Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#57012011-12-20 19:2055. Why does God create evil people? God does not create evil people. People become evil. We are all born pure hearted, but due to our association with others, we remain pure or become impure. In the current age, most people are becoming impure due to the forces of evil being very strong in Kali Yuga (the age of ignorance and irreligion). Children are innocent and pure, but as they grow up, due to their association with adults, television, Internet, and books. They become polluted and corrupt. The result of this is hatred, violence, drug addicts, alcoholics, and gamblers, basically criminals in human society. Its the parent’s responsibility to teach their children what is right and what is wrong from birth and guide them so they don’t become polluted by others and the media like television and internet. The Bhagavad-Gita teachings, give one the best chance of becoming peaceful, non-violent, and free from intoxications, basically a descent human being. It’s the only scripture that preaches that all living beings are eternal and part of God; we are held responsible for our own actions (karma); we are all the children of God and thus we are all brothers and sisters; God is forgiving, merciful, responsible, and gives us unlimited chances (reincarnation). To engage in hatred or violence towards any living being is hatred and violence towards God, as all living beings are part of God. |
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#57022011-12-20 19:2163. How many wives did Krishna have? 16,108. Many people say “Krishna was immoral as he had 16,108 wives”. This is a foolish and dumb statement. If one accepts that Krishna had 16,108 wives then he accepts that Krishna is the one and only God. The fact that he had 16,108 wives is simple proof that he is God. If one were to get married to one wife a day, it would take 16,108 days to marry the 16,108 girls, this is 44 years. Who can take 44 years off from work to get married? Who can take 44 years off from their business to get married? The fact that Krishna could marry the 16,108 girls is simple proof that he is God. These foolish persons only mention part of the story and not the full story. The full story is that Krishna had 16,108 wives, but there were 16,108 Krishnas. There was one wife for each of the 16,108 Krishnas. Is there anything wrong with one man having one wife? As Krishna was God, he could do things that we cannot even imagine and especially the foolish persons who deride Krishna. Krishna expanded his one body into 16,108 identical bodies and then each Krishna married each of the 16,108 girls. The 16,108 couples (one Krishna and one wife make one couple) lived in their own palace, thus there were 16,108 palaces. This is another proof that Krishna is God, because he is the richest person. Do you know anyone who can maintain 16,108 homes? If you find that person, he is God. 64. Why did Krishna have so many wives? Krishna was God, but he was playing the role of a Prince and in ancient times all over the World, it was normal for the Kings and Princes to have many wives, this is even true today in some parts of the World. As a Prince he had 8 wives and on one occasion there were 16,100 girls who got kidnapped by some demonic person. Krishna got these girls released and then asked the girls to go back to their homes, but the girls were too afraid to go back home. According to Vedic culture, a girl must stay with the father until married and then stay with the husband. If an unmarried girl spends one single night away from her father’s home, then the father has the right to assume she has become a prostitute and reject her. The 16,100 girls didn’t want to go back home, because their fathers would reject them for the reasons just explained. Krishna also knew that they could not go back home, as he is the creator of the Vedic culture. Krishna asked the girls what they wanted to do. The 16,100 girls asked Krishna to marry them. How can Krishna refuse, as he is God, the one who takes care of his followers. If Krishna had said no then the lives of these girls would be completely ruined. This is how Krishna had 16,108 wives. Now days, the fathers are very proudly sending their unmarried daughters far away from home to work or study, and most of them become degraded by having boyfriends. These girls would be the rejects of society in the ancient World but now days, the fathers are very proud of these very degraded daughters. |
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#57032011-12-20 19:2277. What is Krishna consciousness? A person who is Krishna conscious is free from bodily designations and has the following state of mid: I am not this body I am the eternal soul I am not a man nor woman I am not white nor black I am not rich nor poor I am not the owner of anything I and all living beings are part of Krishna I am the servant of Krishna and all living beings All living beings are my brothers and sisters Sees all living beings as souls and not bodies The purpose of my existence is to serve Krishna (God) and all living beings Krishna is present in the heart of all living beings as the super soul and thus I should respect and bow down all living beings All the problems in the World would be eliminated if everyone had the above state of mind, which is called Krishna consciousness. When one develops this consciousness, at death, the soul is immediately transferred to the spiritual creation called Vaikuntha, where the soul lives eternally in the same body with no trace of anxiety. “Those who are wise, have real knowledge, understanding, and gentleness. They see with equal vision, a Brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog eater." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 5.18) |
