Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#60522011-12-21 11:37САПХАЛА ЭКАДАШИ Юдхиштхира Махараджа сказал: “О Шри Кришна, как называется экадаши темной половины месяца пауша (декабрь-январь)? Как соблюдать его и какому Божеству поклоняться в этот день? Пожалуйста, поведай мне это, о Джанардана”. Всевышний Господь молвил: “О лучший из царей, так как ты хочешь слушать, Я полностью опишу тебе славу Пауша-Кришна экадаши. Я не так доволен жертвоприношениями или пожертвованиями, как соблюдением Моими преданными полного поста в экадаши. Поэтому, по мере сил, надо поститься в экадаши, день Господа Хари. О Юдхиштхира, в полном сосредоточении слушай славу Пауша-Кришна экадаши, который выпадает на двадаши. Как Я объяснил раньше, не надо делать различия между многими экадаши. О царь, на благо всего человечества Я опишу сейчас тебе способ соблюдения Пауша-Кришна экадаши. Пауша-Кришна экадаши известен также как Сапхала-экадаши. В этот день надо поклоняться Господу Нараяне, он является его правящим Божеством. Надо следовать описанным раньше способам поста. Как среди змеев лучший — Шеша-нага, среди пернатых — Гаруда, из жертвоприношений наилучшее Ашвамедха-ягья, а из рек наилучшая — Мать Ганга, среди богов — Господь Вишну величайший, а из дваждырожденных брахманы лучшие, так из всех дней экадаши — лучший. О первый из царей, рожденный в династии Бхараты, тот, кто строго соблюдает экадаши, становится очень дорог Мне, и, конечно же, всячески почитаем Мною. Выслушай сейчас, как Я опишу процесс соблюдения Сапхала экадаши. В Сапхала экадаши Мой преданный должен поклоняться Мне, предлагая свежие фрукты соответственно месту, времени и обстоятельствам, и медитировать на Меня как на всеблагую Высшую Личность. Он должен поднести Мне плод джамбира, гранат, бетель, кокосовый орех, гуаву орехи, гвоздику, манго и различные виды ароматических пряностей. Также он должен предложить Мне благовония и светильник на гхи. Так как предложение светильника в Сапхала экадаши особенно благоприятно, Преданный должен стараться бодрствовать всю ночь. Сейчас, пожалуйста, выслушай с неослабным вниманием, каковы блага поста и всенощного бодрствования. О лучший из царей, ни одно жертвоприношение или паломничество не принесет блага, равного или превышающего благо от поста в Сапхала экадаши. Такой пост — особенно если бодрствовать всю ночь— даст искреннему преданному тот же результат, что и аскетическая практика на протяжении пяти тысяч лет. О лев среди царей, пожалуйста, слушай прославленную историю этого экадаши. Это случилось в городе Чампавати, которым правил святой царь Махишмата. У него было четыре сына. Старший из них, Лумпака, всегда был занят очень греховной деятельностью — недозволенным сексом с чужими женами, азартными играми, постоянно общался с известными проститутками. Своими злонамеренными поступками он постепенно растратил богатство отца, царя Махишматы; также Лумпака стал критиковать полубогов и брахманов и каждый день поносил вайшнавов. В конце концов, царь Махишмата, видя состояние своего сына, изгнал его в лес. Лумпака был так греховен, а царь так гневен, что из страха перед ним даже сострадательные родственники не стали защищать Лумпаку. Изумленный этой ссылкой Лумпака задумался: “Отец изгнал меня, и даже родственники не возражали. Что мне теперь делать?” Он строил греховный план: “Под покровом тьмы я проникну в город и похищу его сокровища. Днем я буду оставаться в лесу, а ночью вернусь в город”. Думая так, он вошел в темный лес. Днем он убивал многих животных, а ночью воровал в городе ценности. Горожане несколько раз арестовывали его, но из страха перед царем они оставили его в покое. Они решили, что царевич из-за грехов прежних рождений потерял свои царские достоинства и действует так греховно. Хотя Лумпака был мясоедом, он каждый день ел также и фрукты. Случилось так, что он жил под баньяновым деревом, которое очень дорого Господу Васудеве. Многие поклонялись этому дереву как богу всех растений в лесу. В то время, как Лумпака совершал столько греховных и недостойных поступков, наступил Сапхала экадаши. Накануне экадаши он провел всю ночь без сна, т.