Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#60762011-12-21 12:49как может несколько "экспертов" решить за всю страну с многомиллионным населением - что можно читать а что нельзя, и заставить всю страну считать Индию с ее писанием - Гитой - экстремистами? Явно - интересы политиков и мелкой группки людишек, которые против Прабхупады и любых других религий (вероятно кроме РПЦ). Яйцо (ТОМСКИЙ СУД) судит курицу, атом восстает против сарва-каранам - причины всех причин и источника всех живых существ... НЕВЕРОЯТНО!!! НО ФАКТ!!! |
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#60772011-12-21 12:52Gita ‘ban’: A row born of ignorance http://www.deccanchronicle.com/editorial/dc-comment/gita-‘ban’-row-born-ignorance-267 |
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#60792011-12-21 12:58Звездные войны: Буря в стакане На бескрайних просторах Крайне-Северной Галактики резко осложнилась оперативная обстановка. Лица непонятной национальности орудуют повсюду. На секретных планетах в галактических масштабах налажено производство левого алкоголя. Для проведения комплекса оперативно-розыскных мероприятий в адрес выдвигаются два матёрых сотрудника секты Оперуполномоченных Кришны. Для восстановления порядка в регионе операм предстоит решить множество задач: освободить принцессу Задолбаллу, собрать протонную торпеду и пресечь нелегальное производство робототехники. А между делом — найти Избранного, появление которого предсказал Оракул, вызволить великого и секретного Ч., угнать звездолёт — словом, проявить оперативную смекалку. А помогут нашим героям талантливые гонщики: рэппер Николай Бельдыев, красавица Жужу, юный и очень перспективный Эникей Сковородкер и другие. Пока при помощи местного чукотского рэппера герои добираются до столицы, злобные буржуины оккупируют мирную планету. Джедаи спасают королеву на угнанном пепелаце, но вынуждены совершить посадку на планете Бабуин. В лавке местного барыги джедай и рэппер знакомятся с местным мальчиком, Эникеем Сковородкером, чей папа, по слухам, тоже был джедаем. Чтобы помочь сослуживцам папаши Эникей принимает участие в безумных гонках на маршрутках. Так и не найдя подход к депутатам галактической думы королева Марабу разрабатывает план операции "Буря в стакане". Два полка подводных оленеводов, окопавшийся в истребителе Эникей - буквально все складывается против временного правительства буржуинов и армии электронных болванов. И только в версии от Божьей искры становится ясно, кто же настоящий отец Эникея. |
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#60802011-12-21 12:58please don't ban it.. its holy and is the basis of our life.. holy Gita contains all facts which one needs to know and they are really good and help us to lead a happy life and also they show the way to lord.. God is one and religious books and the best ones in present time to connect our minds with god. |
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#60812011-12-21 12:59This is great book, it should not be ban. People who want this book to ban should reread it |
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#60822011-12-21 13:05It is laughable that the Gita should be challenged in a Siberian court as “extremist” literature. The truth is that it is not only a great text sacred to the Hindus, but also widely viewed in the world as a marvel of world literature and a heritage of humankind. There will be no shortage of Indologists in Russia who would know this as well as the next Indian. The point, however, is that there is lack of such knowledge among ordinary Russians. For this reason, Indians ought to explain things to the friendly people of a friendly country, rather than get hot under the collar. The uproar in the Lok Sabha on Monday, and external affairs minister S.M. Krishna’s statement in the House on Tuesday, should persuade anyone that secular parties and groups are as concerned over the Gita controversy as avowed proponents of political Hinduism might be expected to be. |
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#60832011-12-21 13:12Krishna's statement led BJP leader Sushma Swaraj to demand that the government declare the Bhagvad Gita a ‘national book’ - PTI http://www.deccanchronicle.com/channels/nation/north/gita-ban-case-work-misdirected-individuals-says-india-112 VHP threatens Russian establishments with retaliation if Gita is banned http://www.deccanchronicle.com/channels/nation/south/vhp-threatens-russian-establishments-retaliation-if-gita-banned-139 |
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#60852011-12-21 13:15Srimad Bhagavad Gita saved my life, without it and without the grace and mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Devotees I would be in a far darker constant state of suffering and pain. |
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#60862011-12-21 13:15It is a great book which teaches us great values in life. pls don't ban it. |
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#60872011-12-21 13:18Uproar in LS over bid to ban Gita New Delhi : The Lok Sabha was adjourned after Question Hour today when members, agitated over a move by a Siberian court to ban the Bhagwad Gita, triggered a storm and demanded that the government take up the issue with Russia. The matter was raised by BJD MP Bhartruhari Mahtab during zero hour. He called upon the government to take up the issue with Russia through the Indian Embassy in Moscow. Members from the Shiv Sena, BJP, RJD, BSP, SP and Congress member Ijyaraj Singh stood up and sought an immediate intervention by the government forcing the Speaker to adjourn the House till 2 pm. The issue was again raised by SP members who trooped into the well of the House as soon as it assembled in the afternoon. The Speaker adjourned the House again till 4 pm. “This House must condemn this development… Gita, in fact, should be taught in primary schools and universities,” SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav said when the Chair offered members the oppurtunity to express their views briefly on this issue. “This is a wrong trend… The government must register its protest (with Russia)… otherwise it will fuel anger among the followers of Krishna,” said Lalu Prasad. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal said the government has taken note of the development. “Bhagwad Gita has an important role in our life. What happened in Russia has come into government’s notice. External Affairs Minister S M Krishna will make a statement in the House tomorrow,” Bansal said. The government managed to pass Chartered Accountants (Amendment) Bill, 2011, Cost and Works Accountants (Amendment) Bill, 2011, Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2011, and Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2011 during the din created at 2 pm amid objections from BJP’s Harin Pathak, who wanted to speak on these legislations. [Express news service : Tue Dec 20 2011] As Hindus rally, Russia court defers Gita verdict New Delhi: Hindus in Russia on Monday made a last ditch effort to save the Bhagavad Gita from a ban by a court in Tomsk city in Siberia. Following last-minute plea by Hindus in Russia, represented by their advocate Mikhail Fralov, the Siberian court has told the Russian human rights panel on Monday to come with its deposition before the verdict, scheduled December 28. Fralov pleaded with the court to hear the Russian Human Rights Committee for its views on Bhagavad Gita and on the religious minorities’ rights, before pronouncing its verdict, he said. Following the plea, the last of legal options that the Hindus had, the court agreed to hear out the human rights panel, according to Sadhu Priya Das, a Moscow-based Hindu and a devotee of a 40-yearold Krishna temple in the Russian capital. The case, which has been going on since June, seeks a ban on a Russian translation of the “Bhagavad Gita As It Is” written by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon). It also wants the Hindu religious text banned in Russia, declared it as literature spreading “social discord” , and its distribution rendered illegal in Russia. Indians in Moscow, numbering about 15,000, and followers of the Iskcon religious movement in Russia have appealed to the Indian government to intervene diplomatically to resolve the issue. Advocate Fralov said the defence sought the deposition of the human rights panel in the case because they wanted to use all the legal options to defend the Gita. “One of the last few options was to get the Human Rights Committee involved in the case, so that the rights of minorities get highlighted before the court,” Fralov said. He also said Hindus and Krishna devotees in Russia had much earlier represented to the human rights panel asking it to give its views before the court, which it agreed to. The committee, later, also wrote to the Tomsk court that it would like to present its views on the case, which the court accepted. [IANS | Dec 20, 2011, 06.15AM IST] http://vhp.org/news/media-watch/over-bid-to-ban-gita |
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#60882011-12-21 13:20Its very sad that this is happening in Russia as a Indian i belive in respect all religion and we are here to spread this to whole world.Geeta is meant for same so banning Geeta is Disgrace for russia and russia have to take care of all sentiments of indian. |
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#60892011-12-21 13:21Basically Hindusim is very old and sohisicated culture so It my humble request kindly save BhagvatGeeta from Banned |
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#60902011-12-21 13:22The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Tuesday warned of protests outside Russian establishments in India if the Bhagavad Gita was banned in that country. "Bhagavad Gita is not just a book but is (God) for the Krishna devotees and all Hindus," VHP international working president Pravin Togadia said in a statement. "The principles taught in the Gita are universal and touch humanity so very deeply," he said, adding that even Albert Einstein was influenced by the holy book. He warned that if the Gita was banned in Russia, then Indians would be forced to protest against Russian goods, as well as Russian plants and offices. Togadia's warning comes hours after fresh protests broke out in Parliament over the issue. The Government today termed the complaint as 'patently absurd' and said it seemed to be the handiwork of 'some ignorant and misdirected or motivated individuals'. Announcing that the government had taken up the matter at 'senior levels' of the Russian government, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna told Lok Sabha that the government was confident that Moscow will resolve the matter 'appropriately'. "While this complaint is patently absurd, we have treated this matter seriously and the Embassy of India (in Moscow) is closely monitoring this legal case," he said, adding that the government fully shared the sentiments expressed by the members on the issue. Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj today demanded that Gita be declared a 'national book' so that 'no country would dare to insult it'. The issue was raised in both Houses of Parliament, with members of several parties in Rajya Sabha condemning the move with some wanting to know whether Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had raised the issue during his recent Russia visit. "This complaint, apparently driven by some local individuals, was to the effect that the third Russian edition of the publication 'Bhagwad Gita As It Is' - a translation of a commentary by Swami Prabhupada, founder of Iskcon, had certain portions that were 'objectionable' and 'extremist' in nature," he said. During Zero Hour in the Upper House, Tarun Vijay (BJP) equated Gita to the Sun and the Himalayas and asked 'can you ban Sun and the Himalayas?' To this, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Rajeev Shukla said: "We are apprising the Russian Government. Their minister has expressed regrets." |
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#60912011-12-21 13:27Speak out India: Row over national book status demand for 'Gita' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF7jR72saBk |
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#60942011-12-21 13:31Так называемые учёные эксперты абсолютно плоские и не религиозные люди - невежды. Мне их жаль - основная оценка нашей жизни не в период материальной жизни, а после.... |
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#60952011-12-21 13:32Whether some people in the world accept it or not, the truth is truth only. Lord Krishna created both.This is 'Kali yug', many of the people in search of 'truth', and wants to prove, but the many of them does.t know "Lord Krishna" is only truth. |
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#60962011-12-21 13:33Misguided interpretation of Bhagavad-Gita should not lead to its ban. Interpret rightly before forming an opinion. |
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#60982011-12-21 13:40Allow Bhagavad Gita as it is of srila Prabhupad to distribute in any place of the world to save humanity from the cycle of birth,death,old age and disease.Plz help Srila Prabhupad's mission to save the imminent dangerous situation of this world. |
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#60992011-12-21 13:42Сумасшествие судить Бхагавад-гиту, тот кто знает содержание и смысл данной книги, понимает, что экстремизм тут не причем. Из людей хотят сделать быдло. Библию толком никто не читал и не читает, хоть Бхагавад-гитой заинтересовалось много людей, т.к. она более проста для понимания. |
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#61002011-12-21 13:51We as Indians should voice together in one and convey our disagree of ban bhagavad-gita and make the world and Russia in particular to realise the importance and its eternity of Gita. |
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