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#57042011-12-20 19:2389. Does the Bhagavad-Gita preach meat eating? Absolutely not. God (Krishna) is a pure vegetarian he doesn’t eat the flesh of animals. “If a pure hearted person, offers me with devotion, a leaf, flower, fruit, or water. I will accept it.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.26) God is the father of all living beings and thus he would not order some of his children (the humans) to eat his other children (the animals). Thus the followers of God must not eat meat, fish, eggs, or buy leather. We should offer all plant foods to God before we eat. So in this way, we will be released from any sins we unknowingly commit. “The righteous persons eat food that is first offered to me. They are released from all kinds of sins. But those who don’t offer food to me before eating, are committing sin.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 3.13) |
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#57052011-12-20 19:24100. Does Satan really exist? No, when humans engage in violence against any living being, hatred, wickedness, lust, greed, anger, pride and so on, they have become Satanic. There is no species of living beings that are Satan, any human who engages in sin is called the Satan, until he stops all sinful activities. Some people foolishly stone walls, as they think this will kill the Satan. They should stone themselves whenever they engage in sinful activities, this will really stop the Satanic values. |
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#57062011-12-20 19:25120. What is Bhakti Yoga? There are many types of Yoga Systems, the Yoga System described and recommended in the Bhagavad-Gita is Bhakti Yoga. This means to link with Krishna (God) or devotional service unto God: Become pure hearted. This can be accomplished by developing all the good qualities that are described in question 75. Offer all foods that you cook first to Krishna then you can eat them (parsadam). Krishna will not accept meat, fish, eggs, onions, and garlic. The food must also be freshly cooked (less than 3 hours). Chant the maha mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Offer flowers and Tulsi leaves to Krishna daily. This requires planting of flower bearing (especially roses) and Tulsi plants in your gardens. Perform deity worship of Radha and Krishna daily. Engage in some service at your local temple. Read the Vedic scriptures, especially the Bhagavad-Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. Preach all the above to others. Preaching is the highest devotional service unto Lord Krishna. The above devotional service activities should be performed according to your capacity and ability, but do as much as you can and the result will be that this will be your last miserable material life. At death, you (the soul) will be immediately transferred to the spiritual creation, where you will live in the same beautiful body eternally on the same planet as Lord Narayan, an expansion of Lord Krishna, or on the planet of Lord Krishna himself. “The great souls bow down to me [Krishna], worship me, and always chant my names and glories, with determination and devotion.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.14) “Just become my devotee, always think of me, bow down to me, and worship me. Then you will come to me, without fail. I promise you this, as you are very dear to me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.65) “If one who is devoted to me, teaches this supreme secret to other devotees, he shall be performing the highest devotional service unto me, and he will certainly come back to me. There is no other servant on Earth, who is more dear to me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.68-69) A Bhakti Yogi is one who has given up desires for material possessions and all his activities are done only for the satisfaction of the supreme (Linked to the Supreme). |
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#57072011-12-20 19:25143. What is the mentality of those who don’t follow the Bhagavad-Gita? Narrow-minded – They think their way is the only way and all others go to hell for simply being different. No faith in God – They cannot understand that God is in full control and thus it’s God who is creating and maintaining all others. God is not real – God is either invisible or not known. Hatred – They cannot understand the concept of universal brotherhood. Animals – The animals are just food. Millions of animals are breed for food and killed daily. Who are we – They think they are the body. No eternality – They think this is the only life and thus we are not eternal. Purpose of religion – Some believe that by following their religion, they will go to heaven and enjoy sex and wine. No Karma – People suffer or enjoy by chance. The result of above mentality is that we have hatred, terrorism, poverty, wickedness, selfishness, godlessness, and destruction of nature. |
