Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #77902012-01-02 22:50Who is who? - in New Vrindaban - all names are revealed - Kirtanananda Bhaktipad - Keit Ham a practicing homosexual and pedophile in his self-created Holy Dham, the founder-acarya of the he-man women haters club, runs prostitution sankritan parties, orders the beating of mother Jadurani, orders the murder of Sulochana das. Kirtanananda, for example, was alleged to have been living on a reputed homosexual "household" in Mott Street in New York City with Umapati and others involved in the 1960s "homosexual liberation" scene. Kirtanananda, finally jailed in 1996, was fined $250,000 and convicted to a twelve-year federal prison sentence for racketeering and conspiracy in two murders described in the Book "Monkey on a Stick". Kirtanananda has been released from prison after serving eight years of his sentence. Kirtanananda Swami hired the most expensive lawyer in the country, assuming as always that the more you pay, the better quality you receive. when his defense team failed him, he paid $ 2.5 million dollars for the Dershowitz Law Firm, assuming again that throwing money at a problem would make it go away. it didn't. Radhanath Swami - Richard Slavin, Murder Conspirator Son of a chicago mobster, this wannabe "jagat guru" has several billionaire disciples who accept Radhanath as a convenient quick fix to the Kirtanananda Swami / practicing homo problem. Their reluctance to surrender much of their wealth comes from knowing of Radhanath's recent sexual escapades with someof his disciples, he-man women haters club. Radhanath das - RICHARD SLAVIN - aka Radhanath swami co- GBC for New Vrndaban, Gita-nagari, Mumbai, etc. moving to consolidate power after the Kirtanananda Swami head- splitting incident, New Vrindaban's home town hero had to adjust for massive paradigm shifts and he was ill prepared to do that. The first to know of Kirtanananda Swami's forcing teen girls to give him oral sex. The first to know of male contacts, as early as 1983, but then as "a reinitiated disciple of Kirtanananda Swami", his 'sannyas' guru, Radhanath had to be head cheerleader for Kirtanananda Swami. Radhanath was loyal until 1993 when he started speaking obliquely against the Kirtanananda Swami mayavadi moves, but by then he and Devamrita Swami had known for over seven years and covered it up, like government officials covered up reagan's senility. The mastermind behind the Sulochan hit and the ensuing cover-up. Conveniently dropped from the indictment (for services rendered?), this "bag man" delivered the pay-off for Sulochan hit to "the hit squad". Inherited all of Kirtanananda Swami's billionaire disciples from India, much to the dismay of Gopal Krsna. After sending death-astras after Sulochan, Radhanath surrounded himself with syncophantic yes-men, just as Kirtanananda Swami had done, and he moved his base of operations to two-faced park, Mumbai. Laxmi flows where the maharaja goes, and now, so does the male ejaculent. good luck, ladies. Radhanatha decided to murder Sulocana. Tapa Punj would oversee the murder. Tirtha, with Janmastami as assistant/driver, would be the killer. Tirtha had proven himself with his murder of Chakranadi, and Janmastami had military experience in Vietnam. This plan went up the line to Kirtanananda in hospital who gave approval. Kuladri at the bedside of Kirtanananda had already consulted with Radhanatha and through Kuladri news of the plan reached the other leaders of New Vrindaban: Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, and Umapati. However, at the same time, Tirtha was letting the cat out of the bag by informing various persons, such as Yudhistra in L.A., of the coming murder. Tirtha's line was that the murder was bona fide as Kirtanananda was a pure devotee and it would be a devotional plus to assist. Taking both Janmashtami Das' and Tapahpunja Swami's admissions, we have the following: Radhanatha Swami believed Kirtanananda was a pure devotee. When Sulochan began exposing Kirtanananda's child molestation cases, Radhanatha decided he was an offender who needed to be silenced. Radhanatha Swami contacted three devotees (Tirtha Das, Tapahpunja Swami and Janmashtami Das) and instructed them to kill Sulochana. Tapahpunja Swami later took this plan back to Kirtanananda and informed him of it. Radhanatha Swami's actions are easy to understand when one knows how much he believed Kirtanananda was a pure devotee. Even as late as 1991, five years after the murder of Sulochan, and years after Kirtanananda's child molestation was known, Radhanatha Swami still publicly glorified Kirtanananda as a pure devotee. Radhanath's connection to New Vrindaban, the home of his sanyass guru Kirtanananda Swami, can never be severed. ------------------------- Adwaitacharya - Emil Sofsky, (Adwaita das, ed waita, king eddie, john jenkins) King Eddie (Adwaitacharya),- former general manager of New Vrindaban Conspiracy convicted drug smuggler and wanted felon. Appointed "king eddie" by Kirtanananda Swami when Kirtanananda Swami saw the ship of state doing the titanic maneuver. Not unlike replacing dhrona with karna, a wise choice, but a very bad set of options. Adwaitacharya and his anti-jew NY mafia had set up a drug smuggling operation to india where hash oil was being bought and imported to the US. sanyassis carried drugs in their dundas, and for some time, it was in vogue throughout the movement, as in some centers it still is. Appointed to oversee NV during Kirtanananda Swami's "90 day absence" for "medical evaluation" Kirtanananda Swami's plea bargain had him being released in 90 days with a medical profile, article 35, but his high priced name law firm send the semi-qualified brother, Nathan Dershowitz, who never "got the plea in writing". when KRSNA stepped in as judge mehridge's heart attack, Kirtanananda Swami went from 90 days to nine years. $ 2.5 million US, down the poop chute. King Eddie (Adwaitacharya) offered a 50-50 split on anything any one could turn in, from the Kirtanananda Swami era. Kumar took him up on $ 500,000 in gold and King Eddie (Adwaitacharya) did "honor his word" to split it. It never reached community coffers though. after the fire at the ALL TWINS warehouse was reported to be an arson, king Eddie (Adwaitacharya) stepped down and kruel arti (Kuladri) replaced him as NV general manager. Ananta doe (Anantadev das, ananta) one of the eight that Gauranga brought from canada to NV. five of the eight were homosexuals, actively practicing, and they were all placed in the ashram to care for young boys. Kirtanananda Swami had been made aware of the situation by the montreal mothers and he promptly dismissed their complaints. Anuttama das, Geoffrey Walker public relations director for ISKCON, has never met a crisis that he saw coming. ever the optimist, this spin doctor tries to keep the indian community of the belief that the management are "Prabhupada's men", which many of them will admit, although a standard they may aspire to, is one that few, if any have achieved. the fact that there are so many factions of ISKCON, many of whom are openly hostile to one another, they hold to be a good thing rather than an incrimination. Bhaktitirtha Swami, John Favors (Gyanasham das, blacky tirtha swami, BTS) was with New Vrindavan 100% till his death. Chandrashakar Swami / Chandrasekhar das / alias Chris Ostrowsky one of hansadutta's "swami by the yard" program, when hans was expelled from ISKCON, he pleaded "you can't deny me assosciation!!", New Vrndaban was "the only place" he was allowed to go, he brought "his loyalists" with him. --------------------- Chakravarti das, Peter Kaufmann / Chakravarti Swami/ chuck swa / first he separated from his wife Dinasarana dasi and took sannyasa from Kirtanananda and than broke his sannyasa (fell down with ilised sex) and went back to his wife. Former hansadutta "go to" guy for getting things done, palace press, actually made serious numbers with "pure book distribution", married to the dragon-lady, his son (Harikirtan) was molested by Gopinath das, Kirtananandas bag man, Ronald Nay. Dina Sarana dasi, Dietlinde Kaufmann / "the nazi" lady / Chakravarti's wife, she is a former Hans Kary (Hansadutta) loyalist from the "Mien Kampfa" days, Kirtanananda Swami's women sanyassi program reject (don't try this at home, ladies), rehooked with chuck swa, after he had fallen from sannyasa, currently holding the "feed germany first" banner, and let's not have any more puny coins in the collections! Chakravarti das and Dinasarana devi (and the remnants of Hansadutta's outlaw band from the left coast) printed a position statement of the "Prabhupada disciples" living at NV. They purported "the largest community of Prabhupada disciples in the world", when, in fact at each initiation, everyone was forced to "renew their vows", only this time it was to Kirtanananda Swami and not everyone was all that willing to do that. the once thriving community of over 700 devotees was hard pressed to find enough pujaris to change The Deities clothes. 