Temporary approval of halluciogenic drugs to treat covid-19 trauma
cum a zis dragonu legalizati macar ciupercailie irena (bucharest, 2020-04-05)
i like itIoana Ivan (Bucuresti, 2020-04-05)
I agree with thatŞerban Suciu (Salonta, 2020-04-05)
Îmi place pizdaPizda Matii (Constanta, 2020-04-05)
I m signing because nature is better than any pharmacyIulian Vitan (Targu-Jiu, 2020-04-05)
pentru ca mi se pare o idee bunacodrin stefanovici (iasi, 2020-04-05)
A c a bMadalin AjungePrenumele (Cluj, 2020-04-05)
Intra bine droagele pe carantinaBadea Vlad (București, 2020-04-05)
legalizati legalele in pula meamorti mati (Valenii de munte, 2020-04-05)
It is a great way to solve ptsdandrei constantinescu (Bucharest, 2020-04-05)
azteca s story 🥰sandra sukarime (Târgoviște, 2020-04-05)
Because I wantCordea Andrei (Oradea, 2020-04-05)
Pentru ca m a pus aztecaEdi Nedelcu (Suceava, 2020-04-05)
i don't want to dieAlexandru Căpitanu (Vaslui, 2020-04-05)
It s a goos thingPacurar Alex (Cluj, 2020-04-05)
VreauMatei Cimp (Galati, 2020-04-05)
I love vaginLeucatio adelindelatorvanke (Ferentari, 2020-04-05)
I love drugsLiviu Hariuc (Ungheni, 2020-04-05)
I like drogurjIoniță David (București, 2020-04-05)
Many people will be suffering from trauma after a deadly pandemic will strip them away from their life and family. Such substances are KNOWN to be unharmful. Alcohol and tabasco have a high risk of death and dependance,yet are still legal. Drugs such as LSD and Cannabis are known to be used în therapy for severe depression and anxiety showing good results in consumers that use them for recreational purposes.Catalin Stoian (București, 2020-04-05)
M-a pus azteca sa fac asta...Tibi Verba (Cluj, 2020-04-05)
It's a great suggestion for times like thisConstantin Mdfk (Timișoara, 2020-04-05)
Many people will be suffering from trauma after a deadly pandemic will strip them away from their life and family. Such substances are KNOWN to be unharmful. Alcohol and tabasco have a high risk of death and dependance,yet are still legal. Drugs such as LSD and Cannabis are known to be used în therapy for severe depression and anxiety showing good results in consumers that use them for recreational purposesStoian Ioan (București, 2020-04-05)
Bă trebuieYes Da (Ploiesti, 2020-04-05)
E de cacat tot ce se intamplaDaniel Isac (Mangalia, 2020-04-05)
Many people will be suffering from trauma after a deadly pandemic will strip them away from their life and family. Such substances are KNOWN to be unharmful. Alcohol and tabasco have a high risk of death and dependance,yet are still legal. Drugs such as LSD and Cannabis are known to be used în therapy for severe depression and anxiety showing good results in consumers that use them for recreational purposesStoian Cătălin (București, 2020-04-05)
Ajuta imunitateaSebastian Constantin (Brasov, 2020-04-05)
i love drugsNeag Daniel (Bucuresti, 2020-04-05)
I want itMartin Alexandru (Mioveni, 2020-04-05)