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#57082011-12-20 19:26Hare krishna this is not jst a book bt this is the way by which we can out of this miserable world. |
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#57092011-12-20 19:26144. Does Krishna curse those who don’t follow him? A man made God may curse those who don’t follow him to a life in hell and he may be jealous, because he is not in control. But Krishna is not like this. Krishna is nice and he is in full control. He doesn’t force anyone to follow him nor does he send anyone to hell just because they don’t follow him. “I have explained to you the most confidential knowledge. Now, think about it and then do as you wish.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.63) After speaking the Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna, Krishna gives him free will. He doesn’t say Arjuna will go to hell if he doesn’t follow him nor does Krishna say he will be jealous if Arjuna doesn’t follow him. This is because Krishna is a mature and responsible person. Krishna is all loving and all merciful, the real God. |
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#57112011-12-20 19:27147. What are the benefits of Krishna consciousness to the World? Non-violence – Krishna conscious people are totally non-violent. No killing (vegetarian). Simple people – Krishna conscious people believe in living a simple life (not materialistic). No druggies or drunkards – Krishna conscious people are not intoxicated. No drugs or alcohol. No hatred – Krishna conscious people believe God is the father of all living beings and thus we are all brothers and sisters. No Gamblers – Krishna conscious people don’t gamble. Treat all people equally and nicely – Krishna conscious people view all living beings as souls and not physical bodies. Thus there are no bodily designations; even the plants and animals are treated like human beings. If you are serious about stopping terrorism, drugs, hatred, global warming, and AIDS, then become Krishna conscious and promote it. 148. How did Krishna prove he was God? People argue over who God is. First of all, know what qualities the applicant for the supreme position should have. These qualities are listed in the question ‘What is God?’ Then compare the pastimes, miracles performed, and statements made by the applicants for the supreme position, and then there will be no doubt who is God and who isn’t. Krishna lifted a mountain (Govardhana hill) for 7 days. Do you know anyone else who has lifted a mountain? Krishna expanded his body into 16108 forms. Do you know anyone else who can multiply himself into thousands of identical bodies or even once? Krishna swallowed a forest fire to save his friends. Do you know anyone else who has saved his followers in their current life? Krishna cured the diseased, including transforming a hunchback woman into a most beautiful woman. Do you know anyone else who has transformed the ugly into beautiful in their current life? Krishna brought the dead back to life. Do you know anyone else who has brought back the dead? Krishna defeated all those who challenged him including Kamsa, Putana, Bakasura, Kesi, Aghasura, and Sisupala. Do you know anyone else who has defeated all those who challenged him? Krishna saved all his followers in this life. Do you know anyone else who has saved all his followers in their current life? Krishna transformed himself into others. Do you know anyone else who can transform themselves into others? Krishna was born fully clothed. Do you know anyone else born clothed? Krishna has appeared in the same body more than 18,000 times in the current cycle alone. Do you know anyone else who has appeared with the same body this many times or even twice? Krishna never looks older than about 16. He is forever youthful, forever beautiful. Do you know anyone else who always looks youthful and beautiful? Krishna is the greatest and nicest person known to man. So why not follow the best? 149. Will Krishna take away my sins? Krishna won’t take your sins and suffer himself, because he is God himself, and God does not suffer. This is another difference between God and living beings. The living beings suffer, but God does not, that’s why God is great and we are not. By taking shelter of Krishna and abiding by his instructions in the Bhagavad-Gita, you will stop committing sins, do everything for Krishna, instead of yourself, and change your consciousness from bodily and material to spiritual and Krishna. The result of this is that at death, Krishna will release you from all the sinful actions you have taken in millions of lives and transfer you (the soul) to the spiritual abode (Vaikuntha). There you will live in the same beautiful body eternally, full of bliss, full of knowledge, and face no problems. “Give up all other religious beliefs and just surrender unto me [Krishna]. I will release you from all your sins. Do not worry.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.66) |