к. воздух был холодным, а его одеяло — тонким. Холод не только украл у него покой, но и почти убил его. Когда взошло солнце, он стучал зубами и находился почти в коматозном состоянии. Все утро того дня, экадаши, он не мог выйти из оцепенения. Когда наступил полдень Сапхала экадаши, грешник Лумпака встал и смог покинуть свое место под баньяновым деревом. Но с каждым шагом он спотыкался. Он шел по лесу медленно и неуверенно, подобно хромому, страдая от голода и жажды. Лумпака был так слаб, что не смог в тот день убить ни одного животного. Это заставило его собрать кое-какие фрукты, упавшие на землю. Когда он вернулся к баньяновому дереву, солнце садилось. Положив фрукты рядом с собой на землю, Лумпака запричитал: “О горе мне! Что мне делать? Дорогой отец, что стало со мной? О Шри Хари, пожалуйста, будь милостив ко мне и прими эти фрукты!” Он был вынужден вновь провести всю ночь без сна, но тем временем Верховная Личность Бога, Мадхусудана, остался доволен подношением лесных плодов Лумпакой и принял их. Помимо воли Лумпака провел экадаши в полном посте, и это позволило ему без дополнительных препятствий вновь обрести царство. Выслушай, О Юдхиштхира, что случилось о сыном царя Махишматы, когда лишь часть полученного блага пустила росток в его сердце. На следующий день, когда взошло прекрасное солнце, перед Лумпакой появился дивный конь и остановился возле него. Одновременно с чистого неба внезапно донесся голос: “Этот конь твой, Лумпака. Оседлай его и немедленно отправляйся навестить свою семью! О сын царя Махишматы, милостью Господа Васудевы и благодаря соблюдению тобой Сапхала экадаши, твое царство без дальнейших помех вернется к тебе. Таково благословение, полученное тобой соблюдением поста в этот благоприятный день. Сейчас иди к отцу и займи свое законное место в династии”. Выслушав эти божественные слова, Лумпака вскочил на коня и поскакал в город Чампавати. Благодаря соблюдению Сапхала экадаши, он стал лучшим царевичем, чем раньше, и смог погрузить свой ум в лотосные стопы Верховной Личности Бога, Хари. Иначе говоря, он стал Моим чистым преданным. Лумпака выразил отцу, царю Махишмате, свое смиренное почтение и принял обязанности царевича. Видя своего сына с вайшнавскими украшениями и тилакой, царь Махишмата дал ему царство и Лумпака беспрепятственно правил много-много лет. Каждый раз, когда наступал экадаши, он поклонялся Всевышнему Господу с великой преданностью. По милости Шри Кришны он получил чудесную жену и замечательного сына. В старости он передал царство сыну — точно так же, как получил его от своего отца — а сам отправился в лес, служить Всевышнему Господу, управляя умом и чувствами. Очистившись от всех материальных желаний, он оставил тело и вернулся домой, обратно к Богу, заняв место у лотосных стоп Господа Шри Кришны. О Юдхиштхира, тот, кто обращается ко Мне, как Лумпака, полностью освободится от тревог и сожалений. Несомненно, каждый, кто правильно соблюдает этот великий Сапхала экадаши, — пусть даже ненамеренно, подобно Лумпаке, — будет прославляем в этом мире. Он полностью освободится от смерти и возвратится на Вайкунтху, в этом нет сомнения. Кроме того, тот, кто просто слушает прославление Сапхала Экадаши, получит ту же награду, что и совершающий Раджасуйя-ягью, и, по крайней мере, попадает в следующем рождении на райские планеты”. Так заканчивается повествование о славе Пауша-Кришна экадаши, или Сапхала-экадаши, взятое из Бхавишья-уттара Пураны. |
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#60532011-12-21 11:38Saphala Ekadasi Yudhisthira Maharaj said, "O my Dear Lord Sri Krishna, what is the name of that Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Pausha (December-January)? How is it observed, and which Deity is to be worshipped on that sacred day? Please narrate these details to me fully, so that I may understand Oh Janardana." The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna then replied, "O best of kings, because you desire to hear, I shall fully describe to you the glories of the Pausha-krishna Ekadasi. "I do not become as pleased by sacrifice or charity as I do by My devotee's observance of a full fast on Ekadasi. To the best of one's ability, therefore, one should fast on Ekadasi, the day of Lord Hari. "O Yudhisthira, I urge you to hear with undivided intelligence the glories of Pausha-krishna Ekadasi, which falls on a Dwadasi. As I explained previously, one should not differentiate among the many Ekadasis. O king, to benefit humanity at large I shall now describe to you the process of observing Pausha-krishna Ekadasi. "Pausha-krishna Ekadasi is also known as Saphalaa Ekadasi. On this sacred day one should worship Lord Narayana, for He is its ruling Deity. One