Opposition to ITV
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#451 Re: radio shaytaan2012-08-18 00:28#449: sweetie pie - radio shaytaan
please brother i undertsand your anger but lets not get vulgar becuase the ummat will miss the point and focus on the vulgar . They will forget the evil of itv becuase these evil lovers of detsroying the deen will say see how they react .They will forget how evil they are reacting by destroying ALLAH TAALAS DEEN WHICH IS A CRIME OF JAHANUM. |
Muslima |
#452 Re: radio shaytaan2012-08-18 00:35#449: sweetie pie - radio shaytaan I'm shocked out of my mind at this post. The post in essense is correct but the way its put down is absolutely WRONG. You can't call sum1 a swine and comment on their istinja knowledge etc. on a chat forum!!! There are certain aadaab which have to be adhered to even if you completely disagre with a person, as is the case here. BELITTLING, DISGRACING and HUMILIATING just won't hold. Please, this debate has been going well until now - let us not spoil it by losing our tempers and getting vulgar. Eveyone is managing perfectly well to get their points across in a decent manner. Jazaakallah.... |
Aad.Ganchi@gmail.com |
#453 wrong is wrong2012-08-18 00:41@sweety pie. Please change you name. This discussion has male AND female participants and i doubt you'll want the opposite gender to call or think of you as ''sweety pie''. |
author |
#454 no vulgarity will be allowed.2012-08-18 08:28sweetie pie's comments have been removed due to vulgarity. |
Fatima |
#4552012-08-18 13:29I have a sister who was happily married. Her husband's eyes was very paak. The husband now watches ITV. Suddenly their is a change in him. He comments on how pretty the females are on ITV. My sister is shattered. Doctor Adam, if this was your sister how would you feel? No matter how bitter I am, I pacify myself with the thought that ONE DAY you will have to answer for putting at risk the happiness of others. Shaytaan has misled you into imagining that you are doing a great service to Islam. |
Inaayat Abdool Satar. email: mr.ias1@yahoo.com |
#456 TO ALL ON THIS FORUM!!2012-08-18 13:29I have sent this message before.... I don't think people have went through ALL the links, or maybe they didn't perceive the information clearly: go through this letter and the links attached to it before making stupid, unreliable, vulgar and ignorant comments concerning iTV. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتهُ RE: ITV *Dear Brother/Sister in Islaam: Please READ the following carefully and OPEN ALL LINKS provided and read until you have a clear understanding of the matter, don't make an un-learned decision on ITV out of haste and feelings, rather make a decision from Knowledge. For "haste makes waste" and "knowledge is power" May (اللَّه (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى guide us all to make the correct decision and put us on the straight path, the path of Nabi (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ »ITV« is a Television station on *DSTV* that airs islamic programming. Many Ulama are showcased on the station, but this does not make the Tv permissible. The making of pictures of animate (living)objects is clearly prohibited in Islam as Nabi (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said: "The worst to be punished (on the day of judgement) are the picture-makers (of animate objects)". Furthermore a male is not permitted to look at a photo of a non mahram female and vice-versa, this rule is being neglected as many people's photos are shown on television. Even a woman's voice should be concealed from strange men, leave alone her body, which is being flaunted openly on the Tv (Naoodhoobillaah). In-between ITV programmes there are advertisements that promote music and haraam products. With DSTV (Devilish, Satanic Time Vanisher) in your home, it is a possibility that you may be tempted to watch haraam channels as well. Hadhrat Mufti Taqi Uthmani Saheb(May اللَّه fill his qabr with noor) said: "Islam cannot be served through television" Many of our senior Ulama (May اللَّه protect them all, and those who are late may اللَّه fill their graves with noor.) have discouraged and condemned the taking of videos, pictures of animate objects, prohibited the flaunting of women's voices and pictures and have condemned the appearance of Ulama on television. Below is the list of Ulama who have condemned this, with the links to their Naseehah/Fatawa Arif Billah Hadhrat e Aqdas Shah Sheikh ul Arab wal Ajam Hakeem Ml. *Muhammad Akhtar* saheb (May اللَّه grant him a longer life and protect him) {Senior Khalifah of: Hadhrat Ml. Abraar ul Haqq Hardo, Ml. Abdul Gani Phoulpoori and of Ml. Muhammad Ahmed Saheb, 1 of the leading Mashaa'ikh of the world, 1 of the leading ulama of Pakistan, author, spiritual guide and mentor) on women's voices being flaunted. http://www.samuslims.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=444:hazrat-hakim-akhtar-saheb-a-women-on-radio-stations&catid=34:newsletter-articles&Itemid=29 Many of our senior Ulama's Rulings in one article: http://www.samuslims.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=85:ruling-on-photograpy&catid=37:fatwas&Itemid=53 Hadhrat Mufti Taqi Uthmani (May اللَّه fill his qabr with noor): http://www.themajlis.