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#57122011-12-20 19:28150. Is there a conflict between the teachings of the World religions? Not really. It’s due to personal ego and ignorance that humans hate and fight each other in the name of religion. The all mighty God is the creator of all living beings and thus it’s his will that we all exist. People have variety of mentalities, and intelligence. Thus God allows everyone to worship and understand him in different ways. Jesus declared himself as the Son and servant of God, Muhammad declared himself as the servant of God, and Lord Krishna declared and proved himself as God. So there is no real conflict between the teachings of Christianity, Islam, and Sanatan Dharma (the Eternal Religion). Those who have no personal ego and are willing to accept the truth will accept this fact as they are truly surrendered unto God. Those who have hatred towards others who are different are against the will of God, they are the unbelievers or envious of God. The Islamic Koran confirms that we all worship the same One God, but in different ways based on our qualifications. “We believe in that which has been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and your God is One, and unto Him we surrender.” (Koran 29:46) Jesus declared himself as the servant of God. Jesus said “My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me” (John 7:16) Jesus said “I go unto my father: for my father is greater than I” (John 14.28) Jesus said “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself” (John 5.19) “All living entities are my eternal fragmental particles. Due to material nature, they are conditioned by the six senses, including the mind, and struggle very hard.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.7) All living beings are part of the one God. “In the body, there is also the super soul. He is the master, supreme enjoyer, overseer, and the permitter - The supreme Lord.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 13.23) God is the master, enjoyer, overseer, and permitter. “I am transcendental, beyond the fallible and infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated as the Supreme person, on the material, and spiritual planets, and in the Vedas.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.18) God is the greatest person in the whole of creation. “All species of living beings in this material creation appear by taking birth, and I am the seed giving father.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.4) God is the father of all living beings. “I hate no one. I am equal to all living beings…" (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.29) In the eyes of God, all living beings are equal. “…One who has no enemies among all living beings comes to me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 11.55) “Those who are wise, have real knowledge, understanding, and gentleness. They see with equal vision, a Brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog eater." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 5.18) Those who see all living beings with equal vision and are friendly to everyone are very dear to God. 151. Has Krishna already saved people? Krishna has already appeared and saved his followers thousands of times, right here on this planet and he is so nice. If you can’t make it in this life, then you will get unlimited chances (reincarnation) and you will never be sent to hell eternally. But why waste this life? Just take shelter of Krishna and make this your last miserable life. “Those who without deviation, meditate upon me, worship me, fix their mind on me, and become attached to me, I very quickly deliver them from material existence, which is an ocean of birth, death, and miseries.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 12.6-7) “My devotees become righteous, attain lasting peace, and never perish. “Lord Krishna (Bhagavad-Gita 9.31) If you read all the scriptures on the planet, you will find that there is only one person who has actually appeared more than once, declared and proved himself as God, without any doubt. This is because, God Is One |
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#57132011-12-20 19:28Western culture is demonic. There are many divine qualities in the western people. Including honesty, cleanliness, self-confidence, leadership, courage, justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. But unfortunately the demonic qualities are dominant. What is worse is that the whole world is copying the demonic western values and totally ignoring the good values of the west. Killing of Unborn Children Before the birth of a child, there is good chance of being killed within the womb of the mother, by the mother herself. The abortion rate is highest in the Western countries. Sexual Relationships Start Early For the children who make it out of the womb alive, at age 14, the boys and girls start their sexual relationships, what they call girl friend, boy friend. In Vedic culture, a girl with a boyfriend is called a prostitute. Partying To Find Mates The partying habit that starts from birth with birthday parties grows into