Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!


/ #38 Re:

2014-05-10 17:22

#37: -

I think very few people are on the same page as us. It is a pity, I moved to Redbridge so my kids could go to a nice Jewsih school. My youngest went to IJPS then into KS and my eldest to KS from a mainstream school in SE London.

When I first visited KS I immediately felt welcomed and liked the school. as I before it is not only the head that makes the school successful it is also down to teachers, admin staff, security, canteen workers, cleaners.... You have to work as a team, this hasn't been happening at KS.

People quote the Torah saying that you must forgive, but you can still forgive someone for doing you harm but you may still want them to learn a lesson..

I find that the majority of parents who support her attack us viciously and show that by trying to demean us. In my opinion people who say forget it, she hasn't done anything bad to anyone at KS,  she has turned the school around are clearly parents who need to understand the case.

If any teacher would have been rude to their child, would have abused their position as a teacher these parents would want this teacher struck off ASAP, why is it then that they make so many allowances for Shuter?

Sometimes I feel like I live in a third world country where people bow and say amen to the people who are clearly in the wrong.

By getting rid of JS and the JEwsih festivals she was aiming towards turning the school into an academy, where more money would be available, JS was a barrier in her path. Do notice that during her probation period she was acting all nice and pleasant. As soon as it was over her attitude changed a lot. Starting with making JS a core subject.

It is a pity, our community is small, and I would like to see it survive, but if Shuter continues it will be wiped out and more parents will move their kids to Jcos, JFS or Yavneh. Can you imagine this happening in any of these schools? No, so much so that Mr Lewis went to Yavneh a good Jewish school. If he was so rubbish as they say why did Yavneh want him?