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=197:haraam-media-are-haraam-and-may-not-be-used-for-deeni-purposes&catid=34:majlis-articles&Itemid=27 Hadhrat Ml. Yunus Patel saheb's (May اللَّه fill his qabr with noor) advices on the effects of tv, rendered on »Radio 'Islam'« by !Ml. Suliman Ravat! On •22 July 2009•: https://sites.google.com/a/radioislamlive.com/radio-islam/mbilal2012-01/20090722_mlypateltv.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1 #{click on download attachment, then open}# Hadhrat Ml Shabier Ahmed Saloojee (principal of Darul Uloom Zakariyya ) with Hadhrat Mufti Radha-Ul-Haqq Saheb(senior Khalifah of Late Mufti Mahmood Hassan Gangohi (RHA), Mft. Radha ul Haqq is also: Grand Mufti of SA, Senior Mufti of Pakistan, Sheikhul Hadith and Head Mufti of Darul Uloom Zakariyya, ex Ustad of Binnori Town Madrasa Pakistan, 1 of the Leading Masha'ikh of SA) with other ulama of Darul Uloom Zakariyya: http://www.duzak.org/index.php/fatawaa/52-al-ari-wal-ibah-contemporary-issues/194-letter-pertaining-to-the-television-issue Darul Iftaa of Darul uloom Azaadville (of which Mufti Mohammed Sa'eed Motara is the head {Mufti Saheb is a Senior Mufti of SA ): http://www.thejamiat.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=449:azaadvilles-fatwa-on-tv&catid=45:current-issues-archived&Itemid=46 Hadrat Ml. Fadhlur Rhaman A'zami (Sheikhul Hadith of Darul uloom Azaadville , elder of SA tabligh movement, Khalifah of Hakeem Akhtar Shb): http://www.themajlis.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=199:naseehat-by-maulana-fazlur-rahmaan-azami-shaikhul-hadith-of-daarul-uloom-azaadville-on-a-range-of-haraam-issues-perpetrated-by-the-nnb-jamiat&catid=34:majlis-articles&Itemid=27 Cii article with fatwa of Mufti Abdul Kader Hussain Saheb ( Senior Alim of SA, Mufti of Channel Islam Int., Student of Mufti Radha ul Haqq saheb, ex Ustadh of Darul Uloom Newcastle): http://www.ciibroadcasting.com/2012/06/21/sa-ulama-differ-on-tv-appearances/ Student of Darul Uloom Holcombe, Bury, U.K.: http://www.inter-islam.org/Prohibitions/tv.htm Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai (SA darul iftaa, Madrassah In'amiyyah Camperdown,Jamiatul Ulama KZN and Board of Muftis Sa): http://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/16082 Also by Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/showthread.php?23990-Tv-allowed-in-islam Hadhrat Sheikh Mufti Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid (Senior Mufti of Saudi Arabia ): http://islamqa.info/en/ref/3633 Hadhrat Ml. Moosa Olgar: http://www.themajlis.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=195:the-baatil-and-deception-of-islamic-television-by-maulana-moosa-olgar&catid=34:majlis-articles&Itemid=27 Hadhrat Sheikh Khalid Beig on 'So called' "Islamic TV Channels" http://www.samuslims.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=451:qislamicq-tv-channels&catid=34:newsletter-articles&Itemid=29 M. Asgahr: http://www.islam-watch.org/MAsghar/Muslim-Women-and-Veil.htm Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al kawthari(Darul Ifta of UK & Al-Qalam Shari’ah Scholars UK): http://www.shariahprogram.ca/islam-qa-women/female-voice-singing.shtml After reading the content in the above links, if you have opposition to ITV, may you please sign the petition in the link below. http://www.petitions24.com/opposition_to_itv May (اللَّه (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى save us all from such vices and reward the people who made us aware of this. آمِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينْ Now use the Truthful Information in these links to comment and don't take out lies from your pocket!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#4572012-08-18 14:26Write a comment...It seems as if the author of this forum fears that the haqq should be spoken clearly, hence he removed sweeties comments The haq has to be said Why don't you contact the majlis and tell them to comment on what shaitan adam had to say, then speak You all may go to jahannam with your fear of speaking the haqq Viva majlis-viva the unambigious haqq |
Guest |
#4592012-08-18 14:43We must speak the haqq.but also we must remember not to use vulger.tomorrow the same ulama can repent and be ALLAHS beloveds than we are the bad ones.we must speak the truth but also remember not to treat others badly, after all, we are all muslims.WHO ARE WE TO JUGE????? |
Muslima |
#460 Re:2012-08-18 15:45Sweetie pies comments were removed because they were indecent and vulgar. No one here fears speaking the haq, and this forum is ample evidence to that. If sweetie pie considers himself/herself to be in the same calibre as ml AS Desai (author of the majlis), he/she may inform us so that we won't take objections to her/his comments. Propogating the haq is fardh upon every muslim and so is shame. |
Guest |
#461 Re: Re:2012-08-18 18:37#460: Muslima - Re: EXacty rasululaah salallahu alahi wasalam did not use vulgar to the kuffar when calling them towards islaam.in the same way we cannot use vulgar to tell the ulamaa what is right and wrong!we are muslims and so are they.like for your brother what you like for yourself.would you like someone to tell you u are a SWINE,i dont think so.we must always think before we speak!!!!