should do so by follow the previously described method of fasting. Just as among snakes Shesha-naga is the best, and among birds Garuda is the best, among sacrifices the Ashvamedha-yajna is the best, among rivers Mother Ganges is the best, among gods Lord Vishnu is best, and among two-legged beings the brahmins are the best, so among all fasting days Ekadasi is by far the best. O foremost of kings who took your birth in the Bharata dynasty, whoever strictly observes Ekadasi becomes very dear to Me and indeed worshipable by Me in every way. Now please listen as I describe the process for observing Saphalaa Ekadasi. On Saphalaa Ekadasi My devotee should worship Me by offering Me fresh fruits according to time, place and circumstance, and by meditating on Me as the all-auspicious Supreme Personality of Godhead. He should offer Me jaambira fruit, pomegranate, betal nuts and leaves, coconut, guava, varieties of nuts, cloves, mangoes, and different kinds of aromatic spices. He should also offer Me incense and bright ghee lamps, for such an offering of lamps on Saphalaa Ekadasi is especially glorious. The devotee should try to stay awake the Ekadasi night. Now please hear with undivided attention as I tell you how much merit one gets if he fasts and remains awake throughout the entire night singing and chanting the glories of Narayana. O best of kings, there is no sacrifice or pilgrimage that yields merit that is equal to or better than the merit one gains by fasting on this Saphala Ekadasi. Such fasting - particularly if one can remain awake and alert the entire night long - bestows the same merit upon the faithful devotee as the performance of austerity for five thousand earthly years. O lion among kings, please hear from Me the glorious history that made this Divine Ekadasi famous. Once there was a City called Champaavati, which was ruled by the saintly King Mahishmata. He had four sons, the eldest of whom, Lumpaka, always engaged in all manner of very sinful activities - illicit sexual encounters with the wives of others, gambling, and continual association with known prostitutes. His evil deeds gradually reduced the wealth of his father, King Mahishmata. Lumpaka also became very critical of the numerous devas, the empowered universal attendants of the Lord, as well as toward the brahmins, and every day he would go out of his way to blaspheme the Vaishnavas. At last King Maahishmata, seeing the unrepentant brazen fallen condition of his son, exiled him to the forest. Out of fear of the king, even compassionate relatives didn't come to Lumpaka's defense, so angry was the king toward his son, and so sinful was this Lumpaka. "Bewildered in his exile, the fallen and rejected Lumpaka thought to himself, 'My father has sent me away, and even my kinsmen do not raise but a finger in objection. What am I to do now?' He schemed sinfully and thought, 'I shall sneak back to the city under cover of darkness and plunder its wealth. During the day I shall stay in the forest, and as night returns, so shall I to the city.' So thinking, the sinful Lumpaka entered the darkness of the forest. He killed many animals by day, and by night he stole all manner of valuable items from the city. The city-dwelling folk apprehended him several times, but out of fear of the king they left him alone. They thought to themselves that it must have been the accumulated sins of Lumpaka's previous births that had forced him to act in such a way that he lost his royal facilities and became to act so sinfully like a common selfish thief. "Though a meat-eater, Lumpaka would also eat fruits every day. He resided under an old banyan tree that unknown to him happened to be very dear to Lord Vasudeva. Indeed, many worshipped as the demi-god (representative departmental head) of all the trees in the forest. In due course of time, while Lumpaka was doing so many sinful and condemnable activities, the Saphalaa Ekadasi arrived. On the eve of the Ekadasi (Dasami) Lumpaka had to pass the entire night without sleep because of severe cold that he felt due to his scanty bedclothes (bedding). The cold not only robbed him of all peace but almost of his very life. By the time the sun rose, near dead, his teeth chattering and near comatose. In fact all that Ekadasi morning, he remained in that stupor and could not awaken out of his near comatose condition. "When midday of the Saphalaa