35 people a day at mangal arti was an average during the transition back to ISKCON fundamentalism from Kirtanananda Swami's interfaith experiment. ----------------- Chandra das / chinese chandra / choi wang hung Malaysian street thug, rapist, immigration violator, jack of all gurus, "this brain think in eleven different languages!", yeah, "screwed up!' in all eleven of them, currenly "on the lam" in NYC area, hoping for housing in either freeport or Kirtananandas place to assist New Vrndaban Conspiracy's World Domination Plan. Chandra had recruited a malaysian thug and his prostitute consort to Kirtanananda Swami's cause. Kirtanananda Swami gave them the initiated names Ramananda das and Chitra dasi. Ramananda immediately started a land takeover attempt. Candramauli Swami, Chandramauli He is in charge of ISKCON Prison Ministries and has made Tirtha one of his main highlighted preachers. If you go to the ISKCON Prison Ministries website you will see a prominent link to Tirtha's personal website displayed at the top of the page, along with many other articles written by Tirtha Das. You can also find murderer Tirtha Das featured on ISKCON's Namahatta.org, with his articles and a nice photo of him in prison. Candramauli Swami has personally visited Tirtha Das many times in jail. He has also written the introduction to Tirtha's book, titled "The Definitive Guide to Practicing Krsna Consciousness in Prison". In addition to writing the introduction, he has also arranged for the book to be published by ISKCON. Why does murderer Tirtha Das get his book published by ISKCON? That's a good question that only Candramauli Swami can answer. Chakradhari Das, Charles St. Dennis (murdered victim) – was shot and stabbed in 1983. Tirtha brutally murdered him primarily due to the fact that he still owed Tirtha a $5,000 payment on a house Tirtha sold to him, and he wasn't paying it. Another proof that Tirtha is a money grubbing scumbag, not a great devotee like Malati, Ravindra Svarupa and Umapati claim. The murder was described by prosecutors as follows: "Prosecutors said St. Denis was shot a dozen times, stabbed, beat with a hammer and finally suffocated with plastic wrap placed in his mouth before he was buried." - Associated Press (August 31, 1986) Or as another reporter has described it: "Chuck St. Denis did not die easy. Two gunmen pumped twelve .22 caliber rounds into him. He was stabbed repeatedly in the chest with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. As the life fled from him he howled like a dog. His cranium was fractured with a hammer. He opened his eyes and spoke to his killers after they were sure he was finally dead. His killers buried him under a stream, which is probably a good way to make a spirit unquiet, if such a thing can be done." -- Charles Carreon, "Killer Krishnas from Inner Space" For just $5,000, Tirtha shot him a dozen times, stabbed him with a kitchen knife continuously till the blade broke off inside his chest, then took a screw driver and continued stabbing him with it, and finally (when Chakradhari still wouldn't die) he suffocated him with plastic wrap. Dear readers, does he sound like an advanced devotee absorbed in chanting the holy name of Krishna, or like the lowest scum in the world? Ravindra Svarupa is an insane lunatic if he thinks this man is a saint. Tirtha has engaged in multiple murders, and each time the consideration has been money. This is why Tirtha's trial in Los Angeles was a "Murder for Hire" trial. Chitra dasi / mrs. ramananda / Malaysian prostitute, # 1 baby-san of penang, got top buffoon to "falldown", but "that's not his fault, that's 'medical malpractice'!", following ramananda's painful death from brain cancer recently, she is reported to have regained her " # 1 baby-san" title back in the streets of penang Dharmatma das, Dennis Gorrick Dennis Gorrick (Dharmatma) had cut a deal with the federal prosecutors. in exchange for his incriminating testimony, he would receive a lighter sentence. two years, rather than the multi-count, 10 year per count indictment the justice department had prepared for anyone who did not surrender to the might of the united states death machine. the real target was Kirtanananda Swami and the machine wanted him bad enough to grant amnesty to everyone on the farm in exchange for their testimonies against Kirtanananda Swami. Damodar das - ALLEN WHITE - "mr. gopa" president and director of ISKCON WV. Kirtanananda Swami disciple, left to Kirtanananda's "new age solutions", he choose AA, "hi, my name is Damodar and I'm an alcoholic!", mr. gopalasyapriya, long time NV skamkirtan artist, currently, "hoping Ravanath swami (Radhanath) stays above the fray" Daruka das - Dan Reid, murderer, killed Chakradhari (St. Denis), then buried the body beneath a stream bed near New Vrindaban. Drescher later poured acid on the grave site. When Tirtha thought of a plan to kill Chakradhari, he knew he would need help. Dan Reid (Daruka das) was the office boy to Howard Fawley (Dulal Chandra das), the multimillionaire office manager of the New Vrindaban criminal empire. dulal was a megalomaniac that had funded and escaped from the Prasadam Distributors Inc (PDI) drug bust on the left coast. Daruka's wife Vrisni, was having sex with Chakradhari and Daruka wanted him dead for that. He didn't want him dead bad enough to do it, but he had agreed to help tirtha get rid of the body if tirtha would do it. now all it needed was "spiritual sanction". Daruka was the one who called Chakradhari for the meeting when he was murdered, and he was also the one who ran inside the house to bring Tirtha a kitchen knife and screw driver after Tirtha ran out of bullets. Devamrita Swami / dev swa / Jaya matsya / Devamrita Swami, a very arrogant and aggresive type, excessively confrontational, saying in one of his lectures: "married women are private toilets, unmarried women are public toilets". Since he was born of such a women, one needs not wonder, why he has so much shit in his brain! Devamrita has been rubberstamped as a guru within iskcon and has been the leader of Australia, New Zealand, and New Vrindaban when all the abuse occured. Formerly one of Kirtanananda's henchman during Kirtanananda's homosexual pedophile worship glory days, where he was dressed up as a franciscan monk. Stayed with Kirtanananda even after his expulsion from ISKCON for criminal activities. Although the worst criminal, engaged in the New Vrindaban raketeering, he is still "worshipped as good as God" in ISKCON. He has also been involved in the abuse of some Australian Hare Krishna Devotees in 1994 when he attempted to set up his own movement. He encouraged his Australian and New Zealand followers use false social security cards to secure donations claiming the donations were to feed starving children in India. Instead he kept the money and used it for his own gain and sensegratification. He came from the european collapse to NV to get "his piece of the pie", replaced the fleeing kuladri as k swa's #2; always takes a spiritually inferior position when in company with Ravanath (Radhanath), not because "he's humble!", not because "they're being 'phony humble' with each other!", just because he truly is "inferior" to Ravanath. that is a scary thought! Devamrita Swami was the newly adopted legal name for ISKCON's recent and illustrious chairman. he had been recruited from the crumbling soviet bloc invasion. he and Dave Jakuppo (Kirtiraj das, dave jack-u-up-o) had bailed out on harikesh when it became clear that harikesh was not the one krsna