Sweetwater frequent power outages need to stop. Help your neighbors let Duke Energy know this needs to be resolved.



The power outages in our neighborhood are outrageous.

Jennifer Hernandez (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I have lost power multiple times in the past couple months and I’m concerned about safety as well as the costs associated with power outages. ie: spoiled food, electronics damage, lack of A/C during extremely hot days for no real reason.

Gregory Stepp (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I have been experiencing Excessive power outages At my home on Fox Valley Drive for the entire 29 years I’ve lived in my home.

Teresa Grimes (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I am signing this as our household also experiences these power outages. I have a home office and these outages affect my work production and livelihood. Thank you.

Felix Vargas (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


We also loose power often, good luck with Duke but you have our support, keep us informed and feel free to reach out if you need help

Jeff Hamilton (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


This has been an ongoing issue for years and Duke is well aware of it - one neighbor was in contact with a Duke engineer after the hurricanes in 2005 who admitted the design was flawed and still, thave done nothing to address it. No excuse for this shoddy service

Stacy Smith (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I am signing this because we have frequent power outages. Often the front of our neighborhood has power and we will be out for quite a bit longer.

Lauren Gibbs (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


The various power grids serving the Sweetwater Oaks community are clearly outdated and in need of upgrading, many houses in the area routinely lose power in even minor thunderstorms.

Michael Sands (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I have called Duke energy out at least 4 times in the past few months. The constant outages and flickering is reaking havoc on my appliances and electronics. A Duke Energy manager came out and said really did nothing but say it is from tree branches mainly. He promised to look further into it but we have heard nothing back in 30 days. We have had 3 services calls for a down light pole and 2 for a light pole that has been out for almost a year. He did promise to get those fixed also but nothing yet. He did try and sell us a surge protector plan. After looking into it it would help for the current issues only lightning strikes.

Tina DeShetler (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


We share a transformer with Wekiva and we have more power outages than any other area of Sweetwater. I am on concentrated oxygen 24/7 so loss of power is not only inconvenient, it is dangerous for me.

Nancy Potter (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


My neighborhood looses power often. Last year we would lose power weekly. The issue for my house was fixed but I know many neighbors continue to experience outages often.

Gina Perrone (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


Duke needs to ensure that our residents do not continuously lose power due to antiquated equipment/systems, or lack of attention to all its customers.

Amy Herskovitz (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I’m signing this as e we desperately require an upgrade to our communities electrical service. Even small storms cause constant brown outs and outages. Sometimes even without storms.

Michael Herskovitz (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


After 25 years of seeing neighbors a block away having power while we have none every time the wind comes up during summer storms and always during hurricane season it is time to fix this obvious weakness in the power supply system.

Charles Tanner (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


I'm one of those affected by the outages

Pavel Colts (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


My power keeps going going out.

FREDERICK MOORE (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


The power outages that occur in my neighborhood are too frequent. Attention to eliminate the cause of these frequent outages must occur.

Sharon Iannone (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


Poor power service in Sweetwater. I lived through multiple hurricanes in Longwood on the other side of 1-4 for 25 years and very rarely lost power, but for the past nine years in this community power is spotty at best. Afternoon shower and power goes out. Had to buy a generator to support power after a thunderstorm. This issue is main problem with this community. Duke should address this problem based upon the many power outages that occur every year.

James Glass (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


Loss of power all too often. Issues with grid need to be researched and corrected please

Denver Cheek (Longwood, 2020-08-23)


This is an obvious equipment issue as half the street doesn't lose power and the other half has frequent, long term outages.

Rae Clement (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


Something needs to be done!

Ledy Martinez-Loor (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


Please fix frequent power outages in Sweetwater Oaks.

Roxane Abelow (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We do experience outages. We have no lights, no oven - so we can't cook even a simple meal. Hot water runs out. No phone service (a landline). No internet service. Why are the lights on at the neighbors (behind house)?

Lisa Moore (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I am tired of the constant power outages.

Jeffrey Sabounji (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I have previously complained to Duke myself about this issue and the grid is shared between Sweetwater Oaks and the neighborhoods off of Hunt Club. We lose power at my house before the rest of the neighborhood and it stays out for long after the majority of the neighborhood has it restored.

Chad Stanley (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I’m a resident

Sal Priola (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We are tired of losing power many times during the year!

Kim Marchetti (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


My power goes out nearly weekly in the summer.

Chris Myers (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


My power keeps going out!

Keith Seifert (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We loose power all the time for extended periods of time at our home at 631 Smokerise Blvd.

Lindsey Stanley (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We constantly lose power whenever there are storms in the area. Even if they aren't very strong.

