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2014-02-16 08:13

time to do what the people want for a change Westminster.



2014-02-16 08:22

We have done so much for other countries, it is time that we must allow charity to begin at home.



2014-02-16 08:27

CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME HOLLAND only country I have seen offering help.



2014-02-16 08:27

please help our own people for once,

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2014-02-16 08:31



2014-02-16 08:40

as this country is broke we should stop all aid until we can afford to donate.



2014-02-16 09:17

Want to see more money used to help the British people and not so much going abroad. Charity begins at home



2014-02-16 09:21

We must look after our own at times like this.Remember the old saying, Charity begins at home !!!



2014-02-16 09:22

Charity begins at homeland ALL parties should listen to what the people are saying.


#560 Re: The UK flood Crisis

2014-02-16 09:27



2014-02-16 10:11

Surely the first duty of the government is to their own people and country. They need to get their priorities in order.



2014-02-16 10:13

Well done Daily Mail the voice of the Nation - as usual!



2014-02-16 10:13

There should be a percentage included from that set aside for foreign aid as a reserve to use for any extreme circumstances for the UK, such as the flood victims


2014-02-16 10:14

Well done Daily Mail the voice of the Nation - as usual!



2014-02-16 10:23

I think instead of sending billions of pounds to these supposed impoverished countries the Government should spend the money HERE AT HOME : we are fast becoming a third world country - we need flood defences - lets look to Holland for constructive advice : our roads need attention : our hospitals are now third class whereas we used to be considered leading edge. No more budget cuts - spend AID money on US.


#566 Re:

2014-02-16 10:25



2014-02-16 10:31

A lot of areas that were not considered as flood plains, are now flooding because of the building program, and the cut backs by councils in not clearing street drains!
Pissed off Tim

#568 Our Money being wasted.

2014-02-16 10:36

What we need is another Oliver Cromwell to sort out the mess this country is. We need to wise up and immediately stop sending millions in Foreign Aid to China, India, Pakistan and all the other corrupt dodgy African despots.
The money should be spent in the UK to help the flood victims and sort out sea defences. Not mention the Millions a day pumped into the EU for a load of Europrats to waste.
We must get real here, there is no justification to Waste another 72 Billion on HST, that we cannot afford either.



2014-02-16 10:38

Make sure our own people are taken care of first before sending money to other countries.



2014-02-16 10:42

This is what the British people know is right - dont 'dilly dally' all the time - do something -



2014-02-16 10:52

Go one better and share the £200 million being offered to Syria



2014-02-16 10:58

Our priorities on aid must rest with the people of this island. We are no longer a 'rich'country who can keep doling out money to other countries, to the detriment of our own people in need.



2014-02-16 10:58

charity begins at home in this case



2014-02-16 11:11

Stop sending money to China, they only waste our money on sending rockets to the moon.



2014-02-16 11:13

About time too