was empowering, financially, to represent Him on this planet at this time. Devamrita Swami saw that Kirtanananda Swami, obviously, was "the man" that God wanted to have all the marbles and by securing a spot on the New Vrindaban inner council, ones financial security was set for life. Devamrita Swami had no standards that he wouldn't compromise in pursuit of "facility to do our service, nicely". The "facilities to do our service", for Devamrita Swami, included a mobile phone (cutting edge technology for the time), a car, avis credit card, platinum credit cards, swiss bank accounts, local bank accounts, his own bank account routing number, YOUR bank account routing number, etc., etc.,.... Dhira govinda das, David Wolf head man of CPO Child Protection Office, provides more misinformation than most as one of ISKCON's psychiatric counselors, alleging to be able to speak for constituents he less than fairly represents. long time exponent of the wide variety of schemes that ISKCON has proposed to make the child abuse scandal go away. developer of the "declare a victory" strategy which has each ISKCON front organization (children of KRISHNA, etc.) declaring a victory at having captured the moral high ground, from which they can preach down to those found to be spiritually inferior by ISKCON's hierarchy. Tamohara will respond usually no more than once or twice before everyone trying to contact him with complaints is regarded as some kind of threat to the mothership. "too hostile to work with." end of story. Dulal Chandra das / Howard Fawley long time resident of New Vrindaban and candidate for sannyas, dulal, was brought back to New Vrindaban for an annual salary of $ 200,000 per year under the assumption that there wouldn't be any theft with those kinds of wages, but greed is an insatiable mistress. dulal headed to the outer banks of north carolina after the sulocan hit. Gaura shakti das - Greg Carlson a former head of NV's heavy equipment and construction and planning departments. the one who transcribed sulocan's diary while the police had sulocan under arrest. "i made my first million burning the insulation off wire bought at auction!". the EPA still has a case file on the pollution from those fires, complete with day and night time aerial camera footage. Gopinath das / Ronald Nay (Radha Vrindaban Chandra Swami, RVC Swa) former "head master" of New Vrindaban gurukula. childabuser, never charged with any crimes. Kirtanananda Swami's new "bag man"(cash supplying human ATM machine) after Radhanath's defection. original he-man woman haters club. Ronald Nay molested Chakravarti's son (Harikirtan) as well as the son of Bhagavatananda das. All of Kirtanananda Swami's cash, everything, had been put in the careof his Vassili, Ronald Nay (Gopinath). Gopinath had to protect Kirtanananda Swami's interests since he had been headmaster at the gurukula and was caught abusing one of the students he had "under him", so to speak. the abused boy and his family had to leave NV in the showdown that resulted from the charges. this pattern would be repeated by this same team on several occasions in the future and would "set the standard" by which all future abuses charges would be met. The sculptor for much of the palace, Joe Cappaletti (Bhagavatananda das) found out that Gopinath was abusing his son and he was furious. A tall gaunt individual of italian ancestry from the south philly area, Bhagavat came to Kirtanananda Swami first when he heard. Kirtanananda Swami came to know bhagavat's mind well enough to know that one of them must leave. Now that killing was an accepted option at new Vrindaban, Bhagavat favoured that option. either the perpetrator or the victim was going to have to leave, and the sympathies were clearly with the adult pedophile and not with the abused child. Kirtanananda Swami gave up his palace sculptor to protect his twice fallen former gurukula headmaster. These guys give new meaning to the term "headmaster". Gupta das, David Fedorowsky (ww.gupta.com) orchestrated the settlement of the gang rape of a 14 year old girl by four Radhanath disciples at NV in 2005. the settlement had this girl move to the front of the line, receiving her settlement payment check before anyone else so that she would not testify against her attackers, thereby putting a halt to the criminal proceedings. the community then tried to forcibly expel the young girl and her mother and even used the threats of violence against these defenseless women. the crud balls who raped her were moved by their gurudev Radhanath back to india, with the exception of the malaysian passport holding, chandra das. he went to long island and was part of NV takeover attempt at the LI temple. Hobson, Amy Amy Hobson and her aunt Janet Reno infiltrated New Vrindaban just like the US military infiltrated iraq. She slept her way all the way up to being the spokesperson for the New Vrindaban community at the very time that the child abuse allegations were being investigated by a bogus New Vrindaban justice department internal investigation, headed by its current secretary Nityo Dita Swami (Carlos Ordonez, Secretary of COH, INC). Amy Hobson is an initiated disciple of Radhanath. She is the niece of the former attorney general of the US and she was used by the US justice department to sleep her way to the top of the NV food chain in1992 when her aunt took over ed meese's ongoing campaign against the KRISHNA compound. the republican ouster from national politics put the anti-cult operation in the hands of janet reno and her niece was used as an operative to infiltrate the WV compound. Amy slyly approached through adwaita's NY anti-ISKCON manhattan avenue project. Her attempts to sleep with nityo dita swami were unsuccessful but she did manage to bed down and control his number 2 man, a NY street urchin called Rabbi. Rabbi's weekly trips to NV and back were amy's way in and out, undetected. everyone knew they were intimate so it only follows that they would be together. plus, in the post 1986 aftermath there were as many FBI agents as serious bhaktas and many were undetected. Amy was one of those by the time the child abuse case surfaced. as abuses started gathering info, amy made sure they were denied access to assembly areas and they were kept from the investigating authorities. Amy made it known at a sunday feast, that no one was to cooperate with the state police investigation and that anyone who did would have to leave NV. James Prins (Sacinandana das, saci pita, saci, siri, dutchy) pays even less regard to the feelings of his victims and, in fact, is still on the trail of the children he molested in their youth. According to west virginia state trooper Shaun Ippolito, Prins was facing a 600 count indictment of rapes and sodomies on the children that were left in his care at New Vrindaban, when he was granted a very mild plea bargain by the WV grand jury. the police admitted to having reached a "glass ceiling" as far as the investigation was concerned. the feds, it seemed, were quite happy with the 90 day sentence the state of WV offered prins. the rumor at the state trooper barracks was that aunt janet reno didn't want the publicity to get out there to the commune because it would compromise the covert operation that the FBI was conducting at NV. Prins had molested the children left in his care by the parents who were forced to go away from the farm on weekends to collect. "the eagle flies on Friday" and everyone was expected to go out and acquire all the eagles that they possibly could. Prins was a gangster from philly who was already on the lam at New Vrindaban. He and his wife were reported to be wife swappers and most people that weren't into that kind of stuff pretty much avoided the pair. UNLESS, of course, they had to go out on scamkirtan on the weekends. in that case you would have to deal with them, one way or the other. The prins's, or "the Sacis" as they were commonly called at NV, had decided that they liked to count money, so they had worked their way into some kind of an attachment to the scamkirtan house, first as dispensers of paraphernalia and then later as baby sitters for all the weekend scamkirtan parents. this pretty much gave this demon access to the youth of NV and he used that access to satisfy his carnal desires in every