Ekadasi arrived, the sinful Lumpaka finally came to and managed to rise up from his place under that banyan tree. But with every step he took, he stumbled and fell to the ground. Like a lame man, he walked slowly and hesitantly, suffering greatly from hunger and thirst in the midst of the jungle. So weak was Lumpaka that he couldn't even concentrate to nor muster strength to go and kill even a single animal that whole day. Instead, he was reduced to collecting whatever fruits had fallen to the ground of their own accord. By the time he returned to his banyan tree home, the sun had set. Placing the fruits on the ground next to him (at the base of the sacred banyan tree), Lumpaka began to cry out, 'O, woe is me ! What should I do ? Dear father, what is to become of me? O Sri Hari, please be merciful to me and accept these fruits as an offering !' Again he was forced to lie awake the whole night without sleep, but in the meantime the all merciful Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Madhusudana, had become pleased with Lumpaka's humble offering of forest fruits, and He accepted them. Lumpaka had unwittingly observed a full Ekadasi fast, and by the merit he reaped on that day he regained his kingdom with no further obstacles. "Listen, O Yudhisthira, to what happened to the son of King Maahishmata when but a fragment of the merit spouted up within his heart. "As the Sun beautifully rose in the sky on the day following Ekadasi, a handsome horse approached Lumpaka as if seeking him out, and stood next to him. At the same time, a voice suddenly boomed out from the clear blue sky saying, 'This horse is for you, Lumpaka! Mount it and ride swiftly out of this forest to greet you family! O son of King Maahishmata, by the mercy of the Supreme lord Vaasudeva and the strength of the merit you acquired by observing Saphalaa Ekadasi, your kingdom will be returned to you without any further hindrances. Such is the benefit you have gained by fasting on this most auspicious of days. Go now, to you father and enjoy your rightful place in the dynasty.' Upon hearing these celestial words resounding from above, Lumpaka mounted the horse and rode back to the city of Champavati. By the merit he had accrued by fasting on Saphala Ekadasi, he had become a handsome prince once more and was able to absorb his mind in the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari. In other words, he had become My pure devotee. "Lumpaka offered his father, King Mahishmata, his humble obeisances and once more accepted his princely responsibilities. Seeing his son so decorated with Vaishnava ornaments and tilak (udhvara pundra) King Mahishmata gave him the kingdom, and Lumpaka ruled unopposed for many, many years. Whenever the Ekadasi came, he worshipped the Supreme Lord Narayana with great devotion. And by the mercy of Sri Krishna he obtained a beautiful wife and a fine son. In old age Lumpaka handed his kingdom over to his son - just as his own father, King Maahishmata, had handed it over to him. Lumpaka then went to the forest to dedicate his concentrate attention to gratefully serve the Supreme Lord with controlled mind and senses. Purified of all material desires, he left his old material body and returned back to home, back to Godhead, attaining a place near the lotus feet of his worshipful Lord, Sri Krishna. "O Yudhisthira, one who approaches Me as Lumpaka did will become completely free of lamentation and anxiety. Indeed, anyone who properly observes this glorious Saphalaa Ekadasi - even unknowingly, like Lumpaka - will become famous in this world. He will become perfectly liberated at death and return to the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha. Of this there is no doubt. Moreover, one who simply hears the glories of Saphala Ekadasi obtains the same merit derived by one who performs a Rajasurya-yajna, and at the very least he goes to heaven in his next birth, so where is the loss?" Thus ends the narration of the glories of Pausha-krishna Ekadasi, or Saphala Ekadasi, from the Bhavishya-uttara Purana. |
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#6054 Re:2011-12-21 11:40#4507: -а потом в конце Кали юги будет Калки аватара и замочит всех демонов =-)
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#60562011-12-21 11:41Hare Krishna.. whatever is written in Bhagavad Gita is completely true and is very practical.. if we follow it then no one can stop us from becoming a better person driven by ethics n values.. |
