Relocation of Window Washers on Modderfontein Road


/ #79

2016-06-24 04:31

As a former resident of Edenvale, i used to be a member of the Edenvale CPF. I would address the issue of the window washers at least on a monthly basis and only ever got excuses from Ms McKenzie and the members of the EMPD. They are unwiĺling to do anything about the problem because they have "nothing to charge" the window washers with and just have to let them go again. Never mind the fact that it's actually illegal to sell things in the street. The problem the commander of the EMPD had with the idea of conducting a raid was that the window washers "run away when they see us". Bad guys run away from cops. You might have to chase them. Or come in an unmarked car. Do something. I'm so sick of weak excuses.