Save Watford FC Girls Centre of Excellence

Seeing red in Crewe

/ #172

2011-06-09 23:08

The lunatics have taken over the asylum!

Having persuaded the Equal Opportunities Commission (now The Commission for Human Rights & Equality) to help me fight the FA's ridiculous mixed sex ruling 5 years ago with some partial success (a temporary 2yr dispensation scheme allowed my dauaghter to continue playing with the lads upto and including U15,s),may i share the benefits of my experience with regard to taking on the FA. . . forget logic, forget reason, forget respect, it acheives nothing. Go for the achilles heel and drag the FA through the mud via the media. The only thing they will respond to is adverse publicity. The age limit for mixed soccer has been changed four times in as many years, and was only done so following public ridicule via the media (particularly via TV).

Speaking of which find clip of Crewe CoE on Granada TV today.

The Girls, Staff, and parents at Watford, Crewe and others have logic and reason, whilst the FA continue to adhere to reasoning that they are unwilling to define, and that would never stand up to scrutiny.

I have spoken in private to a Girls Centre of Excellence Director recently (whos licsnce was approved) who unfortunately was not willing to go public but did say that not just he, but other CoE directors in his region (he was not willing to divuldge who)were aghast at what the FA have done. He also said that since many girls devolop technically at varying times there will be many girls who will now slip through the net and be lost to game forever. A damming inditement indeed on the FA's latest half baked masterplan from a professional with more experience and gravitas in this area than Kay Cossington and her 'now what can we change next brigade' put together.

The lunatics really have taken over the Asylum!

For those who have not yet signed Crewe's petition could i ask you to do so. Cheers.