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#60572011-12-21 11:45The Srimad Bhagvad Gita distribution in Russia country and also in the whole world - other countries should not be stopped as it helps the people around the world to live their life which is given by the God |
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#60602011-12-21 11:57"Bhagavad-gita As It Is", one of the most respected holy scriptures of the world today, is under the threat of being banned in Russia. The court proceedings will resume in Siberian city Tomsk, Russia, on Monday 19th. The prosecutors in Tomsk suggest that the widely distributed book translated and commented upon by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada should be included in the Justice Ministry's list of banned extremist literature. |
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#60612011-12-21 12:08This is a very holy book for all the human beings which teaches not only how to live our life but also our guide book to reach our ultimate destination. I sincerely and humbly request you to pls. do not bann this book as this is our GOD's verbatim, and if you do so, nature will show her wrath which is non tolerable for all human kinds. May God Bless you |
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#6062 Re:2011-12-21 12:14#4661: - и что же? Кришна представлен Прабхупадой без искажений, ведь он в цепи ученической приемственности от Самого Кришны. То есть вы судите Прабхупаду, шактьявеша-аватару Господа Нитьянанды? Ну-ну.. Все равно что судить Иисуса, только намного опасней, ведь это же Веды! А как правильно здесь выразились - если не нравится перевод и трактовки - есть намного более цивилизованные способы указать на ошибки или или неточности некоторых учеников Прабхупады, но не суд же над самой книгой Прабхупады? Krishna is represented by Prabhupada without imperfections of mundane people like those Dvorkin and other similar sectologists, who are only find faults with Prabhupada's words. Prqabhupada is no other one than saktyavesha-avatara of Lord Nityananda, that means he is even more important figure than Jesus or Mohammad, because this are Vedas, which are eternal unlike other scriptures, which are mostly imperfect, especially scriptures of meat-eaters - Bible Torah Quran etc. So if you judge over Prabhupada - then you are doing even worse thing than judging Jesus. Thus you represent yourself worse than true christians. Jews are said to judge over Jesus, but they were false jews. And similarly now you atheistic orthodox christians try to judge over Prabhupada's Gita, but we know that you are past atheists. It is fact that you want to make Stalin and Lenin look like saint and icons of them. You, Russian Church have no disrimination even in politics, what to speak of Religion, dharma? Someone told here wery right - if you don't like Prabhupada's translations - then there are so many much nore civilized ways to say you don't agree. Why judge over whole book? It is Scripture which is much elder than even Torah, scriptures of Buddhism and Zoroastrianism etc. That what you are doing - putting Leo Tolstoy in same list as Hitler is very stupid, because even some Nobel prize people said - if Tolstoy was still alive - World War 1 wouldn't start. Tolstoy was much fond of Vedas and Gita etc, but Russian Church didn't like him and condemned Tolstoy. So this ended up in Stalin who wanted to make his own "third Rome" or Vatican of Moscow, but we only see than during Soviet Union time number of temples in USSR became 10 times less than it was in 1917!!! Russia Orthodox church is now politicised, and have lost all philosophy. Why do you Russian church say that Krishna is devil or satan or evil? Is it fair? How can you say that one who is doing meditation or yoga is to be considered outside church and has to ask to be forgiven for such "sin"??? Meditation and yoga is aimed on Paramatma, and Krishna is source of such Paramatma, Supersoul in everyone's heart, even of those persons like Jesus Mohammad Moses and many others. And if you are agsint some disciples of Prabhupada, Prabhupada has very little to do with this - then you should be more discriminative and do not think that PRabhupada and his disciples are same person. In this way you are illusioned like