ULEZ FINES | Bishop of London Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally to her legal duty of enforcing the Confirmation of the Charters Act 1297 on Justices' & Mayor | ALL the Ancient Liberties of London Magna Carta

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Reason why Ken Livingston was not Knighted or anything for his role in Congestion Charge

2025-01-01 23:03:35

I found this;
Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone. Credit: PA
Ken Livingstone was offered a CBE in the New Year Honours but turned it down, he has said.

The former Mayor of London said he refused the gong for services to the Olympics because he does not think politicians should get honours.

"I was offered a CBE," the 67-year-old revealed on his show on LBC Radio.

"I don't believe politicians should get honours. You had this thing for years that any Tory MP who survived in house for 20 years automatically got a knighthood.

"You get the really disfiguring thing, these people who give thirty or fifty thousand pounds to a political party and then get an honour.

"I was paid very good money to be the Mayor of London and nothing beats the recognition you get when the people of the city elect you in the first place."

Last updated Mon 21 Jul 2014

Richard Kelly

01/WW/11114/24 Discontinuance notice served to Westminster Magistrates Court . Hereby served to all electors signed, according to law

2024-12-05 17:13:32




An act of 1837, Electors right to take over the prosecution. Basis in law.    

Richard Kelly

Evidence update | Good news and Bad news.

2024-12-02 15:18:21

So....    I found this Early statute for London, which talks about night prowlers and safeley in the city.

The good news is, that it mentions TOLL for people found armed or with weapons at night on the streets, menacing.  But the word toll here is most certainly used to mean FINE that they will be fined dnd even detained with a hearing...  So this is the good part...  So ULEZ FINES can be synonymous with a TOLL      but this is nothing to do with the standard usage of the roads and to pass normally.

Most cities had a Gate. Certain Knights or titled persons could be armed at night and also could enter or leave the city at any time. Even when the gates were locked.  This was called "Having the Keys to the City" or Freedom of the City.

So our word TOLL now is good for fine. So it is all just about the actual road tolls and how tax was taken


So what about the bad news?? Well . If its legitimate or not.. i found that there actually is an act about foul air, waste and other detriment in the city!! But these arent the original liberties that were from the Edward Confessor time. With a cleaner city.

But here is what it says...


It talks about corruption.. i think if you think along the lines of the plague and leppars and also horse manure would have left a stench.  A smell. So i am pretty shure it was meant in the terms of gross or disgusting ..   manure horses waste and rotting food in alleyways.. maggots. More Oliver Twist style. Rats

And we know that t least in those terms and conditions its certainly a lot healthier and cleaner than the set of dickens with fagin... From a play.

And the fact that they never bothered about any of this before 2002 makes me think it is more about money and surveillance. Maybe Sadiq Kahn should make everyone stay in at night and lock the inner ring road instead 😅 if he would get the votes 😉 

So... I really dont think this meant the type of air that we are talkng about now...  More like if you puked on the street or dropped rotting cart of cow carcass in the road or wee in the street air type..

So.. i still have yet to trace the Edward Confessor law sources...  Which maybe there are answers in some of the Roman accounts of Riome to compare?



Richard Kelly

The charges against Stop Ulez Canvassers

2024-12-02 06:57:09

The petition and signed electors are now pursuing taking over the South London Crown prosecution service case 01/WW/11114/24 due to a failure of the prosecutors to recognise the rights of the four defendants. It is an actual established basis in law and process at least from acts passed in 1837 and more connected to the Jury basis and electoral register and public interest going back to Magna Carta 1297 and estsblished that 3 or more electors can take control of a prosecution case. If the prosecutor is incapable, unwilling, or otherwise conflict of interest or where they are in breach of procedure rules and or not following the law. Compliance

Sp i hope these directions are sucessful. Otherwise we are pursuing certificate of privilege from the House of Commons through 1840 Parliamentary papers act.



Richard Kelly

Gareth Bacon MPs Ulez petition

2024-12-02 06:47:59

I am now pleased to add, as evidence the body of signatures from Gareth Bacon MPs petition opposing ulez. Here is the url hereby attached



I do not know exactly how many signatures are added yet so i will not ammend the grand total in the main petition. But hereby annexed is the petition which is the Orphingtoon Conservatives area. 

Richard Kelly

Statute Law Revision Act 1886

2024-11-26 16:37:11

There is a modification regarding Excessive Tolls, in the 1886 Statute law revision act. I found this while looking up the validity of the Statute of Westminster the Second. Which in fact has not been repealed!! Also it says ancient customs and legal principles and motions shall not be effected!

I researched this because of a BILL OF EXEMPTION process in the statute which guarantees a resolution upon dispute by any justice, to the King.