perverted way that he wanted. The Prins' attachment to New Vrindaban was only as great as the opportunities that such attachment produced. willing to take initiation from anyone who was initiating, this couple still lists itself amongst the most loyal Radhanath supporters. This attachment gives this convicted sex criminal the audacity to continue to harass females, even in the temple room at New Vrindaban, thus showing his total lack of remorse, as well as his contempt for anything like justice in the present day New Vrindaban atmosphere. this crew of unsavories and their newly recruited malaysian call girl and her pimp set up a criminal enterprise that had asian police forces and interpol chasing them for years. Jai Sri dasi - JILL CLAYTON - aka holy name swami, vice president of NRS corporation (New Vrindavans real estate holding company), secretary and director of NVC (New Vrindaban Community, Inc.), one of Kirtanananda's "swami mommies", "I been around since Hawaii in the 60's, so "don't tell me anything!", your husband spend more time in an orange jumpsuit or in a dhoti?, and "what did you say your sons do for a living?", fallen swami league. Janamastami das, John Sinkowski Janmashtami das, was actually one of the three devotees asked by Radhanatha Swami to kill Sulochan (the other two being Tirtha Das and Tapahpunja Swami). Radhanath tried to involve Janmastami at various points leading up the killing of Sulocana but he was not present on the night of the actual murder, which was carried out by Tirtha das alone. Janmastami wrote in his article: "In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban, I was ordered by Radhanath to neutralize Sulocana. Three of us were ordered by Radhanath, not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulocana. This happened with Tapah Punja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on SKP until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech that he had delivered to Tirtha, Tapah Punja Swami and Kuladri many times before. Later talks with Tirtha confirmed this." -- Janmashtami Das, "New Vrindaban History, for the Record", ( December 22, 2006) Jaya Murari Swami - JOE MOFFITT - aka Jaya Murari das, president and director of NRS corporation (New Vrindavans real estate holding company) president and director of NVC corporation (New Vrindaban Community, Inc.) another charter member of the fallen swami club, dubbed by Puskar "the plumber with a dhoti", key co-ordinator of the underground felons escape route, helped Kasyapa (aka Varshana Swami) bury the Taru homocide, got away clean on that one, "KRSNA covers them over!", money is such a hindrance to taking sannyas, and so is this rod. "didn't I pay you back?, oh, well, The Farm screwed me so I'm passing it on, 20 year board member KASYAPA DASA (Jack Mowen, aka Varsana Swami, varshana) fallen Kirtanananda Swami sanyassi, taken to late night rasa lila activities. Varshana still working "the sanyass gig" on weekends and summer tourist season, draws a $ 500 month paycheck for lecturing once a week (stay off the rasa-lila pastimes, "maharaj", the audience was getting aroused!). This debauche has seduced women for decades and will still take their money as a sannyasi. Oce tight friendship with jaya murari swami has crumbled to "open hostility"; still competing for the attention of the rainbow brahmacharinis, "maharaj" has two wives and two kids (since his sanyass initiation), but "caste no bar!", imported endangered species elephants to NV, USA only to sell them to the dog food factory when his staff got "too hot!" in his hand, member of the fallen swami club. The grave digger in the Taru killing, possibly the hit man in the cold case Tommy Meyers/ Taru das whacking; lied to FBI investigators 25 years ago and the cover-up continues, let's see what CSI: New Vrindaban finds when the body is exhumed. Varsana Swami (Kasyapa) had been on pain pills since loooong before he took his stick in his hand. He started drinking wine on the order of his sanyass guru, Kirtanananda Swami, and now was doing hard liquor and balling anything that rolled up to his cabin, and roll up they did and still do. to see this rogue worshiped by ISKCON as "in good standing", is a testament to how far your intelligence can be lost by Guru aparadha. the cheaters and the cheated. ISKCONners deserve the "gurus" they are given. if you are sincere, you will have a sincere guru. as some of you may guess, this is written by a number of different folks. different ages, different angles of vision of events, different writing styles, but we get a broader perspective that way. also, no one person gets rubbed out anymore. in the words of sulocan prabhu, "it's gone way beyond that now!". Krsna das / K.D. / another of the malaysian towel boys, off and on admits to having had sexual contact Kirtanananda Swami, forced to marry one of the barrel of women sanyassis in the michael jackson/ lisa presley type marraige. Krsna Katha dasa Tirtha was assisted prior to the murder by Los Angeles devotee, Krsna Katha dasa, and at various points that night he was in the company of this Krsna Katha fellow. Krsna Katha several months later was arrested and threatened with being charged as an accessory to the murder. Eventually he was granted immunity in exchange for quite damning testimony, which was instrumental in gaining Tirtha’s conviction. KULADRI DASA: (Arthur Villa, ku, kruel arti) Number Two - to whoever is in charge. Kuladri is a convicted felon who draws over $ 80,000 per year to defend NV in court. He and Muni inherit six real estate holding companies created at the turn of the millennium in an attempt to conceal the assets of New Vrindaban, less they fall into the hands of the younger, more qualified 2nd generation. Charged with abuse by one of his own daughters, this father of 5 has been indiscreet with any number of women at NV's expense. Kuladri is Tirtha's link to the spiritual realm after the Kirtanananda Swami clobbering. Convicted felon for the Sulocan murder. NV life member scammer par excellence. has a crew of telephone solicitors, percentage paid karmis, who work indian life members good nature and generosity. retirement from his general manager post was more a defensive measure to head off another RICO indictment. Kuladri has taken a pay increase each year with the promisethat he would chant his rounds next year, but the $80,000 a year salary does not seem to be enough to make him keep that promise. by his own admission, these days, his sadhana is not that strong. his faith in Radhanath was shattered by Hrsikesh Mafatlal's revelation that Radhanath had been intimate on at least two occasions with different young women of his disciple pool. for more information on this matter one can write the following address: sri sri radha gopinath mandir lady northcoate orphanage munsi marg, mumbai, india mark it to the attention of either hrsikesh mafatlal, dr. narendra desai (Nathji), or Radhanath. answers may not be as forthcoming as the solicitations for donations, but the questions still need to be asked. Lokanath das / loco nuts / Malaysian towel boy to Kirtanananda Swami, this is "the one" Kirtanananda Swami was caught with when the last shreds of pretense came off, "send him back to malaysia to collect", put him as Devamrita's and no longer Kirtanananda's slave. Kirtanananda's web site has one of the "nectar photos" of Lokanath wheeling "Kretinananda" in to his "vyasa puja" --------------------------- Malati [Melanie Nagel] - malati dasi - malati swami secretary and director of ISKCON WV trustee of ISKCON NMV charter member of the "swami mommies" club, columbus safe house for females fearful of NV living conditions, knows of Radhanath's ordering the sulochan whacking, one of the first of Kirtanananda swamis's female sanyassis,"all HIV pos, take sannyas first!", "katie bar the door!". she opposes "child abuse" and "paying for it", fighting extinction tenaciously. Malati (Melanie ex-Swami) says about the person who shot Chakradhari Das a dozen times, then stabbed him with a kitchen knife, then stabbed him with a screw driver, then bashed his head with a hammer, and when he still wouldn't die, wrapped plastic over his mouth to suffocate him: "The person who was charged with and admitted to the murders of Steve Bryant and St. Denis is Thomas Drescher, aka Tirtha das, who is in prison for life. Therein lies an interesting story, should anyone care to know. But, to make a long story short, this person has undergone a deeply profound recitification and transformation. So much so that the chief prosecutor against him, Michael Stein from the District Attorney's office, feels that he is worthy of a pardon. He contacted me recently and in that conversation stated that he has rarely, almost never, witnessed a change in the character of a convicted felon, but he has seen this in the case of Thomas Drescher, who he refers to by his initiated name, Tirtha das. On his end, Mr. Drescher has become a sober humble person, accepting the results of his awful deeds (double life sentence w/o possible parole) as a befitting indication of Krishna's mercy on him." