We are petitioning the Florida Governor, Charlie Christ to investigate the decision made by the Leon

Aretha Black

/ #1 Sexual Predator Label on a fourteen year old child.

2010-08-06 15:35

I feel that this is really unfair and unjust, given the circumstances of the entire arrest, trial, and sentence.  When reading the police report on this, it's easy to spot all of the inconsistency in the alledged victim's statement.

Even if the courts saw it fit to charge the boys with a sexual offense in this case, I don't feel that Sexual Predator should have even been considered.  The judge on this case stated, in open court, that he believed that Darius, who is the youngest of the boys accused, was the "Leader" and if he(the judge) had his way, he would have sentenced Darius to 30 years in prison for this crime.  That statement broke my heart!  He was only 14...What a statement for a judge, supposedly an honorable person, to make to a child...right in front of his "God-Fearing mother and grandmother.  We really need your support on this.

Thank you and God bless you all!