Anonymous |
#462 First Radio now TV! What is this?2012-08-18 23:06If you give in to Shaitaan, then he will not leave you alone. He will take you further into Haraam. First it began with Radios now it is TV. |
i can cry . but they are getting exposed |
#463 see what there owm senoirs day2012-08-19 12:15Hazrat Hakim Akhtar Saheb & Women on Radio Stations Thursday, 09 June 2011 20:36 | Written by Administrator5 | A sincere, concerned brother wrote the following letter of naseehat to a Aalim of High Esteem who happens to be a khalifah of Hadhrat Maulana Hakim Akhtar Sahib: “I write this letter with genuine concern and not as a personal attack on you. By you, a senior khalifah of Hazrat Hakim Akhtar (DB), speaking on radio Islam, it conveys a misconception or a wrong impression that hazrat maulana Hakim Akhtar was also in favour of the radio station, whereas hazrat has personally, right at the beginning given his mashwera (advice) not to go ahead with putting women on air. One brother from Johannesburg told me that he heard hazrat telling Maulana Hayder to rather close down the radio station and lose all the money that they had invested rather than to put women on air. The talk shows in general in most of the programmes and competitions encourage women to call in and project their sweet tones and alluring voices, not to mention the female broadcasters conducting the programmes with their sweet voices. This is in direct conflict with our hazrat Daamat Barakaatuhu’s teachings. Surely, Hazrat! You must be aware that all sorts of women have been phoning in since the inception of MW 1548. Just recently there was a great clamour and uproar in the community about an AIDS programme where a young Muslim woman openly discussed how to put on a condom with a non-muslim man. All this was done under the guise of deen, whereas the Shariah does not even permit a young woman to reply to the Salaam of a Ghair Mahram man. Neither does the Shariah permit women to do virtuous deeds like giving the Athaan and correcting the Imaam in Salaat even if he may be her husband. Hazrat, an Aalim of your calibre and standing in the community participating in radio programmes, only enhances the credibility of the Haraam which takes place, in the eyes of the poor Muslim masses. Your sanctioning the minute amount of good on the station is misconstrued by the Muslim public as being sanction for everything that goes on air. May Allah Ta’ala grant us hidaayat and Maut with Imaan, Aameen. Jazaakallah for all the other good work you do in the community.” Was Salaam (We trust that all the khulafaa(Damat Barakaatuhum) of Hazrat Hakeem Akhtar Sahib, & all the Ulama will reflect on the sincere naseehat which this brother mureed offered to them. Both the khalifah and the brother, in the letter, are mureeds of hadhrat Maulana Hakim Akhtar Sahib .) |
#4642012-08-19 14:35TV was and always will be Haraam. Those Ulama who Halaalize TV, should bring forth a clear cut Shar'i Daleel (proof). Remember, numbers don't count. Even if the grand Mufti of the world declares TV to be Halaal, it will still remain Haraam. Even if the entire Fiqh Academy declares TV to be Jaiz at the time of Zaroorat (need), that doesn't Halaalize TV. The majority people in the world are non-Muslims, does it mean that Islam (Na'uthu-billaah) is false? NUMBERS DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING! |
Ahmed |
#4652012-08-20 12:16Assalamu-alaykum Never in my life did I imagine that on an auspicious and sacred day like Eid, the Eid Ghah in Lenasia would be video'd. A day of Allah's Mercy was reduced to a Haaram filming occasion. The Jamiat who years ago taught us that Television and photography is Haraam should hang their heads in shame at allowing a few Molvies to dictate to them. Doctor Adam, you have opened a fitna that will live long after you die by bringing on these corrupt Molvies on your Islamic TV. So what is there now to prevent our Imaams from being video'd when they give khutbaahs and perform nikaahs etc. What's next ITV in the Qabrastaan? |
Better of 2 evils |
#466 Re:2012-08-20 12:24which is worse...bliksem these stupid molvis stukkend so they can't make nonsense anymore or allow them to do fitna in the name of islam?