mayavadis, impersonalists and advaitis who are thinking there is no difference between one soul and another and God. Prabhupda is considered on same level as God, but this is because spiritual master is more merciful than God - when Krishna is far away in Goloka - Prabhupada and spiritual master can come and represent message of Krishna. So Prabupada or spiritual master, bona-fide one, is even more merciful than Krishna God Himself. In same way disciples of Prabhupoada are also more merciful, becasue they can help people who are more degraded to be still accepted by Prabhupada through them, but Prabhupada may be would even reject them - though usually this is quite specualtive, Prabhupada would accept anyone, but of they do not want - what he can do? If Dvorkin, so-called chrisitian, thinks that Prabhupada has demoniac pride - what can we do? Though Prabhupada said once "actually we are demons", but this means that "we are born in place of demons", but not literally that "we are asuras, enemies of Krishna". No, never, nothing like this. Just opposite. And if Dvorkin wants to show that Krishna is enemy of Buddha, it is also a cheating, and also this is not found in sikhism which he is saying "claims that Krishna is head of black demons enemies of Buddha". We see even on this website that there are sikhs who come here and say that they are sikhs, but recognize Bhagavad Gita as holy scripture. It is true - sikhs - they say that Vishnu, Hari is Supreme God. And if chrisitans jews and muslims also are of abrahamic faith - they may take idea of sikhs - there is one God, who is similar to God of Moses Jesus and Mohammad, but that God is Vishnu or Hari or Krishna. And Prahlada is also respected in sikhism - as devotee of Vishnu. So Krishna says that He is Prahlada, devotee of Vishnu - among demons. Thus Dvorkin is in deep illusion on what is waht and who is who in any kind of religion including christianity. Hare Krishna
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#6063 Re:2011-12-21 12:19#4704: - this is so-called holy war of so-called christians agasint Bhagavad Gita As It Is and Prabhupada
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#6066 Re:2011-12-21 12:29#4713: -the worst thing is that even after banning Marx Lenin etc, they are still using methods of their 'teachings', and this becomes even more dangerous - atheism in form/dress of religion. Prabhupda sais this - buddhists are atheists, but they are honestly rejecting Vedas and preaching buddhism instead. Buddhai s avatara of Vishnu. On other hand, so-called vedantists like some followers of Shankaracarya who reject personal philosophy that Krishna is person, to surrender to Him, not to some "impersonal Krishna" (nirvana, brahmajyoti etc), - these advaita philosophers mayavadis are even more dangerous than atheists or buddhists. So similarly sectologists like Dvorkin are using words of Krishna and PRabhupada, but their aim is, just lika Prabhupada said - to kill Krishna. So Dvorkin is not better than demon according to version of Prabhupada. Maybe he is born of family of demons or atheists and may become devotee, but probably not in this life, and thus he is unfortunate. He would still have to reincarnate, he may like this or no, but he will. And similarly all those people who are saying that "Krishna is demon, satan, evil", that "Prabhupada is evil" - they will also have to reincarnate according to their bad karma and offenses to Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose parts or expansions - Paramatma, Supersoul - are even in hearts of such deluded persons. Just see, Hiranyakashipu also had Paramatma (supposedly) in his heart, but when real Paramatma or Vishnu appeared in form of Nrisimhadeva, those demon was agasint Him. So similarly Russian church is envious of Krishna and they simply want to kill Him, - at least by their so-called cooments on Gita and Vedas and Prabhupada, isn't it???
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#60682011-12-21 12:36Bhagwad Gita: Thr Song of the Divine - A universal philosophy for ALL regardless of background, race, creed, religion. |
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#6070 Re:2011-12-21 12:40Багуат-гета, или беседы Кришны с Арджуном, с примечаниями, Переведенныя с подлинника, писанного на древнем Браминском языке, называемом Санскритта, на Английский, а с сего на Российский язык.
