Quoted post


#136 Re:

2014-02-11 17:27

#133: -

Exactly, at last someone has stopped shouting and sneering, and is listening,this would solve the problem, and would retain the school and it's ethos and undoubted excellence (which nobody of any persuasion has ever doubted ). Incidentally the school only finds itself oversubscribed in it's present form, because of poor governance. Let the undoubtedly great teachers teach and inspire,  and find governors who can govern, no matter what it's financial costs. Most of us are parents and granparents and have been upset at being called child haters, you don't have a monopoly on love for your families.   With regard to the previous four posts they are merely sneering at almost historic posts in the way this has moved on.



#140 Re: Re:

2014-02-11 18:16:19

#136: - Re:

After hearing one of the Governors last night and his disgusting atitude to all, it is sad that he is allowed to hold such a position in life. By the way Mr Governor the plans are dreadful and do not represent the area, the building looks dreadful with its dark and dismal colour scheme, with a few panels of colour. In no way does this represent a village or Hamlet that has been here for centuries. Start to talk to the local people and you might have a better respone. By the way TODAY i have recieved the first and only notification from KCC that this plan has been put forward. Thats democracy for you.

Off now to skip through some daisy fields with my kite!!!!!!