Opposition to ITV


/ #76 Reply to DR Adam

2012-07-27 17:45

Dr adam it doesn't matter a damn if saifullah got a a tv or not. The HARAAM status of television in islaam is not based on WHO OWNS A TV. Full stop.

Until now every single muslim who watched and owned a TV understood that it its haraam and made dua for hidayat to give up this sin. Came the time of ramadhan, a mayit or a visit from an alim they will shut off that screen and say ''NO, we can't do haraam now.'' They made tauba and had a little bit of regret for that sin. But now they will not make tauba, have no regrets and see no need to change because........? BECAUSE they will see it as halal since our ulama and ppl like you are promoting it, appearing on it and justifying it!

Remember we all answerable to ALLAH for what we do.