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006 Malati has already admitted that she is aware of some secrets involving the murder that she hasn't mentioned: "For that matter, there is a strong contingent of persons who insist that "Janmastami" was directly involved in the murder of Steve Bryant, although never charged." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006 She clearly knows details she is not revealing, and is subtly trying to threaten Janmashtami to keep quiet or face the consequences. Why else would she mention such a thing? Let her identify "the strong contingent of persons" who informed her of this inside information so we can have a list of the criminals involved in this case. Unfortunately the list of names will include Radhanatha Swami, Devamrita Swami, Candramauli Swami and herself, so she will never give us that information. In an attempt to discredit the eye-witness testimony of Janmashtami Das, Malati tells us all about his villainous past, and concludes that he is like a mad dog: "To describe him in one word would be to say that he is deranged. He is like a mad dog." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006 But what Malati fails to mention are her own transcendental qualifications: the fact that she is a lesbian infected with HIV (AIDS) due to excessive intravenous drug use, and the fact that she was previously one of Kirtanananda's female sannyasis, Malati Swami. Such hypocrisy, seeing that they are surrounded by murderers, pedophiles, homosexuals and drug addicts. Why would Malati be intimately involved in canvassing for a murderers release from prison unless she was involved in the conspiracy to murder Sulochan. ------------------------- Manihar das (Matthew Norton, manihar) and his eternal homeboy, Naragadev das english national who has been in no less than four gurukulas that have been closed down because of the abuse going on there. gentleman escort of Naragadev, another of the queens mistakes that was turned loose on the world. Some of the more prominent retiring gurukula wardens were Srigalima, Aravinda, Gopinath, Madhavacarya, Manihar, Gauranga and Naragadev. Maha Mantra Das has also stated that, while looking for a place to dispose of Sulochan's body, Tirtha spoke of hiding other bodies as well, such as the body of Dhira Krishna (former Swami and former president of Los Angeles ISKCON temple). Narada Muni das / Lenny Rader LENNY RADER - narada muni das - mooney! general manager of New Vrndaban Conspiracy winfall profiteer, following the NV debacle of 1986-87 and the raid on the drug lab at the columbus temple, "smart money" merged with the jewish migration to florida. the death of henchman, Param Brahma, collapse of the winfall profiteers in alachua, and kuladri's 'lower profile' put muni back in "a player's role" at New Vrndaban. as "the world's biggest life member scammer, claiming a 'one day total' of $ 100,000 worth of "time share cabins" that NV had no intention of building. "let them sleep in tents!" was adapted as the policy if life members were to complain about being swindled. as temple pres. in both buffalo and columbus, muni used tom drescher "the sulochan hitman" to enforce his sometimes questionable decisions. we can only wonder "who will muni use to get this kind of work done now?". as a long time PB side-kick/wannabe, Muni was never one to stand very tall on his own. Muni needed a spine and PB often had more than Muni. since the time of the columbus temple meth lab drug bust, PB (Param brahma das, Paul Ferry) had always been the stronger of the two. Narada Muni had over 10 years of experience at bilking indians via the New Vrindaban community logo and he seemed to ISKCON's advanced spiritualists detectors to be the perfect man for the job. he'd lived at New Vrindaban before and he knew that the days of austerity were a thing of the past. he knew all the current felons in=charge, and, at least so far, he was felony conviction free, areal plus when so much of your time and energy must go into heading off the next RICO# indictment. Narada Muni das was the second biggest collector from the indian community in NV history. He was surpassed only by Veda Vyasa priya who specialized in life membership scams. Muni's specialty was the vrndaban village estate time share cabins. he would rent people a cabin for memorial day, july fourth, or labor day weekends. he would show you the substandard facilities NV was offering, BUT if you wanted to pay upwards of $ 2,000 per weekend, the cabin would be "yours for life". "yours" and the other 50-60 people that they rented it to for those same weekends. actually the 60 to 80 cabins that were required to fill those commitments did not exist and never would exist but the same six cabins that were already rented out, three times over, would be offered as bait. "it serves those crows right!", muni would say as he spoke freely and derisively of his third world benefactors. the plan had been in operation for about 5 years and the number of cabins barely increased. Naragadev doe (naragadev das, naragadev) see above gauranga doe (gauranga das, gauranga) french canadian homosexual pedophile. owned two gay night clubs in montreal before taking initiation from Kirtanananda Swami and moving into the montreal temple. bolted from montreal with eight brahmachari collectors and moved to New Vrindaban causing a skamkirtan feud between Kirtanananda Swami and montreal temple president, Nanda Kisore. Nathji das - dr. Naredra desai Narendra desai (Nathji das) had a multinational conglomerate empire that scoffed at national regulations on his behaviour in any country, at any time, for any reason. Nathji hadn't been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he had been born with a gold one. his father was one of the kiss ups to the british raj who found that his loyalty to the british occupiers paid off well after india was given commonwealth nation status. He was a leader amongst the indian business community. he was at one time the 5th richest man in the world. still in the top 20 of wealth on this planet, he winced when Radhanath promised "if this lawsuit would just go away, my disciple will build a multimillion dollar temple here at NV". it seems that Radhanatha his wealthy disciples may have cancelled those construction plans in favor of a house a sanyassi might fall down to a raise a family in. Nimai Bryant, the son of Sulochan (murdered victim) – In November of 1986 Sulochan's son, Nimai Bryant, mysteriously drowns at New Vrindavan, just months after his father was murdered. He was just three years old and he didn't have any past habit of entering the water at all. Coincidentally, as mentioned above, Chakradhari's son also died mysteriously at new Vrindavan (in 1984) just months after his father was murdered by Tirtha Das. His son was found suffocated inside an abandoned refrigerator. Is it merely a coincidence that the two people Tirtha murdered also had their sons die mysteriously within a few months of their father's being killed? It is much more likely that the conspiracy leader ordered the sons to be killed, knowing that they would grow up to avenge their father's murders, likely killing the New Vrindavan leaders responsible. Tirtha was in prison at the time of the drowning, so there were many other murderers at the command of New Vrindavan's leaders. Randall Gorby had also been killed while Tirtha was in prison, as well as Todd Schenker. NITYODITA DASA, Nityo Dita