partying for real at age 16. The main aim for partying is to find mating partners. In parties, suitable mates are found and utilized. Drugs and Alcohol While partying they pick-up the habit of intoxications, alcohol, and drugs. Bellies are Graveyards for Animals They are brainwashed into thinking that meat eating is needed for good health. Their nutritional knowledge is very limited as they think that flesh is the only source of protein. Sex With Multiple Mates Before Marriage Most marriages are based on sex impulses only. Like a hunter who hunts in the forest for meat, they hunt for mates in parties. Most of the time, the catch turns out to be rotten, so they keep hunting. Read more... Sex Outside Marriage After a test drive with several mates, they think they have found a suitable mate for marriage. So then there is marriage, but the habit of hunting for mates is hard to get over. Some of them keep hunting after marriage. There are extra marital affairs in many marriages. After a few years of marriage, one or both of the couples find another mate, and then there is divorce. The Western countries have the highest divorce rate. No Discrimination Between Sexual Partners God made men and women for each other. But the West is very creative. Some think that men are made for men and women for women, gay and lesbian relationships. Thousands of gays and lesbians are officially married in western countries. As soon as they become young adults, earning money. They leave home and fend for themselves. The children visit their parents on annual occasions. This they call keeping in touch. When the parents are old and are unable to take care of them selves, they are sent to nursing homes. The children are unwilling to look after their own parents. It is very difficult to stop yourself from being influenced by the demonic customs of the West. Even a man of discrimination can be captured by the satanic values. Lord Krishna states in the Bhagavad-Gita 2.67 “As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man’s intelligence.” “While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.” Bhagavad-Gita 2.62-63 The Result of Western Culture A westerner says “I am very happy partying, mating and living a very comfortable life to the full, I don’t need restrictions and rules to follow.” What is the use of this so-called comfortable life, if after this life, you become an animal? |
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#57142011-12-20 19:29No book should ever be banned. Not the least Bhagvat Gita, a veritable storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. |
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#57152011-12-20 19:29Modern education - breeder of demons. “Modern Education – Making them Demons, That’s All.” Srila Prabhupada Having myself studied in the West and coming across so many Indian origin children who are western educated. I totally agree with Srila Prabhupada. I was very fortunate, I did not join the crowd, as I was given the Bhagavad-Gita at a young age and that’s what saved me from becoming a demon. I got modern western education and also the highest spiritual knowledge from the Bhagavad-Gita and utilized my education for self-realization and helping others, rather than engaging in a materialist and non-sense life. The following are quotes from Srila Prabhupada. Indeed, it seems that the more educated one becomes, the less he believes in God, in God’s law, in the next life, and in sinful and pious activities. Thus modern education is simply preparing men to become animals. If there is no education to teach a human being what he is and whether or not he is this body, he remains no better than an ass. (MG 3) Unfortunately, human beings, although they have the bodies of men, are becoming less than animals in their behavior. This is the fault of modern education. Modern educators do not know the aim of human life. They are only concerned with how to develop the economic condition of their countries or of human society. (Cc. Adi 9.42) By the modern education we have become so dull-headed, we cannot understand the simple truth that we have to change this body. (750702SB.Den) The modern education, they think this body is everything. No. (730722Bg.Lon) After changing this body, I will have to accept another body. This is the fact. But the modern education, they do not know it, neither they believe, even the practical example is there. (740418pc.Hyd) Read more... The purpose of education is to make man the highest of the mankind, but modern education is teaching lowest of the mankind. (661126Cc.NY) So therefore the modern education system is to create dogs. He will never be happy unless he gets a good master. (731215SB.LA) We accept one kind of body and struggle for existence, suffer so much, again we get another body, and new chapter of suffering begins. This knowledge is lacking in modern education. And they are very much proud of becoming advanced in knowledge. What is the advancement of knowledge? (750625SB.LA ) So-called modern educators claim that the purpose of education is to solve the problems of life. But in actuality they are teaching their students how to increase sense gratification more and more, thereby creating more and more