Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3360

2011-12-19 06:46

According to one's receptiveness - whether one be a devata, asura, Yaksa or Raksasa - Krsna's quality is proportionately exhibited
Although Prahlada's mother was in the conditional state and was the wife of a demon, even Yaksas, Raksasas, women, sudras and even birds and other lower living entities can be elevated to the acyuta-gotra, the family of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
Because atheists are Raksasas, they dare to do things that are most abominable, and thus they are punished without fail
Brahma, the head of the demigods, full of anxiety, asked them, "Do not eat me, but protect me. You are born from me and have become my sons. Therefore you are Yaksas and Raksasas"
Salva begged from Lord Siva the gift of an airplane which would be so strong that it could not be destroyed by any demigod, demon, human being, Gandharva or Naga, or even any Raksasa
The leader of the Yaksas and Raksasas is Kuvera, the master treasurer of the demigods, and he is a representation of the Supreme Lord
Categories: Names of Races | Demons | Good and Bad - Umbrella Category