Waterkrisis Kai !Garib Munisipaliteit



Die water is n gemors en klagtes val op dowe ore

Elmarine Pretorius (KAKAMAS, 2021-03-05)


The water is not drinkable

Simoné Booysen (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


Water is onaanvaarbaar en drein trekke is groot smeek voor iets gebeur.

Wilna Mayer (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


Die water is ondrinkbaar en geen mens kan dit gebruik nie.

Hilda-Marie Joubert (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


We have a big waterproblem in Kakamas that doesn't get resolved

Johnny De Wee (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


I'm tired of poor service delivery and dirty water.

Ingrid Waterboer (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


Clean water is a basic human right
Wich my community is not receiving after countless complaints.
This has been going on for the past few years

Laverne Paulse (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


I'm signing because I have had enough of drinking water that can't be cleaned by our local municipality.these guys are just not serious with their jobs nor the people's health concerns

Wedan Spanneberg (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


Die waterkrisis moet opgelos word. Ons mense kan nie dienste betaal en nog water koop nie aangesien die drinkwater vuil is in Kakamas en omgewing.

Leonard Mckay (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


Please help our people they can't live without water clean the water

Katrina Van Wyk (Upington, 2021-03-05)


I'm staying in kakamas and the water is drown, you don't even want to take a bath look like a mud pool

Enrico Januarie (Kakamas, 2021-03-05)


I live in Kakamas

Geraldine De Bruin (Kakamas, 2021-03-06)


ek soek asb skoon drink water geen mens of kind of dier verdien om die vuil water te drink nie

linda van schalkwyk (kakamas, 2021-03-06)


Om ons drinkwater skoon en veilig te maak vir ons as publiek

Mariska Ridgard (Kakamas, 2021-03-06)


Dirty water and no water!

Lynette Van Straaten (Kakamas, 2021-03-06)


This water is not save to use at all.

Dawie vd Heever (Kakamas, 2021-03-06)


Moeg van vuil water drink!!!!

Suvario Matthys (Kakamas, 2021-03-06)


We need usable water to live!

Carol Blomerus (Kenhardt, 2021-03-07)


I am unhappy with the condition of ou drinking water.

John Kordom (Kakamas, 2021-03-07)


Ons moet duur betaal vir patetiese dienste

Jaco Verreynne (Kakamas, 2021-03-07)


Kenhardt. Ons water is vuil. Vol modder en moontlik ook vol bakterië.

Lindah Muller (Kenhardt Kai Garib, 2021-03-07)


Its my duty to support those in need.

Werner Liebenberg (Kakamas, 2021-03-07)


Water crisis

Kimberley Samuels (Kenhardt, 2021-03-07)


I'm signing because I feel that our rights to basic sanitation are being violated, as a rates and tax payer with a municipal bill that's up to date (no arrears) I think it is not fair to receive such treatment from our Kai Gariep Municipality

Mazaane Rooi (Secunda, 2021-03-07)


The dirty water situation in kenhardt

Deon Keffers (Kenhardt, 2021-03-07)


Local governments are completely incompetent to supply basic services.

Piet Coetzee (Secunda, 2021-03-07)


Clean water is a human right, and supported by the constitution.

Michael van Niekerk (Kenhardt, 2021-03-07)


Dis tyd dat die munusipaliteit verantwoordelik gehou word vir hul pligte en diens!

Marius Van Rooyen (Kakamas, 2021-03-07)


Die gehalte van Kenhardt se water is pateties !!!!

Yulandie Nel (Kenhardt, 2021-03-07)


Im signing because we cant drink the water and not all off us can affort to buy some water

Sunet Saal (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


Because we are fed up with drinking cool drink which we buy with ou hard earned money and buying water where we could have got water free or affordable and clean.

Bernard Sass (-Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


Die water is altyd veil en mens raak siek as jy dit waag drink en ons moet daar voor betaal die dienste van kai garib is swak

Natasha Steyn (Kenhardt, 2021-03-08)


Water problem

Rowan Cawood (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


The water is unhealthy and there should be change

Bevonia Adams (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


The water in town is a disgrace. Not for human consumption

Josua Joubert (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


my community hve da same challnge.

lofty selopyane (kakamas, 2021-03-08)


Swak bestuur van Kai Garib munisipalireit

Johan Janse Van Rensburg (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


The water is disgusting

Hildegard Vos (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


The water is undrinkable

Chaline Louw (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


Dis ‘n skande hoe die water lyk!!!!!