Swami, (Carlos Ordonez, C. Ordonez nityodita das, nityo, nit) Secretary of COH, INC (Cathedral of Healing), fallen Kirtanananda Swami sanyassi who was Kirtanananda Swami's towel boy for two years on those bi-monthly world tours. author of the "travels with Srila bhaktipada" journals documented in NV's brijabasi spirit. Sri Galima's Nr.1 amigo, what did really happen in those Vrndaban cabins? why did all the young boys refuse to go on skamkirtan with nityo?, but "it's alright now!", he's hetero again and he's 'active', just like Sri Galima. Nityodita Swami has an arrest record six computer pages long. As the secretary of the cathedral of healing, he was one of the supporters oft he Kirtanananda Swami world domination plan and rose to the highest ranks as a Kirtanananda Swami supporter. A convert to Radhanath-ism, Nityodita is a charter member of the heman woman haters club, but he has since renounced that renunciation to serve his trinidad disciples more completely. two years as personal servant to Kirtanananda Swami inspired his autobiographical essay series "on tour with bhaktipada", highlighting their jet set adventures. Nityodita conducted the first prins rape investigations, found out some of those prins raped and then saw to it that the victims were exiled, in defense of prins who left Kirtanananda Swami to become a Radhanath disciple. nityodita then orchestrated the cover-up attempt to defend prins, until the arranged plea bargain had prins pleading guilty to raping three adult women and three teenage girls. all the assaults on the infants go unpunished, undocumented and unapologized. nityo dita swami is currently working on nityo's palace of pleasure, a three story fornication facility that has cost more money and taken more time to build than the original Palace. Param brahma das / PB / Paul Ferry / had been getting sexual with the daughter of Randall Gorby, a New Vrindaban board member through all the glory years, PB and Muni beat it to florida as the wheels came of the New Vrindaban jaganath cart. As leader of the brahmachari ashram, he knew all the details of the Taru killing, but he took that information to the grave with his body. PB was more of a player than most people realize, his sexual indiscretions with a local girl contributing more to the sulocan murder than all the feeble attempts at surveillance that New Vrindaban undertook. "marrying her is my sankirtan! she's worth millions and I will be turning it in as soon as i get some. get my meaning?", PB had joked with the brahmachari ashram at the buffalo temple. as a charter member of the he man woman haters club back at "the top", PB had feared humiliation at the hands of those he had formerly humiliated when he was "the top of the top". a notorious woman beater, PB knew better than to hit his own wife. the buffalo temple would later close under the mismanagement provided by PB and Lenny Rader {Narada Muni das, "muni"} and their very shady, enron-like accounting procedures. their highly unorthodox beekeeping practices, under their 501(c)3 requirements are also highly illegal. Radheya, son of Chakradhari (murdered victim) and Rohini (son of murder accomplice Daruka) – Just month's after Tirtha killed Chakradhari, Chakradhari's son is found suffocated in an abandoned refrigerator. Guess who else is found dead in the same refrigerator? Rohini, the son of Daruka, who was Tirtha's murder accomplice in the killing of Chakradhari. Tirtha had decided to kill the only eye witness, his murder partner Daruka (because he knew where the body was – no body, no case). But in this instance, the chance to kill Daruka's son along with Chakradhari's son came conveniently along before he acted to kill Daruka. After killing the kids, Tirtha was stopped from taking out Daruka because Bhaktipada didn't approve. This later proved to be a big mistake for Tirtha, as Daruka was the main witness against him in the Chakradhari murder trial. Daruka was the one who called Chakradhari for the meeting when he was murdered, and he was also the one who ran inside the house to bring Tirtha a kitchen knife and screw driver after Tirtha ran out of bullets. The rumor New Vrindavan leaders spread throughout ISKCON was that the children were playing hide and seek. But why wasn't there another kid looking for them? How do you play hide and seek with only two people, when both of you are hiding in the same abandoned refrigerator? Randall Gorby – (murdered victim) Randall had worked for and with the Krishna's on a number of occasions concerning the land scam. Randall Gorby was the person Kirtanananda used to buy up all the land surrounding New Vrindavan. Since the locals didn't want to sell their land to devotees, Kirtanananda paid Randall to secretly buy the land on the devotee's behalf. As a result New vrindavan grew to over 3,000 acres. But in the end he was rewarded for this work with a bullet to his head. After his daughter had been getting sexual with one of the Krishna's, (PB - Param brahma das, Paul Ferry) Randall Gorby became angry and started to work against them. Randall Gorby was a typical west viginia hillbilly and if someone was having sex with his daughter, that person was going to get a shotgun put against their back. After Randall had found out about the abuse of his daughter, he was livid and wanted revenge. He started to work together with the FBI investigation and thought of this as a way to get even. Randall finally became an FBI informant who was the chief witness against Tirtha in several of the trials. Tirtha had loose lips, and would often brag about his crimes to friends. As soon as Randall heard about the murders, he contacted the FBI and agreed to have his phone tapped (thereby becoming an FBI informant). Gorby was found killed in his pickup truck in July of 1990 with a gunshot wound to his head. Looks like he wouldn't make it to testify against Kirtanananda in the big trial, would he? Randall Gorby had already survived a murder attempt by New Vrindavan hitmen in 1986. The day after Tirtha had been arrested Randall Gorby's house blew up, leaving him in critical condition. The official statement was that someone opened up his gas line and filled his house with gas. When he lit a cigarette, the entire house exploded and became a pile of fiery rubble, with him in it. Kirtanananda's public answer: he must have been trying to get free gas by bypassing the gas meter. Some people say he was also connected with the Philadelphia temple. I'm sure Ravindra Svarupa remembers him, at least the "him" before there was a bullet in his head. There was one other murder attempt on Randall Gorby which occurred on May 28, 1986 . Ravindra Svarupa knows more details about that one. Raghunath das - RALPH SEWARD - "ragu" president and director of JAGA, inc a real estate holding company New Vrndaban's paid bookkeeper, accused of abuse in Dallas and at New Vrindaban schools, with a one tear hiatus between schools in an opium den in LA with his black gay roommate, invited to NV by headmaster Sri Galima, do the revenues still come from the restaurant and the gurukula tuitions?, named but not protected in "the lawsuit", can still be sued, as they all can, on "an individual basis". Ramananda das / ramananda / Ramananda, a malaysian thug and his prostitute consort, had been recruited by Chandra das to Kirtanananda Swami's cause. Kirtanananda Swami gave them the initiated names Ramananda das and Chitra dasi. Ramananda immediately started a land takeover attempt. Triad gang member, pimp, drug smuggler, ran gurukuli escape victims in a life of white slavery, begging throughout asia to maintain the push to build "a tower to touch God from", back at New Vrndaban. Ravindra Svarupa Swami [William Deadwyler] Ravindra, you have never tried to prosecute any of the criminals in New Vrindavan, neither the murderers nor the pedophiles. You are the one rascal who has seriously betrayed the devotees twice: 1) once with your fake guru reform, just to become a guru yourself. 