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#60722011-12-21 12:43http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/sm-krishnas-statement-in-lok-sabha-on-gita-controversy-in-russia-159438?slider SM Krishna's statement in Lok Sabha on Gita controversy in Russia NDTV Correspondent, Updated: December 20, 2011 14:26 IST New Delhi: Statement by EAM in Lok Sabha on court hearing in Tomsk (Russia) on Bhagwad Gita Hon'ble Madam Speaker, I rise to make a statement on a Court hearing in a Russian city on the Bhagwad Gita that was raised in this august House yesterday by Hon'ble Members Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab, Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav ji, Shri Sharad Yadav ji, Shri Lalu Prasad ji, Shri Hukumdev Narayan Yadav ji, Shri V. Aruna Kumar and Dr. Prasanna Kumar Patasani. A number of other Hon'ble members also conveyed their deep sense of anguish over this issue. At the outset, allow me to mention that I fully share the sentiments expressed by the Hon'ble Members of the House on this issue. Hon'ble Members referred to media reports about a hearing conducted by a Court in the Russian city of Tomsk on whether a Russian language commentary on the Bhagwad Gita qualifies as "extremist" literature. I would like to inform this august House of the facts of this case. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has been functioning in Russia for decades. ISKCON has faced periodic problems with respect to its properties and functioning in Moscow and elsewhere. On occasion, our Embassy has intervened on behalf of ISKCON with the local city authorities as well as with the Russian Government. ISKCON conveyed to our Embassy that its branch in Tomsk, Eastern Siberia, had received a notice in June 2011, of a complaint filed by the Public Prosecutor's Office in the local court. This complaint, apparently driven by some local individuals, was to the effect that the third Russian edition of the publication "Bhagwad Gita As It is" - a translation of a commentary by Swami Prabhupada, founder of ISKCON - had certain portions that were 'objectionable' and 'extremist' in nature. Following the initial proceedings in August 2011, the District Court appointed its own three member expert group from the University of Kemerovo (in Siberia), which was to submit a report within three months. The final hearing in the Tomsk District Court was due on December 19, 2011, but has been rescheduled for December 28, 2011, as the Court has agreed to seek the opinion of the Russian Ombudsman on Human Rights in Tomsk District, and of Indologists from Moscow and St. Petersburg, who have greater knowledge and expertise on India. Officials of the Embassy of India in Moscow and our Ambassador have been in regular touch with the local representatives of ISKCON, since this matter came to light in June 2011. ISKCON representatives were advised to take legal recourse to counter this misdirected complaint. We have also taken up this matter at the senior levels of the Russian Government. The Ministry of External Affairs has been in regular touch with our Embassy in Moscow on this issue. The matter was also taken up with the Russian Ambassador based in India, H.E. Mr. Alexander Kadakin who is himself a well-known Indologist. In fact the Ambassador has been publicly critical of this episode. He has stated that Bhagavad-Gita is a great source of wisdom for the people of India and the world. He also said that Russia is a secular and democratic country where all religions enjoy equal respect. The complaint in a local Russian court appears to be the work of some ignorant and misdirected or motivated individuals. While this complaint is patently absurd, we have treated this matter seriously and the Embassy of India is closely monitoring this legal case. Hon'ble Members would agree that the Bhagwad Gita is not simply a religious text; it is one of the defining treatises of Indian thought and describes the very soul of our great civilization. The Gita is far above any cheap propaganda or attacks by the ignorant or the misdirected. In Russia itself, we have many great Indologists, scholars and experts who understand the essence of the Gita and have written on it with reverence and passion. We do not want to dignify with too much attention some misdirected individuals who have filed an absurd complaint. We are confident that our Russian friends, who understand our civilizational values and cultural sensitivities, will resolve this matter appropriately. New Delhi 20 Dec. 11 |
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#60742011-12-21 12:45Did Indian govt ignore alert about Russia's move to ban Gita? http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/did-indian-govt-ignore-alert-about-russias-move-to-ban-gita-159304?slider |
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#60752011-12-21 12:46This is silly because a human has got no power to ban spiritual books! Hope they open their windows of mind just a little bit. |
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