Jana Visser (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


I'm signing this petition because the water in Kakamas is completely unacceptable! How are people suppose to survive without clean water? It is literally inhumane to say the least. Politicians needs to stop stealing the money from the community and use it to give the community a basic necessity!

Chante Neels (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


Water problem in town

Rudolf Visagie (Kenhardt, 2021-03-08)


Poor service delivering

Adnan D Jansen (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


The water is disgusting!!!!

Heletje Pretorius (Augrabies, 2021-03-08)


The water issue is getting worse by the day it's like the people in charge doesn't care for our lives who can't afford to buy water...

Annelize Lizette (Kakamas, 2021-03-08)


I want clean water

Elizabeth Basson (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


Ek teken weens die waterkrisis tans in ons dorp wat ondrinkbaar is.

Roy Tieties (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


I am signing because i am unhappy with the water of Kakamas

Christina Basson (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


Ek teken die petisie want die water hier by is vir geen menslike gebruik. Nie vir drink, bad of enige iets nie. Hier is mense wat nie kan bekostig om water te koop nie en dan moet hulle die AAKLIGE water drink. Liewe genade drink wat daar werk die water??????

Mariette de Kock (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


D.Y van Staden

Damian Van staden (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


Ons moet in bruin water bad en dit ook gebruik vir drink water.

Marguerite Malan (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


Drinkwater in kakamas is nie reg vir menslike gebruik nie.

Suna Rossouw (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


Service delivery to be active... they promise better service, better everything but all we see is "kak" everything

Ashleigh Mcpherson (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


Our basic human rights is clean running water

Rosaria Basson (Kakamas, 2021-03-09)


The water not on standard

William Fredericks (Kakamas, 2021-03-10)


Ons water is septies vuil!

Angelique Perie (Augrabies, 2021-03-10)


Ons as belasting betalers betaal elke maand munisipale dienste en verdien nie sulke swak diens nie.

Pearl van wyk (Kakamas, 2021-03-10)


We deserve the right to have clean drinking water. We pay for a service we don't get and a human right we don't have.0

Megan Liebenberg (Kenhardt, 2021-03-11)


The water is filthy

Randall Tanga (Kakamas, 2021-03-11)


Om te help met die water probleem.

Madelein Mostert (Keimoes, 2021-03-12)


I want clean water!

Marianna Pieterse (Kenhardt, 2021-03-12)


We often are left without water in Kenhardt, especially when we have loadshedding, Kenhardt and Keimoes have alternating loadshedding times, which results in longer periods without water. The water is always dirty with rocks, algae and clay, other times it has too much chemicals in them, the water is almost never clear, which is a health hazard to our community

Zenobia Siwa (Kenhardt, 2021-03-12)


I'm tired of of our water problem, if it's not off, than it's brown. No one can drink water or do washing. This must stop!

Junita Cloete (Kakamas, 2021-03-12)


Im full of this.

Euginia Silwer (Kakamas, 2021-03-14)


Gesondheids doeleindes en as betalende landsburger is ons geregtig op skoon water.

Leona Smit (Kakamas, 2021-03-14)


Water quality is not suitable for use

Suzette Wickens (Kenhardt, 2021-03-14)


EK moeg vir die swak dien en water wat my en my gesin siek maak en dan moet ek vir dit betaal.
dis onmenslik ek laat my honde nie ers van die water drink nie

juliana Agenbag (kakamas, 2021-03-15)


Water is baie swak en stink.. Maar ons moet net betaal en betaal...

Mariette Nel (Kakamas, 2021-03-15)


Every one has a right to good service... Water is vital....

Amanda Marais (Keimoes, 2021-03-15)


Drinking water not fit for human consumption.

Craig O'Brien (Kakamas, 2021-03-16)


My mense regte word geskend deur di feit dat ek ni skoon drinkwater het ni.

Antoinette Van der Vyver (Kakamas, 2021-03-16)


Water is 'n basiese reg

Nick Julies (Kenhardt, 2021-03-23)


As gevolg van vuil water.

Joyce Pretorius (Kakamas, 2021-03-31)


This need to stop Somebody need to take over that our water can be good to use again

Sonica Bester (Kakamas, 2021-04-08)


Health of the community

James De Waal (Kakamas, 2021-05-25)

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