Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #9330

2016-05-19 11:38

It's not that it's my country so I found it unfair, yes there maybe some points that Japanese deserves more points and Thailand as well. But if there was an unclear comments from either side they should send someone to check the system whilst the game is on. Not used emotions to judge, we can clearly see it from the judge's facial expression that he is hurrying to end the match. Even though I admit Thailand's coach may sometimes go over too much but it was the deciding match it should not involve the coach but the players. If there was a sudden unclear judgement it should be cleared up, it is was cleared during the last ball there wasn't any fun and even the crowd was filled with miserable and a question mark on their faces. Which deciding for the last few balls in unclear judgement that is a form of not really respecting any teams. Therefore I think its an unfair match. If they redo the last match it would be better and I believed there will be a better mutual feelings of both sides of the results.