2) twice, when you pretended to investigate New Vrindavan crimes, but ended up taking a cut of New Vrindavan's drug money and reappointing every single Kirtanananda henchman back to power. As long as the Kirtanananda was pushed aside to give you more zone to guru in, you didn't mind who stayed in power. Kuladri, Tapahpunja, Nityodita, Radhanatha Swami, Malati, Candramauli Swami, Varshana Swami, Umapati Swami – every last one was promoted by you! How does that work? In exchange for pushing Kirtanananda aside, you promoted all of his leading criminal henchmen to power – plus you got a cut of the money. Sweet! We get Bhavananda in Mayapur, Ravindra in Philly, and Radhanatha in New Vrindavan. Now the nectar is flowing. Rupanuga das - RAMESH PATEL - "roops" president of Cathedral of Healing, inc. Trustee of ISKCON NMV (Iskcon of New Mathura Vrindaban), draws an $ 800 month salary for "his service", another accountant, one for the other set of books "what became of that safe full of silver when Kirtanananda Swami went in to lockdown?, "how can an Indian bookkeeper support a family of 6 on no income?, the key word is "bookkeeper"!, evicting women and orphans, "no problem!", Radhanath Swami cheerleader, "without the swami ravanath, who would we have left?" Sacinandana das: see James Prins Sesa das, Seth Spellman the current ISKCON minister of justice, was the temple president and minister of justice for the allens lane temple and yet he remained unaware that his head-pujari, Sarada Vihari das was on cocaine and not the brahmastra juice that he was claiming. Ravindra did not know that his food for life housing scam was busted for prostitution? he did not know the husband and wife team handling the money were stealing enough for two coke habits? why not? if the pot washer in the temple knows these things, shouldn't the person in charge? if they truly didn't know, the issue is their competence. if they did know, then the issue would be their ethics. fact is, it was common knowledge on both sides of the breezeway. Isa knew. Sri Galima das / Gary Gardiner / sri g / of san antonio, texas Rapist, pedophile "headmaster" of old nandagram/ new nandagram school, twice headmaster of gurukulas closed down for abuse. close friend of Ralph J. Seward (Raghunatha) for a number of years. sold off 100 head of cattle from his father's ranch in san antonio to pay his way out of the child molestation charges that dog him to this day. found "life on the run" in india too austere (shame you can't rape children from the comfort of your own living room anymore!) this unrepentant, unconvicted, and as yet, uncharged child molester is still very tight in his communications with nvc (New Vrindaban Community, Inc.) management and spiritual heirarchy. his wife occasionally visits and always asks when it will be alright for sri galima to return. Sri-Galima was from a wealthy san antonio cattle baron family and had never held a real job in his entire life. he would later use his family's ill gotten gains to buy himself a pass in the first child abuse trial to involve New Vrindaban inmates, which wound up sending Sri-Galima's first victim to prison for six months. Sri-Galima had befriended a young boy who came to New Vrindaban who spoke no english. since Sri-Galima spoke fluent spanish, the youth was put under his direct care and supervision. after six years of being trained by Sri-Galima, the assistant started to have his own similar kinds of relationships. when the duo was arrested, the youth had just turned eighteen and was charged as an adult offender. the adult pedophile, Gary Gardiner (Sri-Galima) was able to make all the charges against him go away in a sealed plea agreement that cost him $ 60,000. the "fee" was paid to west virginia state supreme court justice Klackley for making the entire thing go away for Sri-Galima without even one days incarceration. his minor aged assistant was tried as an adult and served a six month sentence. Sri-Galima had been protected throughout the period by his exile to india and then to malaysia after word got around india that he was another one of Kirtanananda Swami's foreign legion and not just a spiritual seeker. Sri-Galima had gone back to the states in a very sweet deal that his father and Radhanath had worked out. from his malaysian hideout, he had hired a lawyer to negotiate on his behalf. his "lawyer" was a WVU law professor named Klackley. the lawyer was a black WV statesupreme court justice. he was the chief justice of the west virginia state supreme court. AND he was in private practice. and for the incredibly reasonable legal fee of $60,000 US dollars all of this was reduced to signing a paper and walking out of the courthouse a free man. legally free, maybe, but karma-free, well let's just say, there's more chance of having a snowball fight in hell. Sri-Galima (a homosexual) needed a wife for the same reason michael jackson married lisa marie presley. it conveyed a heterosexual image that would be helpful if this ever came before a jury. (cover up for being gay) The mentality was that women were only toilets that you did your business in (pissing and shitting in it) and then walked away from. Devamrita Swami was very fond of saying so. (Devamrita said: women are toilets). Yogini, or "mrs Sri-Galima" as she was called, had gotten herself deep in the middle of something she didn't understand. she had come to New Vrindaban from her native south-america and almost on her arrival, she was told to marry so that she would get her green card. SUDHANU DASA, SU, George Weisner a long time New Vrindaban resident and board member, he was a winner in the New Vrindaban" steal a bride" raids that were conducted against new york. skamkirtan riches only increased when "mrs. su" (lajjavati, lajj) became the leader of the womens skamkirtan teams, following the ouster of dharmatma and his harem. Former 'mayor of New Vrndaban', former chairman of the planning department, former chairman of the New Vrndaban board, retired. "don't call me sudhanu, my name is george, george weisner!", anybody want to buy any paintings from the Palace? what did happen to the budgets of the planning, heavy equipment, and the construction departments? how did he pay for that yacht he owns? or the $ 5,000 kiln that risi bought his bimbo? Sukavaha dasi / Susan Bauer / whole lotta lovin' swami / mother of three, all abused in the gurukula, like the other mothers of abused kids, still dependent for communal living but not having significant alternatives. Sulochan Das, Steven Bryant (murdered victim) – Killed by Tirtha Das on the order of Radhanatha Swami in 1986. This has already been discussed in detail in previous articles, so we will not get into it here. As mentioned above, his son is also killed just months after he was murdered. Sulocana Prabhu, who had had his wife and children taken away by Kirtanananda's nasty manipulations, was blamed for this head-bashing by Triyogi dasa. Sulocana had written the ground-breaking expose "The Guru Business" (still available on line) and was known as the sworn enemy of Kirtanananda. In "The Guru Business", the guru-fraud perpetrated by the GBC post November 1977 is documented along with Kirtanananda's deep-seated sexual predilections. Triyogi's attack was thought to have been inspired by Sulocana Prabhu. While Kirtanananda lay recovering in hospital, Radhanatha decided to murder Sulocana. Tapa Punj would oversee the murder. Tirtha, with Janmastami as assistant/driver, would be the killer. Tirtha had proven himself with his murder of Chakranadi, and Janmastami had military experience in Vietnam. This plan went up the line to Kirtanananda in hospital who gave approval. Kuladri at the bedside of Kirtanananda had already consulted with Radhanatha and through Kuladri news of the plan reached the other leaders of New Vrindaban: Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, and Umapati. However, at the same time, Tirtha was letting the cat out of the bag by informing various persons, such as Yudhistra in L.A., of the coming murder. Tirtha's line was that the murder was bona fide as Kirtanananda was a pure devotee and it would be a devotional plus to assist. Tapahpunja Swami - Terry Sheldon "mr. scam", TPS, top buffoon, punja, kuruksetra das) Convicted felon for his involvement in the killing of Sulochan das, this "swami" was captured by FBI agents in malaysia. Immediately following the sulocan murder, this fallen Kirtanananda Swami sanyassi announced to ISKCON europe "i orchestrated the sulocan whacking!", expecting to be greeted like a great hero. This Charter member of the he-man women haters