Laurence Nye (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I am signing because my electricity goes out nearly 30 % of the storming days.

Stephanie Cooksey (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We have way too many power surges and flickers at our house. Long term it will damage all of our electronics and appliances. It feels like we are living in a third world country.

Michael Taran (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We continue to have power outages and have had to replace items in our refrigerator too many times. I am just tired of wondering if we will be without power once again, whenever the wind blows or someone sneezes.

Thomas McLoone (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We are constantly losing power, brown-outs, and power surges. It doesn't even have to be a strong storm.

Robert Fazzone (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


My power keeps going out during storms.

Erik Recinos (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


My power constantly goes out

James Ross (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


Our power frequently flickers or is lost during storms. Duke usually blames this on tree limbs hitting the lines. Since our Sweetwater Oaks community has underground power, this must be entirely due to power lines feeding into our area. If tree limbs are the problem, then Duke must continually keep these trees trimmed away from the lines. It's outrageous that so many of us must suffer these outages due to their lack of attention to this problem. An even better solution is to bury the lines in these problem areas; but keep the trees trimmed in the meantime!

John Gruener (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


Frequent outages

Martin Stamp (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


The power goes out frequently on my grid.

Lisa Mills (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


The outages happen far too frequently. If the lines could be buried that would help tremendously.

Karen Lamonica (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I am signing this petition because after having numerous phone calls with Duke and Florida Power before Duke, they realize they have a problem because the line that feeds my house is fed on a long lead of over a mile. They can resolve this problem by connecting us to the feed coming off of Wekiva Springs road and also burying the cable.

Steven Kurland (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


Power keeps flickering at our home. I pay power bill on time so we know that is not issue. Hope that we can work together to resolve, this is not acceptable, scares kids, makes it hard for me to complete work.

Corinne Puffer (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I am signing this petition because the power outages and reduced power supply creates major issues with the electric and electronic equipment in our homes. Having medical equipment that relies on having a constant power supply is essential, and intermediate and prolonged interruptions could be life threatening. Please correct these issues for us.

David Westrich (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


we are one of the 60 or 90 houses that lose power while everyone around us remains with power. I have been told after constant complaining we are on Jennifer estates grid. Why I don't know.

Alfred Maioriello (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


I am signing because I want Duke energy to be aware of the problems in our community in reference to power outages.

Marjorie Merchant (Longwood, 2020-08-24)


We lose power all the time- - there are times our power is off and across the street they have power.

Patricia Maranzana (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


This has been going on for years and needs to be fixed.

Ron Rybak (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


I'm signing because we the loop of homes where I live frequently lose power while our neighbors just a short block away retain their power. Our underground wiring seems fine, it's the above ground supply lines feeding our neighborhood.

Gregory Voorhees (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


Power frequently goes out in our neighborhood of Sweetwater Oaks.

Shirley Johnson (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


We have had problems with power outages for over 20 years.

Leila Roach (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


With all the surges I had to have my ac transformer replaced and the wires going into the breaker in the air handler rewired because it melted the wires. Money out of pocket that I didn't need to spend.

Barbara DeMaio (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


My power goes flickers and occasionally goes off during storms.

Karen Draft (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


Awareness needs to be raised and an investigation started with solutions in focus.

pamela Karat (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


Power outage is a major problem.

Bob Roach (Longwood, 2020-08-25)


Power outages in our neighborhood when the rest of our area all has power

John Melicharek (Longwood, 2020-08-26)


We constantly lose power during any type of thunderstorm, tropical storm, hurricane or simple rain shower. Numerous outages over the years while the rest of Sweetwater has power.

Joanne Melicharek (Longwood, 2020-08-26)


Our power goes out all the time

Paul Arthur (Longwood, 2020-08-26)


We live in Wekiva & have far too many power outages. We are affected during afternoon storms constantly. We are usually last to be repaired because of the grid.

Ann Schulze (Longwood, 2020-08-26)


We lose power if it rains. We need service. Many on medical need constant service, and are in danger, when the power is out. This is an old problem, and needs repair, immediately.

Randall Bryant (Longwood, 2020-08-27)


I'm tired of losing my electricity during storms.

Susan Raike (Longwood, 2020-08-28)


My neighborhood experiences way too many power outages (usually with storms), brown-outs, and power surges. The infrastructure needs substantial repair

Bernard Zeffren (Longwood, 2020-08-29)


I keep loosing power during srorms.

Jeffrey Warren (LONGWOOD, 2020-08-30)


Supporting neighbors who experience power interruptions.

David Ireland (LONGWOOD, 2020-09-06)

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