jewish festivals should be ashamed! You might as well go to a non faith school.



#43 Re:

2014-05-10 20:21:08

#36: -

Read my last comment, u r right it was just rumours.  A friend phoned up the school because she was appalled there was not much done for Yom Haatzmuat.  It turned out since Mrs Shuter didn't know how this is usually celebrated she left it up to the JS teachers.  In otherwords they didn't put on much and I think a witch hunt has possibly taken place because she is not an observant Jew and I am saying this as an observant Jew!  RUMOURS it is a word that keeps coming up yet u all make judgement on these Rumours and not true fact telling both sides of a story