paths to degradation. (JSD 4.2) You become animal. That’s all. More or less, you become animal. The modern education is like that, preparing so many animals. (710724SB.NY) This life is preparation for the next life. That they do not know. The modern education and its universities are completely in darkness about this simple knowledge. (PQPA 9) Therefore the cow is also our mother. Just as we drink breast-milk from our mother, we drink milk from mother cow. You must not kill your mother; that is a great sin. Therefore meat-eating is prohibited. But people have become so sinful that they do not consider, when I was young this cow supplied her blood in the form of milk to feed me, to keep me alive. But now that I am grown up, I am so ungrateful that I am going to kill her and eat her flesh. This is the advancement of modern education: that people have learned how to kill their mother. (N98:TQE 7) What is the problem of our lives? That we do not know. Modern education never gives enlightenment about the real problem of life. (SSR 5) |
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#57162011-12-20 19:30please don't reject "Bhagavad Gita"...... we support for ACCEPTING .." Bhagavad Gita"... |
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#57172011-12-20 19:30The solution to all our modern day problems. The problems in the World today are: Drugs, alcoholism, terrorism, violence, cancer, poverty, divorce, AIDS, conservation, global warming, droughts, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and financial ruin. A Krishna conscious person follows the following principles; Krishna consciousness, No Intoxication, No Meat eating, No elicit sex, No gambling, Accepting the law of karma and reincarnation: 1. Krishna (God) consciousness. Do you follow a God with no name, unknown address, unknown description, and unknown history, not seen, or not proven? In the Vedic religion (Hinduism) God is a real person with a name, address, description, and history dating back to the beginning of creation (billions of years), seen by millions of humans (the forefathers of all of us), and proven. Lord Krishna is the Supreme Being (God) who last appeared in his original form, only 5000 years ago. He declared himself and proved that he was the Supreme Being, God, to millions of humans. The life of a Krishna conscious person (a devotee) is centered on God (Krishna), which results in liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and re-birth after this life. The life of non-devotees is centered on materialism, lust, attachments, greed, or illusion. Which only result in bondage to material life for countless lifetimes. Material life is conditioned with misery, old age, disease, and death. There are 8.4 million bodies in which the soul keeps circulating. Out of these, only 400,000 are human species in various conditions of life. Not all the species are present on this planet. Thus human birth is rare, and one should utilize the higher consciousness to the fullest potential to break free from the wheel of birth, death, and re-birth, by becoming Krishna conscious. When ones life is not centered on God, then it becomes centered on lust and materialism, which leads to anger and hatred as desires are unlimited and thus can never be satisfied. Couples should first love God, which will automatically lead to love for one another. If they just center their life around each other then their desires will never be satisfied and their relationship will end in misery, divorce. Krishna consciousness people are totally non-violent (vegetarian), not materialist (simple), don’t behave like dogs on the street (no elicit sex), drug free (no intoxications), and don’t gamble with their life. The result of which is no mentality of violence, no AIDS, no druggies, and no financial ruin. If you are serious about stopping terrorism, drugs, and AIDS. Then become Krishna conscious now. Read more... 2. No intoxications. Drugs are the biggest worry for parents of children. In the US alone, millions of people are addicted to drugs. Millions of people are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol causes health problems and human suffering due to un-controlled consciousness. Cigarettes cause diseases like cancer and lung disorders. Tea and Coffee are intoxicants, which are addictive and can affect the consciousness in a negative way. 3. No Meat Eating. A man works all his life and gets a pension to live out his remaining days. The cow gives milk all her life, and then people kill and eat her. It’s wrong. Man does not need to kill to live but he kills by the millions each day. Animal killing, destruction of forests, and pollution is killing nature, which takes revenge in the form of droughts, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. In this age (Kali Yuga) things will only get worse by the day. Scientific research has shown that eating meat can seriously damage your health. Meat eaters are much more likely to suffer from cancer, heart disease, and other diseases than vegetarians. Killing animals is inhumane and uncivilized. They too are God’s creatures. Meat eaters have a mentality of violence, a person who kills animals is much more likely to kill people too. Than a person