Here is the excessive tolls part from the first Statute. But the Magna Carta retains ALL London LibertiesScreenshot_2024-11-26-16-30-49-30_e2d5b3f32b79de1d45acd1fad96fbb0f.jpg

Richard Kelly

I found this useful act that would explain the Dunstable petition with National Archives for Highway Repair in that area in previous years

2024-11-25 01:03:23

I found this useful act that would explain the Dunstable petition with National Archives for Highway Repair in that area in previous year


William and Mary, 1692: An Act for reviving two former Acts of Parliament for the repaireing the Highways in the County of Hertford [Chapter IX Rot. Parl. pt. 3.nu.4.]

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

'William and Mary, 1692: An Act for reviving two former Acts of Parliament for the repaireing the Highways in the County of Hertford [Chapter IX Rot. Parl. pt. 3.nu.4.]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 6, 1685-94, ed. John Raithby( s.l, 1819), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol6/p391 [accessed 25 November 2024].


15 Car. II. c. I.; 16 & 17 Car. II. c. 10. recited; Toll at Wades Mill revived for 15 Years

Whereas there was an Act of Parliament made in the Fifteenth yeare of the Reigne of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second entituled An Act for repairing the Highways within the Counties of Hertford Cambridge and Huntingdon to be in force for the space of Eleven years from the commencement thereof And whereas there was afterwards one other Act of Parliament made in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth years of the Reigne of the said late King Charles the Second entituled An Act for continuance of a former Act for repairing the Highways within the County of Hertford both which said Acts are some years past expired and the Highways within the said County of Hertford intended by the said Acts to be repaired are since (by great Burthens and Carriages used to passe through the same) become dangerous and impassable To the end therefore that the said Highways within the County of Hertford being the great Roads to the North parts of this Kingdom may be sufficiently repaired and amended by the provisions mentioned in the said Acts the same being not to be done by the ordinary course of the Laws and Statutes of this Realme May it please Your Majesties that it may be enacted and be it enacted by the King and Queens most excellent Majesties by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Co[m]mons in this present Parliament assembled That the Toll mentioned in the said Acts to be taken att Wades Mill for the County of Hertford be revived sett upp and taken again in the manner by the said Acts mentioned to continue for the space of Fifteene years from the passing of this Act and that the moneys. thereby ariseing be imployed for the repaire of the said Highways within the said County of Hertford according to the tenor of the said Acts

II. How Toll may cease.

Provided always That if the said Highways before the expiration of the said terme of Fifteen yeares be in good and sufficient repair and an adjudication thereof be made at the Assize or General Quarter Sessions to be holden for the said County (as is provided by the said Statutes of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth years of King Charles the Second) the Toll shall from thenceforth cease and determine as in the said Act is directed and appointed

III. Proviso for Officers collecting as formerly.

And it is further enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid and the several Officers and persons impowered in and by the said Acts to the purposes therein mentioned so far as may any ways concern or relate to the said County of Hertford shall from henceforth have the like powers and authorities by virtue of this present Act as they and every of them had by virtue of the said former Acts and that all Clauses Provisions Penalties Forfeitures and Exceptions whatsoever therein mentioned concerning the collecting paying ingageing or accounting for the said Toll att Wades Mill be from henceforth by virtue of this Act renewed and putt in execution again dureing the continuance of this present Act as if they were herein particularly expressed and repeate

Richard Kelly

Just a few pieces of Evidence that are random from my study archive that i arent shure if i added. But will do just for study and notes.

2024-11-24 23:52:16

19 exhibits added from the Assorted charters







So... The point in these was just some surrounding and associated indormation about some other Ancient London Liberties and also some definitions and termonology for context.



Richard Kelly

The 1692 Act suggests London might be Toll free compared to other Towns and Boroughs. But these new taxes are imposable (not tolls though)

2024-11-24 22:27:05

William and Mary, 1692: An Act for granting to Their Majesties an Aid of Foure Shillings in the Pound for One yeare for carrying on a vigorous War against France [Chapter I. Rot. Parl. pt. 1.]

Richard Kelly

I know that this Petition is about Ulez and Magna Carta Rights. But as we have touched on religion i need to mention this

2024-11-24 21:26:37

I did complain to the prime minister about his proposed assisted suicide bill. And i found it to be antisemitic and against the 6th commandment.


I also found legislation supporting the old testament in effect. I just want to give another example of generally how ancient rights and customs are being corroded unlawfully.  Therefore it is a wider issue through government. Not just Ulez.


Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1690

Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament1690 c. 7 Chap. i. Of the Holy Scripture Section 4
The Authority of the Holy Scripture

Acts of the Old Scottish Parliament1690 c. 7 Chap. i. Of the Holy Scripture Section 8
The Old Testament in Hebrew




Richard Kelly

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