club was the vanguard of "the malaysian invasion". With his buddies Sri Galima, Ramananda, and dutchy Prins, and in the mood of their guru, there are no borders they won't try to jump over. Top buffoon swami, leader of a Krishna temple in Cleveland, testified that Bryant had been spreading rumors that Bhaktipada was a homosexual and a child abuser. In sworn testimony, Tapahpunja Swami [Terry Sheldon] stated that he was the one to inform Kirtanananda about the murder plot. "Owner" of New Vrndaban, on a fraudulent lease agreement where ISKCON exists only to pay the taxes on the land it leases to the top buffoon, AND NVC (New Vrindaban Community, Inc.) pays the buffoon $ 7 a hour to mow his own lawn. He doesn't even do that little bit, he subs it out to bhaktas he pays $ 1.25 an hour. Employed by ISKCON WV to mow his own lawn at the rate of $ 7.00 /hr, this root planting sanyassi drafted himself a 99 year lease on all of The Farm not sold off to land speculators. The rent is less than the taxes, therefore, ISKCON exists to pay taxes for this fallen sanyassi's gardening projects. Tapapunja top buffoon deeded himself the prime forty acres of New Vrindaban for a rent payment that is less than the annual tax liability to ISKCON, this ex-convict purports to own the Holy Dham, and therefore the right to deny access, even to the life members. most all of these actions are illegal and they exist solely, at the whims of the corporate officials who lavish themselves with outlandish salaries and benefits far in excess of the worth of their performances. Taru Das, Thomas Meyers (murdered victim) frequent writer for Back To Godhead and Brijbasi Spirit – disappeared without a trace in November of 1980. The FBI has been searching for his body for 25 years without any luck. Everyone knew he was murdered, but without a body the FBI has no case. How would the FBI ever find his body under all that concrete? The Palace of Gold had been opened in 1979, but there was still plenty of construction going on to cover a body or two. Ravindra Svarupa, were you the one who made the deal with the FBI not to dig up Prabhupada's Palace of Gold to look for bodies? What was the other deal you made, something about not seizing New Vrindavan's drug money? That money disappeared pretty quickly with the creative accounting at New Vrindavan. Why don't you let the readers know, what was your cut? Tirtha das - Thomas Drescher, Murderer Tirtha was Radhanath's paid assassin. For the murder of Sulocana he received 80'000 US Dollars. He said he placed the sticker, which said "Are we having fun yet?" on the van of Stephen Bryant (Sulocana das) before tracking him down in 1986 in Los Angeles, where he shot Bryant twice in the head. Drescher testified he carried out the assassination at the wish of his spiritual leader, Swami Bhaktipada (Keith Ham) "You have to understand that in my mind, it wasn't murder. It was dispatching an undesirable element from the community," Drescher said. Drescher is the prosecution's star witness against Bhaktipada, who is on trial on six counts of mail fraud, three counts of racketeering, and one count each of conspiracy and interstate travel to commit murder for hire. In its indictment, the government said Bhaktipada used two murders, a kidnapping threats and beatings to maintain control of the illegal business scams that raised more than $ 10 million between 1981 and 1985 at the New Vrindaban community near Moundsville in West Virginia's Northern Panhandle. In summary, New Vrindavan was a terrible criminal empire that engaged in every type of illegal activity, and openly killed anyone who got in the way, even if they happened to be lawyers, government officers or devotees. For example, the FBI says Tirtha planned to kill attorney Dave Gold because he was representing a party in a property dispute against Kirtanananda. Tirtha had been overheard bragging that he had followed Gold into the forests at night on several occasions, but the only reason he didn't kill him yet was because he didn't find a good spot for it. Tirtha is one of three people who had been ordered by Radhanath to kill Sulocan, the two others are Tapahpunja Swami and Janmashtami das.The FBI has also said that Tirtha planned to kill the Marshall County Assessor, Alfred Clark, because he was attempting to levy heavier taxes on the commercial aspects of New Vrindavan. Triyogi das - Michael Schockman: Triyogi dasa bashed in the head of Kirtanananda with a heavy pipe, enraged by the realization that the exclusive eleven paramahamsas were never appointed 'to be gurus' by Srila Prabhupada; his anger was compounded by the fact that Kirtanananda was currently an active homosexual pedophile presenting himself as a 'guru'. Tulasi das - JOHN WEST - Tulasi land baron of the New Vrindaban Conspiracy, bought The Holy Dham from a cash starved "king eddie" (Adwaitacharya); all that not already sold or leased to mr. and mrs. top buffoon. and, "how, exactly, did you acquire the laxmi you 'bought The Dham' with?"?, dumped his wife to welfare housing as he screens "new apprentices" (shades of donald trump!), who doesn't have a problem relating to second generation kids with a drug problem?", "is that a problem?", "what's your problem?", "ONE WORLD, ONE family", ONE PRICE FITS ALL?, you too can spend 'a pettit winter', foods drops at a slightly extra cost, and "Bring you own water!", or you can come over to our million dollar house (in better shape than The Palace) and have some of our septic run-off, followed sandiego's yudhisthir to NVC (New Vrindaban Community, Inc.) as east meets west in financial/ real estate exchanges. Umapati Swami - Wally Sheffy Umapati offered other special favors to murderer Tirtha Das, for example initiating him into the sannyasa order in August of 1987, even after he had b |
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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,
A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
The world has never been so divided. We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained. ENTER Weird Al Yankovic. He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody. When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things : 1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests Weird Al cold del...
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Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
This message expresses strong concerns about a recent decision by the Norwegian government, particularly the Ministry of Culture, led by Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery and Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl, to allocate NOK 77 million to the Jewish Museum Oslo. The result of this decision will force the eviction of the Subsonic Society, a music studio complex with 12 full-time jobs, 25 years of Norwegian music history, and a central role in Oslo’s music production scene, from its premises i...
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No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Petition to Stop the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants for AI Data Centers Introduction: Nuclear power poses a serious threat to public safety and the environment. The construction of nuclear power plants to power AI data centers is a dangerous and short-sighted decision. Large Corporations are obtaining permits to build nuclear powerplants to power their AI data centers. This is clearly a bad idea. The potential for accidents, the long-term consequences of nuclear waste which cannot be dis...
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Add petition "Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita" to this listDeveloping Nations Stand Against Sodomy!
The British diver Tom Daley started a campaign to overturn anti-sodomy laws at the Commonwealth Games in 2022. It is part of a drive from the West using vast sums of money to advance what they claim are ‘internationally acknowledged human rights’. The truth is, there is no right to commit unnatural acts in any international treaty, much as UK and US gay activists would like there to be. We the undersigned note that God made us male and female and instituted marriage, with this position endorsed...
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