Husain |
#469 Re:2012-08-20 14:28They video'ed the eid salaah??? Bro please don't even give them the idea of starting with the qabrastaans. They'll really do it for all i care. These 'ulama' are devils in human garb. They contaminate every rite of islaam with evil and haraam. I seriously hate even looking at them when i think of what they're doing to the sharia. They behave like as if the sharia is theirs and they can do what they want with it and with everyone else. Next year i'm going all the way the to de_deur eid ghah inshala. There's no way i'm going to let another eid salaah get spoilt with these moron molvies. |
Yusuf |
#470 Re: Re:2012-08-20 15:46I'll tell you why they won't give a chance to other Ulama to state their views from the Masjied Mimbar. They skrik. Once the doors open they won't be able to stop the Ulama of Haq. In the Masjied where i perform salaah, the Imaam tried to hijack the Shariah newspaper. I appraoched the committee. They checked out the paper. Nothing evil was written. They asked the Imaam why he wanted it not to be distributed. The Imaam said "because they against our Jamiat and our seniors said that we must not allow it to be distributed". So a doctor asked "why are they against your Jamiat. Are the Gauteng Jamiat getting paid or something for being against your Jamiat?. I only see that they quote the Qur'an and hadith and have different views and the public have a right to know those views. How is your seniors responding to the Jamiat Gauteng views which are the same views of the majority of the Moulana's in the country?" The Imaam could not reply. Alhamdulilah, now we have the Shariah distributed. |
Guest |
#471 Re: Re:2012-08-20 20:46brother this kind of hatred is not permissable , we mustnt hate them we must hate what they do |
Husain |
#472 i dont hate them2012-08-20 22:17Brother u missed my point. I said i even hate looking at them ''when i think about what they doing to the sharia.'' i dont hate them, i hate what they doing to this deen which nabi-e-paak salalahuAlaihiwasalam, the sahaaba, tabi'een, tabi tabi'een, our elders/masha'ikh and every sincere muslim strove so hard to protect in order for it to reach us in its pristine original way. Thats what i HATE. I passionately HATE IT!!! But wallaah, as i mentioned previously - if these very same ulama tomorrow change, adopt and implement the sharia of islaam as it ought to be and teach the public the real true islaam, i will be more than glad to kiss the dust on their shoes. Until recently I held mufti AK Hoosein in the same catogery as these ulama but when i heard him openly declare the haq regarding ITV, the hot cross bun issue etc. I feel so much love and respect for him that i'll honour him like an ustaad. Because now he is proving himself to be a true ambassador of the sharia, a true aalim who we can trust to guide us and our kids in these dark times, may Allah give him long life and abundance or prosperity... These 'ulama' need to understand WHAT THEY DOING IS WRONG. FULL STOP. They can't run a racket with islaam and expect us to love and respect them. |
Bint Abdulla |
#473 They can't run a racket with islaam and expect us to love and respect them.2012-08-20 22:37So true. People will respect them more if they propagate the true islaam/shariah as that will please Allah Ta'aala and when Allah Ta'aala is pleased with one He fills the hearts of His creation with respect and honour of that particular person. At the same time that should not be the objective of obeying Allah Ta'aala. the objective must always be solely in order to seek the pleasure of our lord (Allah Ta'aala) |
#474 Re: Re: Re:2012-08-21 11:46#471: - Re: Re: HE SAID HE HATES LOOKING AT THEM. NOT HATE THEM
Anonymous |
#475 Brother/sister DON'T JUMP TO CNCLUSIONS!!!!!2012-08-21 15:23Brother/sister, first understand and study the words of brother Husain.Then say what is relevent to the topic. I was same as brother Husain, at first I shouldn't 'like' Mufti AK. But now he is fit to be forget my Ustaad but my Sheikh. Allah TA'ala uses whom so ever He wishes to propogate the bitter Haq. Now see how openly and clearly Hadhrat Mufti AK is procalaiming the bitter Haq. On CII as well as indivicually. Alhamdulillaah, Allah TA'ala has used a powerful man to defend this Deen of ours which is in the evil clutches of Shaitaan and his 'men at work'. May Allah Ta'ala reward Mufti AK as well as brother Husain and all those who have signed the petition and are proclaiming the Haq, Ameen. Remember, if these same 'ulama' have to openly make taubah and brand TV to be Haraam, Insha-Allah, we will kiss their shoes and place them as crowns on our heads. Insha-Allah. |
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