who is a vegetarian. The most violent humans on Earth are animal killers. In this time of terrorism, it is important to know that all terrorists are meat eaters. It would be extremely rare to find a vegetarian terrorist. If everyone in the world were a vegetarian, there would be no terrorism. It makes no economic sense to produce meat for human consumption. It takes at least 16 lbs of grain and many gallons of water to produce just 1 lb of meat. The 16 lbs of grain can feed at least 16 people while the 1 lb of meat can only feed 1 person. If everyone in the world were a vegetarian, there would be enough grain to feed twice the number of people in the world; there would be no poverty. The forests of the world are being decimated by conversion to grazing lands, ruining the lungs of mother earth- that convert the carbon- di-oxide in the air back to oxygen. Global warming would be reduced considerably if there were no meat consumption. The contribution to global warming by automobiles is insignificant compared to the damage caused by breeding animals for meat consumption. 4. No Illicit Sex. Millions of people around the world are dying from sexually transmitted disease like AIDS. Which is caused by humans behaving like dogs on the street. In this age, relationships and marriages are often based on sex impulses only. This can be proven by the fact that most marriages end in a divorce. It is the children that suffer the most, all due to the lusty parents. Marriage often end due to one or both the partners wanting to move onto another mate. Just like the dogs on the street. If there was no sex before marriage, and if humans did not behave like dogs on the street then the number of divorces and thus single parent families would dramatically reduce. Sexual lust only leads to misery. Marriage beak-ups are costly in terms of human suffering and financially to both the partners. 5. No Gambling. Millions of people gamble in various ways. Often most are losers. Gambling destroys the financial well being of many families and causes suffering. Mostly to women and children. The gamblers don’t realize that it’s the bookies who win and not them. 6. Accepting the law of karma and reincarnation. If a person kills and soon after dies himself. How can be punished unless he takes birth again? If a sinner is sent to hell forever then how can God be merciful unless he is given another chance? Reincarnation and karma explain why some people are born into misery and others into good fortune. Why some are born healthy and some diseased and so on. By knowing that we are responsible for all our actions, one does not take actions, which causes suffering to others. This makes one very compassionate to all living beings. The law of karma makes one realize that by engaging in violence against other living beings will result in punishment, in equal proportion to the action. Giving charity now will result in receiving charity in the future. If you give today to the needy, then in the future when you are in need, you will receive. At death, all our actions taken during in life are taken into account to determine our next body (human or animal) and it’s conditions of life (rich, poor, healthy, diseased). If all humans accepted that this life isn’t the only one and that for every action there will be a reaction, there would be no terrorism, violence, and criminals in the world. Also, if all humans were charitable and shared their wealth (take pious actions), there would be no poverty in the world. People say “I want peace’. If you remove the ‘I’ (ego) and the ‘want’ (desires), you will be left with peace. Men and women must give up false ego, attachment to material objects, desires, and lust. This will result in everlasting peace and happiness. Reincarnation and Karma are scientific facts. |
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#57182011-12-20 19:31Bhagavad gita is not a book of sentiments, it's science of humanity. It teaches us about real peace and prosperity. |
Guest |
#57202011-12-20 19:32Listen to The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Srila Prabhupada Listen to the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabupada. Listen to all the 700 verses with One click http://www.gitamrta.org/listen_bhagavad_gita_english.html |
Guest |
#57212011-12-20 19:32Shame on those who don't understand what they do !!! Really, Lord Krishna is true : "Eyes see what mind knows !" Don't touch Holy Book !!! It means that tomorrow one will do the same with the other Holly Books ! НЕ ПОЗОРЬСЯ РОССИЯ ,томские судья не судья для священных ценностей ! Они им неподсудны ,ПОЗОР ! Нечем больше заняться !!! Воистину ,глаза видят то ,что знает ум! Да здравствует ЛОРД КРИШНА ,РАМА ,ИИСУС И ВСЕ СВЯТЫЕ ИМЕНА ! АМИНЬ ! |
Guest |
#57222011-12-20 19:33Выставили себя на всемирное посмешище эти судьи. Вот недалекие, кто это затеял это. |
Guest |
#57242011-12-20 19:33Bhagavat Gita as it is by Srila Prabhupada will continue in spite of all obstacles. |
gaurangadas@yandex.ru |
#57252011-12-20 19:37Роlitics games, its kali-yuga,Lord Krishna has a great plan for all of us,we are his instruments. please prey for Gitapanishad from your souls please!!! |
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